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Description of Dark Angels Librarians?

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Does anyone know what they look like? I seem to recall the Lion reinstated them with the beheading of a Chaplain, but I can't find the book/story it happened in and was wondering whether they wore the blue? I'm thinking of altering the dark vengeance librarian into a heresy librarian for them.

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Think it might have been a robe based thing...  From Fallen Angels, those inducted to the "higher mysteries" be it the librarium, tacticae etc had a stripe around the bottom of their robes..   As for the story you were referenced it is from "The Primarchs" and it didnt specifically go into the librarians uniforms.  


But now I am off to skim through Fallen Angels..

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The embroidery on the edges of the robes is one way to distinguish those privileged to the higher mysteries. There is a description of the force staff that a Dark Angel librarian has in Descent of Angels. I'm sure there is more description as well. However that was prior to the adoption of the Calibanite customs and traditions. 

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I looked it up...  White surplice with a line of "Rubys, emeralds, sapphires or onyx" sewn into the hem...   So I say black armor, white surplice and that stripe on the bottom in blue...  What does everyone else think?

You might have gotten more answers in the DA subforum?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think the different colours on the robes is a nod towards 1st edition Space Hulk, specifically the genestealer expansion which introduced psykers.


Deathwing librarians had gold shoulder trim, and the colours of the gems denoted their rank.


I'm going to do mine with black armour, white robes and a coloured trim.


I'll be adding other details to help mark them out as librarians.

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