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If you've read the start of this log, you'll have seen my Noise Marine conversions that I got stuck on when trying to paint Emperor's Children pink. I've bit the bullet and absorbed these deviants into my Iron Warriors, who have a much simpler scheme. I'll be trying to tint the cult troop's Iron armour with a colour of their respective god, so these guys will be kind of pinkish. This model is really a test piece for the new-model GW Noise Marine - I don't want to experiment on schemes with him.






Overall I'm super impressed. This model took about 20 mins to do, not including drying time, once sprayed.

The recipe is:

  1. Spray chaos black
  2. undercoat leadbelcher
  3. all over drybrush stormhost silver
  4. all over shade basilicanum grey
  5. Heavy coat black templar on horns, backpack pipes, chainsword and bp, avoiding detailing and teeth.
  6. all over drybrush stormhost, avoiding weapons
  7. all over glaze 50:50 volpius pink:contrast medium, trying to avoid trim
  8. 2 thick coats Nazdreg yellow on trim
  9. Screamer pink on shoulderpads, 2 thin coats.
  10. Wraithbone on skin area
  11. thick wash Guilliman on skin area, reducing pooling with clean brush
  12. Goregrunta fur on base
  13. abaddon black on base rim.
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I managed some more work on these guys, and they're pretty much there bar the shouting:

Group shot:


Noise Champion


Blast master


DeathKoerg: because every band needs a synth.


Also technically a blastmaster


Sonic Blaster


The 6th man, who will actually be part of a different unit:


Rather embarassingly, these models kicked off my Chaos thread, and you can seem them unpainted all the way back in 2012. I'm glad they're finally done.

They're also actually all part of a colour scheme test that I'm happy with - I have 5 more of these dudes to paint up, a CC Noise Marine unit, then I have the new GW NOIZE MARINE model, and an additional pack of GW resin sonic weapons that I have some sneaky sneaky conversions in mind for...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Couple of jumps ahead with my Noise Marine, pretty much all the base colours are down and now I'm on to the detailing.

I stuck a glaze of Iyanden yellow contrast over the averland base on the legs and it turned a tiger orangey colour which I'm in love with. This was a total accident, i just wante dto saturate the yellow a bit and make it pop, as opposed to change the colour, but it works.


Next, no guitarist is complete without cool checked guitarstrap, right?




And that's where I stopped for the night. Tonight I'll try and get that strap done, then assemble most of the model - the head is on a sprue and will be painted separately.

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Wow, that tiger-orange really came out awesome! Before that, my thoughts were like 'ok, everything looks like chevrons on the Iron Warriors'. Now it's really something else :thumbsup:


Haha, perfect, that's what I was going for -  I was trying to work the black on yellow tiger stripe into something chevronny, then the yellow glaze just set it off!

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I LOVE how you've painted that guitar! If only they made a keytar bit...I always pictured noise marines playing really smooth synthwave.

Thanks, definitely a classic Hot Rod scheme, only fitting. Did you see my Deathsynth above?


I'm impressed with the amount of effort you put in the Noise Marine model. He certainly looks the part of a late 1970s to early 1980s rock musician.

Thanks, this model was a gift so putting a bit more effort into him, so he's a real character.

Busy this week, but here's last weeks progress on the marine, and starting the final assembly.



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Finally got some time in between playing with Eldar to get this guys head painted and on. Still not 100% finished, I need to paint the ear rings and tidy up the black face paint.





The mane is entirely wet blended contrast paints, from Blood Angels Red, Iyanden Yellow; Tesseract Green, Ultramarines blue, Magos Purple. I didnt hav an orange, so overlapped and mixed the red and yellow in a thicker band than the rest.

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Looks excellent. 

Thanks Badgers!


Loving it. The face paint is an excellent touch and very well done.


Yea, I wanted to do something slightly different to the GW model...


Gene Simmons the Noise Marine?


Exactly...maybe...Geneforged Summoner?


I really like that pink armour you got and the Noise Marine is absolutely fantastic! The tiger stripes in particular are very well done and the helmet markings are epic :thumbsup:

Thanks! The pink armour is just leadbelcher base with a basilicanum grey all over contrast, drybrush raised areas with stormhost silver, then a 50/50 volpius pink/contrast medium wash. It's super fast and I can get a few marines finished in an evening. 

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