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Jaxom's Astartes Corner: Airbrush experiment 1 9/25/24


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The Grim Black Speed Paint arrived, so I did more work on the Death Guard. It went on the top of bases, then normal black for the base rims. Touched up up the Pallid Wych Flesh and added should decals. Hit them with Gloss Varnish:






Then the magic of oil washes:






Going to give it a while to really dry before varnishing again and doing the eyes. Maybe work on the Assault Intercessors, maybe build more Necrons. We'll see where the hobby-inspiration fairy takes me.


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H'kay, bits are from the Indomitus ETB Eradicators and from the multi-part Aggressor kit.


First up, glue any parts together that form the back.



Personally, I don't like how the hood(?) messes up the classic Astartes silhouette so I remove it. The cut should be made right above the rim for the power pack.



A little cleaning with a scraper and you get a nice, straight back.



From there, assemble the mini as per instructions. The only thing is, I snip the piece off the bottom of the neck so I can position it once I get a sense for where the body motion will be.




"This is where the fun begins." Take a flame canister from the Aggressor kit and shave down the bit which will face upwards.




Shave down the nub on the side of the power pack.



Shove some poster tac into the back of the flame canister, dry fit it against the side of the power pack, add more poster tac if it's too loose, then glue it onto the side.




It's fine if there's some tac sticking out, because it's not visible unless you're looking up the dude's pants.



Now, if I weren't super lazy then I'd use green stuff to make nice looking cabling. Instead I went with okay looking cabling. Dry fit Aggressor cabling until you find some that works okay then glue it to the ammunition canister.



Take some more cabling and trim it to fit the gap. Glue that in place with some big globs of glue to fill in any awkward joins.




And there you go: Heavy Melta Rifle.



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  • 1 year later...

Heavy vs not melta rifles is no longer an issue, but I did need to convert another multimelta for the second set of three Eradicators... and I don't have any melta bits for conversion with the supplies on hand. Here's what I had:




Rough idea of what I wanted



Which came together okay



And then some plastic glue and bitz to close some gaps



If it's good enough to give Devastating Wounds and Anti-Infantry to combi-bolters, it's good enough for a... combi-melta-flamer?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Melta-flamer combi weapon? I see you're embracing your inner Salamander :biggrin: 

I do love me some fire. If I weren't all in on my own Chapter, the Salamanders would definitely be a top pick.


I'm currently going through some of my backlog in preparation of prime rattlecan season. Part of that includes an ebay snipe of Infernus Marines from right before the box kit was announced. Of course, since they were first shown I knew that they needed different heads so grabbed some Infiltrator heads while I was on ebay.




Shaved off antenna and smoothed the area for most, but kept it for the Sergeant and Veteran.




I swear I will do no conversion work on the upcoming Bladeguard, but the (Emperor's) spirit came upon me and...









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Tried out using the airbrush to put down the armour color. I tried two different things. Some had Basilicanum Grey on the Leadbelcher rattlecan primer and the others didn't. Then I hit them all with a zenithal of Leadbelcher pot (it's lighter than the rattlecan). Last was Seraphim Sephia. I started out with it straight from the bottle and then ended up mixing in some medium.
















I need to use more medium. I'm trying to get them more like



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