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Reavers of The Unbridled Flesh Harvest (Khornate/Slaaneshi Chaos Knights and Xenos)


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I was thinking of a combined Traitor Knight, Flayed Ones, Chaos Orks and Chaos Genestealer Cults Slaughter-Flesharvesters that worships Khorne AND Slaanesh!


Inspired by the Everliving Legion Anthology (the one story that features Flayed Ones) and that one lorebit about a Khornate Traitor Knight covered in flesh that Flayed Ones follow the slaughter champion. Also inspired


Two Knight-Houses each led by a brother both succumb to the deprave, addict temptations of endless battles and slaughter due to endless missions to relieved Imperial planets attacked by hords of enemies by themselves


Whether by killing so many that so much blood is 'painted' on their knights or by skinning and 'lathering' their mechs and bodies of collected flesh bits they have attracted countless xenos that not only worship them but join the slaughter and brutal wars!


-Khornate and Slaanesh themed Traitor Knights act as the Elite and Super-heavy Vehicle Options


-Khorne and Slaanesh blessed Flayed Ones act as a shock cavalry-heavy infantry hybrid thanks to their teleportation, high defense and immense damage output


-Khornate/Slaaneshi Orks and Genestealer Cults are Cannon Fodder and Support Units


The subfaction has TWO UNIQUE Magic Lores:


-Lore of Bloody Incitement which boosts Strength, Movement and Morale as well as provide Teleportation. Also can cause enemies to go berserk and may recklessly engage in melee (Available only for the Khornate Brother when he's the Warlord)


-Lore of Entrapping Carnage which can prevent enemies from retreating, pull them towards the user or summons Daemons! (Likewise only for the Slaaneshi Brother as Warlord)


-Khorne allows them limited magic use


You HAVE to choose between one of two Brothers as the Warlord in every fight while the other becomes the Hero


-The Slaughterhost has different mechanics based on which Brother is the chosen Warlord! Units have different stats and abilities in both modes!


-Losing the Hero weakens the entire army. Losing the Warlord forces the other brother to become Warlord, flipping ALL the mechanics and unit stats!!!


-When the Khornate Brother is in charge you get bonuses when killing certain amount of enemies


-The Slaaneshi brother Warlord mechanics benefit from dismembering enemies, especially when they are alive! Some individual units can dismember multiple enemies! (Sort of a stun that needs to be dice-rolled every turn it occurs)


Very mobile melee-oriented army. Most units are very specialized in countering certain enemy units

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