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10th Edition Tyranid Rumours (Boxset)

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 Now sure if this should be a separate thread or not (Part of the 10th Box thread), Mods please decide for me. Received more info on new Tyranid models, little muddy on whats in the box, take it for what you will.

⦁    New Hormagaunts
⦁    Vemon Crawler type Nid unit.
⦁    New Screamer Killer Karnifex.
⦁    New Lictors
⦁    Winged Warrior.
⦁    New Biovores 
⦁    Plastic Spore Mines and Chunky
⦁    Norm Emissary (Beefed up Zoan Throat)

Did a full video going more in depth about it for those interested:





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With the various rumours around I waited for Valrak's video to see which would most likely happen and am happy that it is one with a good number of units in it.

  • Interesting the rumour of the Norn Emissary being a new zoanthrope when we already have the neurothrope.
  • lictor/biovore update would be cool, and getting spore mine sprues included beside the ones in the tyrannocite gets me excited, but we'll to have to wait and see if it happens. Curious about the big spore mine when we have the mucolid spore.
  • New gaunts is very likely when necrons/orks recieved warriors/boys with their refresh/update. Don't know about the rest but would love for it to be true.
  • Wonder how they're going to differenciate the spider-nid from the maleceptor/exocrine/toxicrene/tervigon/tyrannofex/haruspex.
  • Carnifex updated sprue to increase their size a little and with new options to add to my army would be sweet.
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3 hours ago, Jscarlos18 said:

With the various rumours around I waited for Valrak's video to see which would most likely happen and am happy that it is one with a good number of units in it.

  • Interesting the rumour of the Norn Emissary being a new zoanthrope when we already have the neurothrope.
  • lictor/biovore update would be cool, and getting spore mine sprues included beside the ones in the tyrannocite gets me excited, but we'll to have to wait and see if it happens. Curious about the big spore mine when we have the mucolid spore.
  • New gaunts is very likely when necrons/orks recieved warriors/boys with their refresh/update. Don't know about the rest but would love for it to be true.
  • Wonder how they're going to differenciate the spider-nid from the maleceptor/exocrine/toxicrene/tervigon/tyrannofex/haruspex.
  • Carnifex updated sprue to increase their size a little and with new options to add to my army would be sweet.

Considering how GW is using old art in designing their new miniatures, I think this norn emmissary might be based off of the old zoanthropes.


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I sincerely hope the new Carnifex is in addition to the current kit and not replacing it. The current one is an all-time classic IMO, not to mention extremely conversion-friendly. That being said, if they're pulling a Contemptor with the Screamer-Killer and giving us another "pattern" of Carnifex, I'm down!


New Hormagaunts has me concerned. I feel the current ones have the same thing going as with the AOS/WHFB goblins, where even though they could theoretically be better, they're meant to be taken in such numbers that having them be too finely detailed (and presumably more expensive) would honestly make them less fit for purpose. An individual gaunt (or goblin) might not be the most impressive model in the world, but en masse they look great, and realistically the biggest issue I have with the current models is moldlines. I wouldn't want new Hormagaunts to be over-detailed to the point it makes them more of a faff to paint, and likewise I'd very annoyed if they monoposed them; one of the real strengths of the Tyranids is the balljointed arms, and if we end up with there being a very obvious repeated pose for every however-many Hormagaunts, it'll be a bit obnoxious.


The rest sounds good though, new Shrikes would be amazing.

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33 minutes ago, Evil Eye said:

they're meant to be taken in such numbers that having them be too finely detailed (and presumably more expensive) would honestly make them less fit for purpose.

Too bad GW did us dirty with IG/AM already with this mental state. Also orks boyz got the worse end of the stick but atleast Orks got to keep old boyz too.

Edited by Jukkiz
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Any ideas on which of these will be in the new box? Always fancied me some 'nids (got about 1K of them scattered around in storage) so I can see me getting an extra side of these to go along with the rest if true. 

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Looking at both of Valrak's threads on the rumored contents of the 10th Ed. Starter and assuming all mentioned models make it into the box :


Marines :

1 Terminator Captain

1 Terminator Librarian

5 Terminators

5 Veterans

5 flamer dudes

1 Dreadnought




Tyranids :

1 Norn Emissary (psyker)

1 Winged Warrior (I note Valrak uses the singular form, so maybe a leader/HQ choice ?)

10 Hormagaunts

1 Screamer-Killer Carnifex

1 new Venom-Crawler type Nid

2 Lictors

2 Biovores

.. Spore Mines


Possible/plausible ?








Edited by Old-Four-Arms
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@Old-Four-Arms 8th Ed. had 22 Space Marines, Indomitus had 23.


I guess 17 normal models and a big dread are roughly equivalent. Strikes me as a slight downgrade from Indomitus and a slight improvement of the 9th Ed. Command Edition. Perhaps they've learned that "Launch Boxes" aren't a great idea based on how fast Indomitus sold and how long Dominion has stuck around and will follow the 30K model of a super premium starter bundle that hangs around for a while.


One thing to note is that both Dark Imperium and Indomitus had a main HQ and then a 3-man retinue of extra leader figs – lieutenants, librarians, ancients, etc. Maybe a surprise or two awaits!



Edited by Flaherty
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25 minutes ago, Old-Four-Arms said:

Tyranids :


1 Norn Emissary (psyker)

1 Winged Warrior (I note Valrak uses the singular form, so maybe a leader/HQ choice ?)

10 Hormagaunts

1 Screamer-Killer Carnifex

1 new Venom-Crawler type Nid

2 Lictors

2 Biovores

.. Spore Mines


Possible/plausible ?

Maybe 20 Gaunts and 3 Shrikes, akin to the necron half of indomitus, one of the Shrikes could be a Prime like the regular warriors kit.


For the Tyra-crawler, lictor, and biovores I would not be surprised to see them as ETB kits like the Doomstalker and not part of the box, or on a shared sprue like the Royal Court if they are in the box.

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2 hours ago, -DonCorleone- said:

Considering how GW is using old art in designing their new miniatures, I think this norn emmissary might be based off of the old zoanthropes.


The thing is they already did that with the Maleceptor. It has a head design which is clearly inspired by that old zoanthrope, Same pattern of spines around its head, same design of head carapace blending into the brain area, etc. It also shares the tail which curves down under its body.

I'm not sure it would make sense for them to create a second model that's a callback to that one.

Edited by Arson Fire
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