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Kill Team - Gallowfall (Terrain teased page 4)

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I'm kinda on the fence with this one; I always thought if I did Kin it'd only be in Kill Team, I'd have preferred the Pioneers to be honest. Also, I loved the BSF Beastmen, but ones here don't have *quite* the same asthaetic as those. 


I do like the terrain though - I missed Into the Dark and Shadowvaults, but got Soulshackle, so getting this will give me a full Boarding Actions terrain set. So it's a maybe from me :huh:

Edited by firestorm40k
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Love the beastmen. Nice mix of some Warhammer 40.000 weaponry etc. but without changing the fundamentals of what they are. Not that I wouldn’t also love some bionically enhanced beastmen somewhere down the road.


The squats I could take or leave. Perhaps they can be converted into something for Necromunda…

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Is it possible that the Beastmen end up being a mixed-system kit? The number of 40k-specific parts seems relatively low so there might be optional builds that make them work for AoS too.


Edit - One of them even appears to be a musician (the one with what looks like a gong and beater) which is very AoS.

Edited by Halandaar
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Unlikely they end up cross-system, I think. Between these ones and the BSF ones, 40k beastmen seem to have a distinct look to them they've decided on (hairier, shorter faces) - this compared to the most recent fantasy releases, the new beastlord and the Underworlds warband from a few years ago.

Edited by tinpact
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I'm surprised to see a jump pack warrior in with the Votann. Wouldn't expect to see some one jetting about inside a space hulk no matter how short they are, maybe the ceilings are VERY high. It's a nice look ahead to possible future unit though. Love the guy with the knuckle dusters.

Not sure how I feel about the beastmen, I would have preferred something a little closer to the Blackstone Fortress squad in terms of clothes and armour but these ones are good too, could see myself including them in a future Chaos army of some kind. Cool scenery additions too, I'm glad that skeleton is locked up tight, he'll pay for his crimes! 

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2 hours ago, Kastor Krieg said:

I greatly prefer my own "Goatliath" conversions, those Beastmen do nothing for me.

Apologies for the shameless plug my own guys again, I'd like to do some comparison.









These Fellgor look as if they were generally slimmer, less bulky than the Gors I've used to build mine. They almost look half-way between Gors and Ungors. Deliberately using an art image here, not to distract with poorly aged WFB sculpts:



Thinner, less bulky arms than the Goliath bits I've used also reinforce that mid-way Gor/Ungor feeling to me. It's as if I've used Orlock bits instead of Goliath ones. The horns are also less developed, less those of a mountain goat / ram, more of a domestic goat in size / girth.

Finally, the light color of the paintjob also strikingly moves them towards the bare-chested Ungor look.

I think it's a missed opportunity and I'm really happy with my own conversions now :D

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Not thrilled that the Votann are just an upgrade sprue for the Warriors. They've been out a few months but just about every Votann player will already be swimming in them. 


That being said, the amount of upgrades you get looks pretty substantial, which is nice. When the rumours/leaks started I was worried it'd be a Phobos Strike Steam situation where it's just a bunch of barely noticeable visual upgrades like a grenade arm. It's going to be interesting to see how/if these get implemented into 40k, since a lone Jump Pack Warrior makes sense in Kill Team, but less so in a squad activating together in 40k. Of course, the rumoured second wave may just being a full unit of Jump Warriors and you insert him there instead, but we'll see.


I don't think anybody noticed that the 'Eavy Metal Trans-Hyperion Warrior was on a Gallowdark base this whole time. I feel a bit dumb for having missed that, unlike the Karskin where everybody noticed it. 


The Beastmen look good. I particularly like the one wearing a gasmask. One release closer to full a new Codex: Lost and Damned.


Edited by Lord Marshal
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