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Kill Team - Gallowfall (Terrain teased page 4)

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On 3/26/2023 at 3:27 PM, Khornestar said:

Salty the VOTANN of all factions got a jump character after CSM lost theirs.


I am salty about the Votann for the simple fact that this kit covers every one of the recent Rumor Engine pics for Votann. Means we may not be getting any new units for a good while now.

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54 minutes ago, Scribe said:

Do we know a release date on this?


Short answer is no, and not really any pattern that supports an educated guess; Soulshackle came out 17 weeks after Shadowvaults, but Shadowvaults was only 6 weeks after Into the Dark. The best we can say is that It will come out sometime in Q2, but that could be any time from next Saturday right up until the week before 10th Edition goes up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not here quite yet


War Com article


As we come to Kill Team: Gallowfall, the stricken ship looms over a world wholly unprepared for its arrival. A team of intrepid salvagers from the Leagues of Votann – initially there to claim their own bounty of long-lost technology – now race to recover stranded Ironkin cerebral units after a distress call reached their ship.


Between them stand the vicious Fellgor Ravagers, beastmen who called the Gallowdark home long before the advent of its recent interlopers. Time is rapidly running out for these would-be rescuers, and the devastation should the space hulk make impact with the planet would be immeasurable.


Discover the final fate of the Gallowdark soon when Kill Team: Gallowfall goes up for pre-order in just a few short weeks

Edited by Rusted Boltgun
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On 3/28/2023 at 1:03 PM, phandaal said:


I am salty about the Votann for the simple fact that this kit covers every one of the recent Rumor Engine pics for Votann. Means we may not be getting any new units for a good while now.

I think this is incorrect. There are a number of rumor engine pics that look very similar to bits on the current pioneers (shotgun in a bag as I recall) which I don’t think are on any of the KT models, so there should be more out there coming up.

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1 hour ago, Imprudent Decision said:

I think this is incorrect. There are a number of rumor engine pics that look very similar to bits on the current pioneers (shotgun in a bag as I recall) which I don’t think are on any of the KT models, so there should be more out there coming up.

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but phandaal is correct, all the Votann rumour engines have been covered by their Kill Team. The obviously Votann ones, anyway.





The axe-hammer rumour engine is also on this guy's back, although there is no good angle to see it properly right now.



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24 minutes ago, beefeb said:

Squats have pretty much been re-squatted after a release that was nowt but a flash in the pan.   I imagine it must not have sold enough to warrant further attention perhaps?


It hasnt been that long lol. Look at the World Eaters 'release'.

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26 minutes ago, beefeb said:

Squats have pretty much been re-squatted after a release that was nowt but a flash in the pan.   I imagine it must not have sold enough to warrant further attention perhaps?


What? Everything in the codex has a model and they've got a Kill Team unit upgrade shortly thereafter. 


The lack of future rumor mill photos doesn't mean anything- if memory serves we didn't really see anything from the wave 2 Sisters stuff until it was announced, which seems like the most likely prospect for Votann in 10th.


And if that is the case, those kits are already done.

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1 hour ago, beefeb said:

Squats have pretty much been re-squatted after a release that was nowt but a flash in the pan.   I imagine it must not have sold enough to warrant further attention perhaps?

They were released in October last year, there hasn't even been enough time to give them a second wave even if they had one at the ready. Let alone the fact that there's a new edition incoming.

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1 hour ago, beefeb said:

Squats have pretty much been re-squatted after a release that was nowt but a flash in the pan.   I imagine it must not have sold enough to warrant further attention perhaps?

What a perfect post to warrant a confused reaction. How could you possibly have come to this conclusion?

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That is a very odd reaction to say the least. We've had rumours for a while now that Votann were getting a 2nd wave (as will WE and maybe guard.) Which is coincidentally, the last 3 codex releases for 9th edition...funny that isn't it?

Writing the faction off just after one edition seems very silly to me. If after 10th and 11th edition rolled round with no new models, than feel free to doom and gloom.

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There's not just a jump pack type unit to come for the Leagues, there might even be a flyer too, as it was seen on the inner box art from the army set.


They will probably get some sort of large monster type character unit at some point too

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4 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

Writing the faction off just after one edition seems very silly to me.


Not even after one whole edition, it was 7 months ago. 


I know being negative is par for the course in this fandom but decrying the death of a faction not even a year after it's introduction (and before it gets expanded options that are literally part of the release this thread is discussing) is so ridiculous it has to be satire. 

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