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Kill Team - Gallowfall (Terrain teased page 4)

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1 hour ago, beefeb said:



…Im at a stage of life where I currently have more disposable cash and time to spend on the hobby than I have ever had in my entire lifetime.......and theres nothing from GW to buy.


In the last 18months I have, for the first time in my hobby life, been tempted away from GW as my plastic addiction of choice. 

I am in the same boat as you. I have been a fan of Games Workshop miniatures since I was a teenager and now I’m at a point where I have a fair amount of disposable income but have been unable to purchase the GW products that I want (old and new release products). This has resulted in me spending my money on Perry Miniatures, Warlord and Footsore products. 

If GW can improve the availability of their products, I would love to purchase them but I don’t want to plan my life around sitting at a computer to gamble that I can purchase a product within 5 minutes of it being available for preorder. 

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11 minutes ago, Brother Captain Alberic said:

Of course one theory is they produced less of this cause Leviathan is taking up the space.

That's my vote, as I said earlier, KT players are getting sacrificed to Leviathan...sounds appropriate oddly enough 

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6 hours ago, Toxichobbit said:


No, there's more than 3-5 sets. I've counted over 20 sets worth of stuff (either complete of broken up), and that's just within the first hour. More will go up over the next week. Scalpers are part of the problem and lets not pretend that they're not.


Right so we'll go with 20 sets, but when those 20 sets are like 0.05% of the number of sets available it's not a big deal. It becomes obnoxious when it's 10-20% of the total worldwide production run. I have 5 stores nationally I dip into for purchases at times and all of them had just received 1 or 2 copies. With some other stores receiving none. 

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To be honest, given the amount of times stuff has been out of stock in just a few minutes on GW's website and available in small amounts to retailers, it seems to be part of their strategy rather than a lack of adequate planning or production capacity. Some of the sets that went out of stock quickly in recent months have been available in retailers in the EU for a long time without going out of stock (although they took weeks to become available in the first place), so after day 1 no one seems to really purchase most of these boxes, despite the fact that GW sells all of the stock they had reserved for themselves (speaking mostly of 40k, 30k and kill team sets that I have checked).

Not sure if that means everyone got their copies from ebay or just gave up on getting the boxes, but it has happened consistently for at least a year or so with many of the releases.

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2 hours ago, matcap86 said:


Right so we'll go with 20 sets, but when those 20 sets are like 0.05% of the number of sets available it's not a big deal. It becomes obnoxious when it's 10-20% of the total worldwide production run. I have 5 stores nationally I dip into for purchases at times and all of them had just received 1 or 2 copies. With some other stores receiving none. 


Well it's somewhere between 70 & 80 now. Is that enough that you'll stop moving the goal posts and agree that this is an issue? And if it isn't, like I said in the previous post, there will be more being put up on eBay over the coming week.  It's impossible to know how many sets GW made, but given how quickly the set ran out, how many have gone up on eBay in the 10 hours since release and how many more will probably be put up over the next week, I wouldn't be shocked if the scalpers hit 10-20% of the stock.


One seller has 10 copies at £260 each. Another has over 10 copies of the rulebook. Another has over 30 copies of the terrain & board. And that's just Gallowfall, some of the other limited run/edition releases GW have done over the last year have been even worse. So, can you stop saying that this isn't a big deal. It is. These people are scum who are buying up large amounts of limited stock and making a horrendous profit on it at the expense of honest hobbyists like the people in this thread, and Games Workshop are enabling this behaviour.

Edited by Toxichobbit
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1 hour ago, ZeroWolf said:

Out of curiosity, and I know its out of bounds with this forum, but is it only 40k that suffers from this amongst GW games?



Aos used to suffer quite badly from this with battle boxes but around the time Dominion ( Aos 3.0) came out they massively upped the boxes produced.


Cursed city sold out instantly and they were unable to produce more due to the card elements being produced overseas.

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32 minutes ago, Toxichobbit said:

These people are scum who are buying up large amounts of limited stock and making a horrendous profit on it at the expense of honest hobbyists like the people in this thread, and Games Workshop are enabling this behaviour.


GW does need to get their stock issues sorted out, and scalpers are definitely taking advantage of this situation.


People who buy at scalper rates are also part of the problem. The scalpers would not have a market if people were not impulse buying this stuff from them.

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24 minutes ago, phandaal said:


GW does need to get their stock issues sorted out, and scalpers are definitely taking advantage of this situation.


People who buy at scalper rates are also part of the problem. The scalpers would not have a market if people were not impulse buying this stuff from them.

Amen to that. Hopefully Fraters on this forum are intelligent enough not to give money to scalpers, but the community members who do seem to have more money than sense are definitely part of the problem. The fact that these boxes sell at these insane prices is all the proof scalpers need to continue to scalp.

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1 hour ago, Toxichobbit said:


Well it's somewhere between 70 & 80 now. Is that enough that you'll stop moving the goal posts and agree that this is an issue? And if it isn't, like I said in the previous post, there will be more being put up on eBay over the coming week.  It's impossible to know how many sets GW made, but given how quickly the set ran out, how many have gone up on eBay in the 10 hours since release and how many more will probably be put up over the next week, I wouldn't be shocked if the scalpers hit 10-20% of the stock.


One seller has 10 copies at £260 each. Another has over 10 copies of the rulebook. Another has over 30 copies of the terrain & board. And that's just Gallowfall, some of the other limited run/edition releases GW have done over the last year have been even worse. So, can you stop saying that this isn't a big deal. It is. These people are scum who are buying up large amounts of limited stock and making a horrendous profit on it at the expense of honest hobbyists like the people in this thread, and Games Workshop are enabling this behaviour.


No need to get angry/ranty at me because you're frustrated. All I'm saying is that if GW would sort their production out, scalpers would leave. You don't see many Dominion boxsets going for triple the price do you? The underproduction by GW and willingness of a fan base to throw frankly silly amounts of money at this hobby is the problem, the scalpers are an annoying symptom that follow those trends. Same with ps5s, same with graphics cards, hell same with toilet paper during Covid lockdowns. Does that make scalpers less of despicable :cuss:bags? Nope. 

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People complain and scream at the sky they don't manage to get a box and then go on ebay or some other site and pay premium to scalpers and the cycle continues. Of course i'm doing a bit of generalize. 

I feel most problems stem from the lack of being an adult as a consumer nowadays with everything, from plastic toy soldiers to videogames and appliances. If people would just be, nope, don't need it or the product is too expensive and too low quality instead of buying because X is popular... we would be back in the past where producers begged us to buy products.. not peg us D:

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24 minutes ago, matcap86 said:


No need to get angry/ranty at me because you're frustrated. All I'm saying is that if GW would sort their production out, scalpers would leave. You don't see many Dominion boxsets going for triple the price do you? The underproduction by GW and willingness of a fan base to throw frankly silly amounts of money at this hobby is the problem, the scalpers are an annoying symptom that follow those trends. Same with ps5s, same with graphics cards, hell same with toilet paper during Covid lockdowns. Does that make scalpers less of despicable :cuss:bags? Nope. 

Go to Ebay and do search for the Lion’s box.  Scalpers are just as big of an issue as production or there wouldn’t still be mountains of Lion boxes for sale on Ebay weeks after they sold out in seconds.

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13 minutes ago, crimsondave said:

Go to Ebay and do search for the Lion’s box.  Scalpers are just as big of an issue as production or there wouldn’t still be mountains of Lion boxes for sale on Ebay weeks after they sold out in seconds.

... I can repeat my point if you want, if there wasn't a (artificial or production related) scarcity of Lion boxes produced, with 0 communication on when the next wave would be, scalpers wouldn't have bought a lot of them and hobbyists might be less inclined to throw money at them.

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28 minutes ago, matcap86 said:


No need to get angry/ranty at me because you're frustrated. All I'm saying is that if GW would sort their production out, scalpers would leave. You don't see many Dominion boxsets going for triple the price do you? The underproduction by GW and willingness of a fan base to throw frankly silly amounts of money at this hobby is the problem, the scalpers are an annoying symptom that follow those trends. Same with ps5s, same with graphics cards, hell same with toilet paper during Covid lockdowns. Does that make scalpers less of despicable :cuss:bags? Nope. 


You said scalpers weren't a problem. I've repeatedly shown you that they are. Other people are also saying that they are. Instead of agreeing or just letting go, you moved the goal posts. And once shown that even with those new goal posts scalpers are still an issue, you've now accused me of being angry, ranting at you and changed your position - from "let's not pretend scalpers are the issue here" to "if GW would sort their production out, scalpers would leave". Bad form mate, bad form. I'm neither angry nor ranting, but I am frustrated that you made a statement and then kept changing it instead of just admitting that scalpers are an issue.  


I don't disagree with what you're saying, as hopefully my other posts make clear. Scalpers are a problem enabled by GW and fans who will pay scalpers extortionate prices. While I agree that GW increasing production of all of their products to a level where there is always enough stock would solve all those problems, we don't know how feasible that is, whether it's possible at all given how big their production issues are, or how long it will take. It also would have zero effect on limited edition product that is regularly scalped. Now I don't go in for limited editions myself, but people complain a lot on here, Reddit, Discord, Facebook and I'm sure lots of other social medial about limited edition stuff selling almost immediately and then appearing all over eBay with a markup.


GW could put measures in to reduce the effect of scalpers and get more product into the hands of their customers without one of those despicable :cuss:bags taking their pound of flesh. That would help reduce the negative effect of their production issue on customers and would help make things fairer with the limited edition stuff. They've done it before, so it's worth addressing scalpers as a separate but connected issue when giving feedback to GW in the hopes that they do it again.



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10 hours ago, Toxichobbit said:


You said scalpers weren't a problem. I've repeatedly shown you that they are. Other people are also saying that they are. Instead of agreeing or just letting go, you moved the goal posts. And once shown that even with those new goal posts scalpers are still an issue, you've now accused me of being angry, ranting at you and changed your position - from "let's not pretend scalpers are the issue here" to "if GW would sort their production out, scalpers would leave". Bad form mate, bad form. I'm neither angry nor ranting, but I am frustrated that you made a statement and then kept changing it instead of just admitting that scalpers are an issue. .




I'm not moving goalposts, I just took your previous examples. Whether there are 10, 50 or a 100 sets on eBay is irrelevant to the point I was trying to make. 


""And changed your position from "let's not pretend scalpers are the issue here" to "if GW would sort their production out, scalpers would leave""


This is not changing my position, this is the exact point I'm (still) making. Scalpers are A problem, but not THE underlying issue in this situation. Which you agree with in the next paragraph!? Why are you calling me out for bad form and changing my position, as from my POV this has been continuously the same point? Just because you maybe misread my opinion or I didn't communicate it well enough? You're attributing an awful lot of malice to me on a point we seem to agree on. 


Edit: I reread my earlier posts to be sure. I never said scalpers weren't a problem. I said they're not the (underlying) issue. Which we seem to agree on. So you've been arguing against a point I never held and I've been arguing for a point which you already agreed with, and a productive day was had by all on the internet.


Additional edit: our back and forth on mutual misreading of intention and attached emotion is probably causing the mods to prime the melta for pushing this thread off topic. My DM's are open if you'd like to continue.

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58 minutes ago, matcap86 said:

... I can repeat my point if you want, if there wasn't a (artificial or production related) scarcity of Lion boxes produced, with 0 communication on when the next wave would be, scalpers wouldn't have bought a lot of them and hobbyists might be less inclined to throw money at them.

You are like talking to a record player.

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