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10th Edition Combat Patrol Preview

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19 minutes ago, Kallas said:

Yeah, unfortunately it does look like that's what they're doing.


Wish they'd stop treating people like utter morons who can't think for themselves.

If you’ve ever read forums on the internet, you know this is half of the people posting on them

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14 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said:

Speaking of necrons though, I can’t help but notice there's two boxes missing from the image at the top.

Necrons and World Eaters.

I could understand the Necron one getting rejigged because of the flyer, but the WE one is a bit strange as I didn't think there was anything untoward in it?

They might have been left off so they could make a nice neat rectangle with the image. Although I would like to see a different Necron combat patrol.

If the Vardenghast swarm is available separately I could see myself picking that up to augment the contents of  Leviathan, the marine box not so much.

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2 minutes ago, Cleon said:

I wonder if a reworked Necron one will be the home of the Indominus kits when they aren't in the starters anymore.

The only one in the starters that won't have a home is only the lieutenant/royal Warden and captain/overlord. I can see more maybe the overlord model going multikit, same with the captain. The lieutenant can technically be made from the Bladeguard kit. It just leaves the Warden...but he does share a sprue with the lieutenant. So while I doubt they'll go into the combat patrol, your guess is as good as mine as to where they'll end up

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1 hour ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Again with the single weapon profile for combi weapon on the Captain's sheet. Gonna go with all combi weapons being the this one profile for sure now. Rest seems pretty self explanatory 

:cuss:... Simplified not simple my ass... Welp now I know how they handled the sprue real estate issue that the new Sternguard might have. It doesn't matter what combi weapons are in the kit cuase they are all the same... Good god. I geuss there's some tournement player out there jumping for joy that he'll save a whole 5 seconds. Sorry this change is way too much for me power weapons is one thing but str 4 anti infantry combi melta's like what? That's the profile I'd expect for an Adrathic weapon a disintegrator even a volkite not a combi weapon.

Edited by OttoVonAwesome
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16 minutes ago, tzeentch9 said:

If you’ve ever read forums on the internet, you know this is half of the people posting on them

Well...yeah I guess. The amount of rules questions I see pop up on Reddit and the like which could be answered with a very quick skim of the relevant rules is way too high.


But then I feel like pandering to an audience by persistently dumbing down options and rules (to an extent: I do agree that too many layers is needlessly complex, eg, 9E in general) is bad. This is a niche hobby that asks for time and effort up front to build and paint models; even if people want to just hang out and roll dice, there should be room for people to explore it more deeply - those who don't want to simply don't have to. Nobody is busting into someones kitchen to break up their beerhammer game with their friend where they're ignoring the 'complex' unit compositions, but removing them (eg, Combi-weapons becoming a single profile) to cater to that audience is kind of insulting.

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21 minutes ago, OttoVonAwesome said:

:cuss:... Simplified not simple my ass...


(This isn't exactly a new thing, the combi-weapons already started getting merged together in 9th iirc.)*

*This information is incorrect, but I can't use Strikethrough on the mobile UI. Feel free to ignore it.


Also we still don't know the full rules for any of this, who's to say that Combi-Weapons don't have a rule applied to them that hasn't been previewed yet that let's you pick their "type", as it were.

Edited by Indy Techwisp
Facts wrong in post, adjusted to make that clear.
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9 minutes ago, Indy Techwisp said:

This isn't exactly a new thing, the combi-weapons already started getting merged together in 9th iirc.

CSM Combi-weapons (the latest Marine Codex) weren't merged, they were distinct. They were limited to in-box numbers, but they were still separate Combi-Plasma/Melta/Flamers.


Edit: Sorry, World Eaters were the latest. Their Combi-weapons are still distinct.

Edited by Kallas
World Eaters.
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2 minutes ago, acrozatarim said:

The whole combi-weapon thing is still weirding me the hell out enough that I think we're still missing a piece of that puzzle. Having a weapon that has none of the traits of any of its notional component parts is bizarre.


Personally I'm predicting some sort of list building option on the back of the card that says "add Traits X, Y or Z to the combi-weapon, this cannot be changed in battle" or something.

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35 minutes ago, Cleon said:

I wonder if a reworked Necron one will be the home of the Indominus kits when they aren't in the starters anymore.

I dearly hope not anytime soon. I was hoping to pick the current one up once my AoS painting spree subsides

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1 hour ago, Kallas said:

Yeah, unfortunately it does look like that's what they're doing.


Wish they'd stop treating people like utter morons who can't think for themselves.

Exactly why I shifted to 30k. Whatever issues the rules currently have at least they aren't catering to the lowest common denominator. 

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2 hours ago, Sir Clausel said:

A few things to unpack.

Seems like thunder hammers are like chainfist but with devastating wounds instead

Maaaaaaybe only twin lightning claws get twinlinked?

Storm and relic sheilds give +1 wound.

I’d think that a single claw would keep twin-linked, but have fewer attacks.  

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1 hour ago, ZeroWolf said:

Speaking of necrons though, I can’t help but notice there's two boxes missing from the image at the top.

Necrons and World Eaters.

I could understand the Necron one getting rejigged because of the flyer, but the WE one is a bit strange as I didn't think there was anything untoward in it?

and custodes

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I may sing a diferent song but to me this game mode is tatooed "born dead". Should a lite 40k be needed for intro games and newcomers, well issue a lite self standing game and that's it.

pretending that Leviathan has 2 patrols inside that can compete in a balanced with an IG or AdMech patrol bears inside a clear bias IMO. This is a fools game.

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The combat patrol would be a much more compelling box if the Librarian is switched out for the ranged Dreadnought. 


Anyways, going back to the rules - the Captain looks interesting. I am hoping that different Captains have different special rules. Perhaps the Gravis and Tacticus Captains can all have unique abilities that are synergistic with the types of units they lead.

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I wouldn’t assume “combi-weapon” will be a consolidated option for all data sheets. We’ve only seen one example. It could be the case that they’re homogenizing the loadout for Terminator Captains but that other models will still have granularity.

Edited by davextreme
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2 minutes ago, Burni said:

Is hard to see how this will be balanced when the various boxes look like they are based on what random stuff adds up to a target price point, but I guess we’ll see soon enough.  


Or in the case of some boxes they seem purpose made to shift models no-one wants.

Like, say, Tzaangors.

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3 hours ago, Borbarad said:

Such a weird thing to do. Why didn’t they unify special weapons as well? Visually it’s almost the same thing as unifying the combi weapons :ermm:

Since they removed the one-shot nature of combi weapons (in 8th, I think?), they've essentially just been better versions of the various special weapon options. I mean, why would you take a normal meltagun if a combi-melta is also an option?


My guess is that in addition to stream lining/reducing rules bloat, there's also an element of giving combi-weapons their own unique niche, rather than them just serving as additional/better special weapon upgrades. And that niche seems to be dispensing mortal wounds.


It will definitely take some getting used to. Just like the change to Bolt Rifles, it makes the customisation available in the various Firstborn kits purely cosmetic. It also seems odd that a combi-gun that combines a bolter and a special weapon actually fires less shots than a single boltgun. I'm wondering if the primaris version of the combi-weapons (auto-plasma etc) might have a slightly better profile.



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Also an indication that the multi-part Terminator kit is probably to be expensive. £40+  


The problem with combi-weapons balance wise is that they are hard bits to get outside of 3d printing, so they always heavily slanted towards more veteran players. GW could of fixed this by giving more in a box but alas. 


Also Bladeguard all have Iron Halos on the models, they don't need shields. 


What Terminator Captain release over the years has a shield? New release? Might be based on Lysanders model. 


This Captain has a Combi-Melta and a Chainfist as mentioned in the database, I can pretty much promise this is the combi-weapon rule we are going to get, we have had quite a bit of evidence now if you include the Librarian datasheet too.





Edited by Bradeh
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