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10th Edition Combat Patrol Preview

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I'm really considering it.  Also considering buying a bunch of combat patrols and painting them up to use as lures for the people at my LGS to get hooked.  Then I can sell them the combat patrol at a little tidy profit and they don't have to worry about the hobbying aspect right away if they don't want to.  Everyone wins.

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On 5/9/2023 at 6:11 PM, Petitioner's City said:

Combat patrol does feel fun; it reminds me of MTG preconstructed decks, which I always enjoyed, and indeed GW's recent foray into preconstructed gaming, namely Underworlds.


I find it especially intriguing or fascinating that they have bespoke rules for it, distinct from the rest of the game, and will tone up/down certain forces to create more of a presumed balance. Definitely not a game (mode) aimed at versimilitude, but a good embrace of a coffee table boardgame mode du jour. 


I wonder if it can expand to have a multiplayer aspect - would be a great way to gather multiple friends, and have our own weird 40k boardgame. Exciting.


If Combat Patrol shakes out well, I'm actually tempted to get some boxes. I have no interest in chasing Codex meta, but board games and standalone experiences I can put on the table, like Warhammer Quest, Warhammer Underworlds, Gorechosen/Combat Arena or Space Hulk? Sure, count me in.


I'm almost done painting my sets of Nemesis xenomorphs and still working through my Hellboy expansions, but I could sure enjoy painting up some Nids or Orks after that... Would bring me right back to the early 2010s.

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7 hours ago, DemonGSides said:

I'm really considering it.  Also considering buying a bunch of combat patrols and painting them up to use as lures for the people at my LGS to get hooked.  Then I can sell them the combat patrol at a little tidy profit and they don't have to worry about the hobbying aspect right away if they don't want to.  Everyone wins.


Yeah, I know a couple of people who think 40k is cool but have no interest in getting a massive army and the cost involved. I think either getting a couple of combat patrols myself, or them getting one and using all my paints and stuff, might be a good way to get them into it. 

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14 hours ago, Frogian said:

We seemed to have moved on to general 10th discussion, but is anyone planning on getting a combat patrol due to these new rules? 

It's certainly making me looking at the Votann one a bit more - will have to see how many people are interested at my club

I'll be interested to see if it catches on with my group. Several of us probably already have the models for 2 or 3 combat patrols just from years of collecting so will probably give the rules a go if nothing else.

I might be tempted to pick up a Chaos Daemons one. With their Allies rules I could use them alongside my Chaos Knights without having to thing about fleshing the daemons out into a "proper" army.


Edited by Doobles88
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Something on the topic of balance between the Combat Patrol boxes and detachments.


I'm pretty sure they said that the boxes will give you everything you need, NOT that you will need everything in the box. There may well be examples there you don't get to use full units. They've also said that certain units will be "toned down" for Combat Patrol.


I really like the idea of it, getting self contained and ostensibly balanced forces for £95 and being able to play without having to supplement with other units is a great way to get people who play other games trying out 40k. Or to get lapsed players back in. It's also a perfect format for things like games club tournaments as it makes multiple games in one evening far more viable.



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1 hour ago, Rik Lightstar said:

 It's also a perfect format for things like games club tournaments as it makes multiple games in one evening far more viable.

one thing i've been loving the last year is playing BB7s over normal blood bowl. Can get two or three games in in a night, and if it all goes disastrous turn 1 at least you've got other games. being able to do the same with 40k would be great, though not sure how many of the regular 40k players would be up for it. 



37 minutes ago, Rune Priest Jbickb said:

I am planning on getting the Ork Combat patrol at release of 10th. I have always loved irks but been daunted by the amount of dudes needed for an army.  Combat patrol is the perfect solution to this plus it happens to contain 2 of my favorite ork units, Deffdreds, and deffkoptas.


oh great, now i want that one too. thanks :furious:

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/11/2023 at 2:33 AM, Brother nathan said:

Anyone seen about launch dates? This was posted in one of my chats...



I'd strongly suggest it gets announced this Sunday - 4th

Pre order date - June 10th

Release date - June 24th.

On 5/11/2023 at 2:27 AM, Rune Priest Jbickb said:

I am planning on getting the Ork Combat patrol at release of 10th. I have always loved irks but been daunted by the amount of dudes needed for an army.  Combat patrol is the perfect solution to this plus it happens to contain 2 of my favorite ork units, Deffdreds, and deffkoptas.

I've got around 10k of orks and rarely brought more than 2x 20 strong mobs of boyz. There's too much fun stuff to just flood with boys.


That said, the CP box has a lovely variety of stuff in it. I'll be painting up some second ed bits to represent it bar the deffkoptas as they didn't exist then so I'll have to paint my CP koptas instead. Welcome to da waaagh.

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21 minutes ago, Brother Navaer Solaq said:

I was looking for more info. With the rule leaks out there. 


Does ppl here think a lot of the combat patrol boxes would be replaced?

They keep saying on the facebook page that most combat patrols will not be replaced.


But it's sort of hard for me to imagine how on earth they're going to make, say, the AdMech one balanced against, say, the custodes one. Then again, I don't play either of those armies, so maybe I don't actually know anything.

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35 minutes ago, 01RTB01 said:


I'd strongly suggest it gets announced this Sunday - 4th

Pre order date - June 10th

Release date - June 24th.

I've got around 10k of orks and rarely brought more than 2x 20 strong mobs of boyz. There's too much fun stuff to just flood with boys.


That said, the CP box has a lovely variety of stuff in it. I'll be painting up some second ed bits to represent it bar the deffkoptas as they didn't exist then so I'll have to paint my CP koptas instead. Welcome to da waaagh.

The launch dates are pretty much a given at this point, especially since Valrak has been talking about it for a while now. I even had a gw Manager confirm it a couple of weeks back.

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11 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said:

The launch dates are pretty much a given at this point, especially since Valrak has been talking about it for a while now. I even had a gw Manager confirm it a couple of weeks back.

The means we have to wait until the damned 10th to get index spoilers. RARARARARGL!

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Didn’t they specifically say that the Lion would be out separately before 10th? Or did I imagine that? 

If 10th is in this weeks preview, that kinda makes that a bit tricky.


Anyway, am looking forward to the box and also to see the general launch accessories they have with a new edition.

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1 hour ago, 01RTB01 said:


I've got around 10k of orks and rarely brought more than 2x 20 strong mobs of boyz. There's too much fun stuff to just flood with boys.


That said, the CP box has a lovely variety of stuff in it. I'll be painting up some second ed bits to represent it bar the deffkoptas as they didn't exist then so I'll have to paint my CP koptas instead. Welcome to da waaagh.

Oh I totally get it but even with lots of extra stuff that isn't boyz its still many models to bring and paint lol.


Thanks mate should be fun !

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2 hours ago, Burni said:

Didn’t they specifically say that the Lion would be out separately before 10th? Or did I imagine that? 

If 10th is in this weeks preview, that kinda makes that a bit tricky.


Anyway, am looking forward to the box and also to see the general launch accessories they have with a new edition.


I tought so too.. I looked up the article were this was said ; https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/04/15/saturday-pre-orders-the-lion-brings-the-arks-of-omen-series-to-a-close/


But the wording is a bit more ambigious than I remember. ( though it does say just a few weeks, wich is no 6 weeks ago.. and they do say you have plenty of time to paint him for your first games of 10th.. wich only really applies if you dont start to play at its release ;) )



edit: lets take bets wether this article gets changed ;)

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Technically they could put the Lion in the preview as well for release a week Saturday and have him come out on the 17th. People could still Technically paint and play with him before the 24th. However, I'm betting there's been some :cuss: behind the scenes (like they've looked at the pile of Lions they've produced and realised that it's still not enough but have to wait till the machines are free to make more)

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3 hours ago, Burni said:

Didn’t they specifically say that the Lion would be out separately before 10th? Or did I imagine that? 


They didn't in quite so many words online though they did imply it.  However at one of the panels at Warhammer Fest someone mentioned the issues with the Lion release.  Eddie and Adam then revealed that the original plan was for his individual release to be 'early' 10th.  However they were now 'printing them as fast as possible' and had moved up the release to before 10th as a response.  Maybe they couldn't get a large enough run done in time.

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10 hours ago, Brother Navaer Solaq said:

Does ppl here think a lot of the combat patrol boxes would be replaced?

I would think they'll only get replaced when there is a codex + enough new models to justify it. 

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As i was thinking about starting out 10th edition with my lapsed 40k buddies with Combat Patrol, I was looking into the combat patrols for the factions they played to see if they owned the models to play them. I found out the Tyranid and Necron combat patrols have both been expunged from the GW website (at least in France), despite still showing up in the Google search.

I imagine this indicates that GW are completely replacing their combat patrols for 10th with some of the new models, which is not what I'd been led to believe


If any of you have noticed something similar, please share :)

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I thought it was said the spacemarine and tyranid combat patrols as presented for leviathan were not going to be new boxsets, but just represent you being able to play combat patrol straight from the leviathan box with miniatures that are inside there ?


With the combat patrol datasheets coming as free downloads before 10th is released, I think initially that covers all the existing ones. And wether some new ( "replacement" ) ones are added later is possible, but entirely seperate from the initial release of the game mode.



hmm indeed the necron on is gone, maybe a new one will pop up as a suprise release sooner rather than later

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The most obvious time for Necrons to get a new Combat Patrol would be with their new codex but it would seem odd for them to be left out of the new Gamemode till winter. I'm pretty intrigued as I wasn't keen on the old Combat Patrol and hopefully a new one is more appealing, fingers crossed for a Ghost ark.

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