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10th Edition Combat Patrol Preview

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21 hours ago, TheMawr said:

I thought it was said the spacemarine and tyranid combat patrols as presented for leviathan were not going to be new boxsets, but just represent you being able to play combat patrol straight from the leviathan box with miniatures that are inside there ?


In one of the Q&As at WarhammerFest they confirmed the current Marine and Tyranid CPs will be retired and replaced with new boxes containing a subset of models from the Leviathan box.  However this wouldn't be straight away on launch and the quickest way to into the new mode with those factions will be to buy Leviathan.  Not confirmed but implied was that the current SM and Tyranid boxes will not be getting rules for the new mode and that the retirement of the old CP and release of new will come with the codexs in Autumn.

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I'm still very hesitant to believe that they'll sell parts of Leviathan as the new combat patrols when they'll already been doing that with the new starter sets unless...

No, GW wouldn't surely do that for the end level starter would they? Have the two combat patrols in a neat little package.


It would fit the current model though :huh:

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On 5/30/2023 at 1:32 PM, wilkin38 said:

They keep saying on the facebook page that most combat patrols will not be replaced.


But it's sort of hard for me to imagine how on earth they're going to make, say, the AdMech one balanced against, say, the custodes one. Then again, I don't play either of those armies, so maybe I don't actually know anything.

I think they mentioned somewhere that the combat patrol forces would be composed of units in the box, but not necessarily use all the units. So you'll get all the units you need plus more. So all of the forces will use a 500 pt subset of the units in the box. 

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From the rule book, it seems the new Necrons Combat Patrol will be the one presented in the 9th codex

- Indomitus Overlord with Tachyon Arrows and Hyperphase Glaive

- 10 Necron Warriors and 3 Scarab Swarms

- 3 Skorpekh Destroyers

- Canoptek Doomstalker


Since, they said new Combat Patrols might be added. I wonder if they will eventually do Daemons of Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh.


Also, might be time to pick up the Space Marines Combat Patrol as it might mean the Shadowspear Vanguard Space Marines might go OOP.

Edited by -DonCorleone-
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On 6/2/2023 at 11:15 AM, ZeroWolf said:

I'm still very hesitant to believe that they'll sell parts of Leviathan as the new combat patrols

They directly said that the new Marine and Nids Combat Patrols would be retired and replaced with new ones drawn from the contents of Leviathan.  Only thing they weren't clear about was when this would happen.

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2 minutes ago, Nova-V said:

They directly said that the new Marine and Nids Combat Patrols would be retired and replaced with new ones drawn from the contents of Leviathan.  Only thing they weren't clear about was when this would happen.

Seems odd, at least as far as the SM half goes, it really isn't a cohesive force. The termies and termie characters, along with the sternguard and dread make sense, that's a decent set of 1st Company vets to create a themed list around. The Apothecary, LT, and Infernus squad though, just seem to be added in because they are new units. Just my view, but I'd be surprised if the LT and Apothecary were included in an eventual combat patrol. 

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6 minutes ago, Lord_Ikka said:

Seems odd, at least as far as the SM half goes, it really isn't a cohesive force. The termies and termie characters, along with the sternguard and dread make sense, that's a decent set of 1st Company vets to create a themed list around. The Apothecary, LT, and Infernus squad though, just seem to be added in because they are new units. Just my view, but I'd be surprised if the LT and Apothecary were included in an eventual combat patrol. 

I think tye key here is Drawn from. Tge 2 sides in indomitus are too big for combat patrol, but they will make one from it. So maybe terminators, dread, 1 character, 10 Intercessors. Or something like that 

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10 minutes ago, Lord_Ikka said:

Seems odd, at least as far as the SM half goes, it really isn't a cohesive force. The termies and termie characters, along with the sternguard and dread make sense, that's a decent set of 1st Company vets to create a themed list around. The Apothecary, LT, and Infernus squad though, just seem to be added in because they are new units. Just my view, but I'd be surprised if the LT and Apothecary were included in an eventual combat patrol. 

We saw the new Combat Patrol in the free battle report: termi Captain, termi librarian, 5 termis, and the infernus squad

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2 minutes ago, Doctor Perils said:

We saw the new Combat Patrol in the free battle report: termi Captain, termi librarian, 5 termis, and the infernus squad

Hmm. I guess that works, though it wouldn't be my first choice. Don't know if it would work really well in the Combat Patrol game-style; guess we'll find out. 

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One of the reasons I'm doubtful still is that both combat patrols look suspiciously like the sides we'll end up with the more expensive starter sets. Especially since we know the termi captain and nid prime effectively share a sprue like Indomitus's Bladeguard Captain and Overlord/Primaris Lieutenant and Royal Warden.


I'm open to being wrong, just seems very odd for GW to put combat patrols with contents matching the starter sets (apparently Valraks source has said Terminators will be in the starters, probably Elite level and higher)

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On 6/2/2023 at 12:15 PM, ZeroWolf said:

I'm still very hesitant to believe that they'll sell parts of Leviathan as the new combat patrols when they'll already been doing that with the new starter sets unless...

No, GW wouldn't surely do that for the end level starter would they? Have the two combat patrols in a neat little package.


It would fit the current model though :huh:


For Nids it would not be an issue as they do not have Patrol box yet, do theyr?

For SM, yes it looks eventually a little bit odd, but not fully impossible - after all,removing the current Patrol would require only releasing a kit for Suppressors as all other are already available in alternate versions to the quick fit models... In terms of balance and added value, I am not too sure a Patrol based on Leviathan box content for SM will be as attractive as the current one offered. Especially if the Dread is not included as eventually presumed.

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1 hour ago, ZeroWolf said:

One of the reasons I'm doubtful still is that both combat patrols look suspiciously like the sides we'll end up with the more expensive starter sets. Especially since we know the termi captain and nid prime effectively share a sprue like Indomitus's Bladeguard Captain and Overlord/Primaris Lieutenant and Royal Warden.


I'm open to being wrong, just seems very odd for GW to put combat patrols with contents matching the starter sets (apparently Valraks source has said Terminators will be in the starters, probably Elite level and higher)

I think you’re right. The Combat Patrol in the rulebook looks like it might be the Elite edition starter set.

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2 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

One of the reasons I'm doubtful still is that both combat patrols look suspiciously like the sides we'll end up with the more expensive starter sets. Especially since we know the termi captain and nid prime effectively share a sprue like Indomitus's Bladeguard Captain and Overlord/Primaris Lieutenant and Royal Warden.


I'm open to being wrong, just seems very odd for GW to put combat patrols with contents matching the starter sets (apparently Valraks source has said Terminators will be in the starters, probably Elite level and higher)


I think that's exactly what they'll do, on the contrary

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4 minutes ago, Dudley Nightshade said:

Maybe this isn't the case yet for any other countries, but in Canada the SM combat patrol is sold out and "No longer available Online". 

Same in the US, as well as the Thousand Sons CP.

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Might be a deliberate choice to make starters line up with the Combat Patrol?  We know GW want to make CP a self contained 'base level' format.  It would be odd for the starter box to require another purchase to be able to play a CP game.  So for those totally new you get two CP boxes, terrain (?) and rules to get you going.  For those who are just new to Marines or Nids just pick up the CP on it's own.  The smaller starter boxes could be anything though.


Interesting GW are still doing shared sprues across factions though.  It's caused them issues in the past with not being able to get out individual releases of units after a box has ended.  You'd have thought they would have gotten over the practice but now.  Equally we have seen with the new Mini of the Month offer them break out individual models into single sprues so maybe they can do that with these?  It's all quite a mystery.

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26 minutes ago, Khornestar said:

Same in the US, as well as the Thousand Sons CP.

It could be a few of the not well selling Combat Patrols get redone. Thousand Sons is a perfect example, as the Battleforce box sold extremely well. So in fact putting more rubrics and all actually does make it more attractive.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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2 hours ago, Bouargh said:


For SM, yes it looks eventually a little bit odd, but not fully impossible - after all,removing the current Patrol would require only releasing a kit for Suppressors as all other are already available in alternate versions to the quick fit models... 


The Shadowspear Lieutenant is still unique to that set as well. The new guy with the "Combi-Weapon" is similar, but not an exact match (although at the rate GW keeps combining weapons profiles, by the time the codex rolls around they will both be sporting 1 "Striker" and 1 "Shooter.")

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