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Leviathan Pre-Orders + Pre-order Bonuses (10/06)

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My box arrived a hour or so ago, just been looking through, minis look lovely! :biggrin:


Did have a bit of a whinge to GW customer services anyway, though...


It seems to me that if you pre-order direct from GW, the item should be delivered on/by the release date at very latest. Ridiculous that I could have instead popped down my local GW and picked one up at 10am and had it in my possession two days sooner!


And if the delay is an issue with the couriers, why haven't GW learned from previous times when the same thing has happened, taken that into account and just dispatched all pre-orders a few days earlier? After all, no-one will complain if they get an item earlier than expected - in fact it would be a nice reward for pre-ordering!


Who knows whether I will get any kind of response, but... :rolleyes: Anyway, very happy to have the box, looking forward to putting stuff together! :thumbsup:

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In the States at least, all preorders arrive after the release date, it's just the way it goes. If you order it to the GW store, such as through their order point, it will show up in the shipment beforehand and be there by Saturday, barring delays.

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So my favourite and least favourite part of the box is the rulebook - and namely the fluff within it.


The rulebook has a few key parts


- the introductory fluff section

- the core rules and scenarios 

- the tyrannic war - fluff and then rules


So the first section I was very disappointed by; it was immediately clear it was the 9th edition book with a few additions for Vashtor and the like. I know that's par the course for rulebooks, since the 2000s, but still it was sad. Same art, mostly. I get it, this is pre-Wade, probably recycled in 2021/22 for production mid last year. But a shame as I was hoping for the first top down view of the universe of Wade's new role as head of lore for 40k. 


But then I read through to the tyrannic war section and that was great, in contrast. It's a real nice slice of 40k, giving new and old readers a good delve into the imperium at this time.


However it has the same damn issues as most lore releases from the main studio - namely issues of scale. Despite the size of the galaxy and how few space marines should be (even in the Indomitus era), we keep seeing the same chapters and even named characters turn up. Seriously how many places has the Phalanx jumped to in recent years, when warp travel can take months and years normally?; Oh a shadow captain turns up - please be something other than a raven guard captain; etc etc etc. Don't you just miss 3rd edition campaigns which were very careful to keep putting new or older, less well known, factions front and centre? :D 


Still really lovely to have in the same book, a really striking, much more meaningful introduction to 40k than the intro lore section. 


Otherwise, the new nids are gorgeous and have fantastic silhouettes and details. So much love for them. 


The cards are great too, and I really love them. Always wanted a Tempest of War deck, now I have it :) 


Marines are ok - honestly a bit boring despite being technically very very accomplished. Tempted to sell or paint as a small Lamenters group. But I'm not sold on them, 100%. Just wish they all were mixed armour, types, Tacitus and Non-Tacitus mixed together, Badab-style. I wish they told more of a story the way the lieutenant actually does - the whole box as survivors and veterans. But I know that reduces its viability for players. 


Very excited for saving up for the next big box for me (old world!).

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1 hour ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Order at GW still pending.


I admit, I'm experiencing slight rage now.

My FLGS put the package into the send-it-box for the local delivery service on Friday, before noon. We've covered the weekend delivery.

It's only been taken out of the box and started on its way today at noon, when we've both complained. It should be here tomorrow. Hopefully.

+ Zealous rage is all I got! +

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37 minutes ago, Kastor Krieg said:


My FLGS put the package into the send-it-box for the local delivery service on Friday, before noon. We've covered the weekend delivery.

It's only been taken out of the box and started on its way today at noon, when we've both complained. It should be here tomorrow. Hopefully.

+ Zealous rage is all I got! +

still nothing.

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Woah, I get people are excited, but it's not that big of an issue when these things get delayed. It's a box of (albeit lovely) miniatures, not good you needed for sustenance. Please put it into perspective and calm yourselves. It really isn't that important. 


Coming from someone who also had the box delayed due to large shipping volumes :smile:

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Eh, I'll just cancel it, and pick it up elsewhere. I have alternatives. Preordering with GW was just to make sure me and my friend would get if it if it had turned into a :cuss:show with people ending up without. Since people are getting their boxes and mine hasn't even shipped, and said friend has a box within walking reach of his house, well... that particular order isn't long for the world


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15 minutes ago, Helycon said:

Woah, I get people are excited, but it's not that big of an issue when these things get delayed. It's a box of (albeit lovely) miniatures, not good you needed for sustenance. Please put it into perspective and calm yourselves. It really isn't that important. 


Coming from someone who also had the box delayed due to large shipping volumes :smile:

Usually I got no problems with delays, if it's not their fault, but they tie this box with timed event, people were hyped for a month+ for this box, and someone, like me, ordered not only the box,but books, paints and other essentials.


I'm not mad about the delay,but there are things like their promises, FOMO, lack of communication (yet their Custserv is awesome) the silence, they could just send a mail that "hey sorry we're overwhelmed here and your order might take some extra days to arrive", all those things combined are driving me(and others) away from GW.


I enjoy the IP for decades, but I'm just sad with the overall situation right now.

Edited by OpossumStrong
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5 minutes ago, Kastor Krieg said:

Tell this to my customer.

I've worked in retail, I know how it is :wink:


8 minutes ago, OpossumStrong said:

Usually I got no problems with delays, if it's not their fault, but they tie this box with timed event, people were hyped for a month+ for this box, and someone, like me, ordered not only the box,but books, paints and other essentials.


I'm not mad about the delay,but there are things like their promises, FOMO, lack of communication (yet their Custserv is awesome) the silence, they could just send a mail that "hey sorry we're overwhelmed here and your order might take some extra days to arrive", all those things combined are driving me(and others) away from GW.


I enjoy the IP for decades, but I'm just sad with the overall situation right now.

I truly get where you're coming from and I agree communication could be better. Mine was bought at a third party and they neatly informed me about the delay. 


That said, the operation may not just hinge on their capacity, as they do not ship the stuff themselves. If that information doesn't reach them, it's difficult to inform anyone. I do agree their Customer Service and Forge Worlds is great, so I hope they get everything rolling soon enough. Just in general: Please don't shout at the CS, it doesn't help you nor them. Be civil, most of the time that will actually help you create goodwill and have CS go just that extra mile to try and help :smile:

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28 minutes ago, Helycon said:

Woah, I get people are excited, but it's not that big of an issue when these things get delayed. It's a box of (albeit lovely) miniatures, not good you needed for sustenance. Please put it into perspective and calm yourselves. It really isn't that important. 


Coming from someone who also had the box delayed due to large shipping volumes :smile:


I 100% agree with you that it isn't a life or death, end of the world thing. It's just mildly irritating, and a bit of a poor business practice, considering that GW does pre-order items on a weekly basis. They should have a pretty good idea of how long it will take to deliver. And yep, a day or two one way or the other isn't a massive deal... so why not dispatch stuff a day or two early instead (Mon or Tues instead of Weds or Thurs) That way, if nothing goes wrong you make people happy cos they got their new shiny early, and if something does go wrong they still get it on time?


Again, I agree it's not the end of the world, but at the same time it doesn't seem like a rocket science kind of issue to fix?



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