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[Rumour] The upcoming Tyranids release will be massive

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28 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:

In the past the cost of things have been based around squad size, and where they fit in the force org chart; super heavies and heavy support tended to run more expensive compared to something in the Fast Attack or Troop slot.  Elites tended to be a mixed bag, more based on model size than anything.

If they're offering larger than Carnifex's, they may each cost some, but maybe it'll be something that's closer to AoS's Giant kit, where the same kit can be made into a couple of different configurations that are all technically different.

My dream is a build your own bio-titan situation, but that's probably too hard to make a kit out of.

In the terms of the Norn Emissary, that is rumoured to be what's happening with the kit making a "norn assimilator" as per Valraks latest round of rumours. Given Kill Team, at least GW have other avenues to release nid models now to spread things around (like the assault terminators vs genestealers rumour).

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8 hours ago, Triszin said:

There's always a vague model $ limit per wave.


If the emissary is real it'll be a 85-130$ kit.

We ain't see another kit at that price for 1.5-2 years if there are multiple kits.


Except they are the edition starter faction so will get more than a normal wave during the edition. For example Necrons got three big kits (Monolith/Silent King/Void Dragon) in addition to all the smaller kits they got 

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8 hours ago, DemonGSides said:

In the past the cost of things have been based around squad size, and where they fit in the force org chart; super heavies and heavy support tended to run more expensive compared to something in the Fast Attack or Troop slot.  Elites tended to be a mixed bag, more based on model size than anything.


There absolutely is a price premium for stuff that could be called "elite", it is more obvious on the AoS side of things.

A 10 man squad of battleline roughly the same price as a 5 man squad of some sort of fancied up dudes.


Case in point

This kits is multi-part, 10 strong, and 168 parts. It's 65 USD. This is a battleline or line infantry.



This kit is also multi-part, 5 strong, 76 parts. It's 60 USD. This is a sort of elite infantry.



You can see more examples across the factions, but I'll leave it at that to avoid too big a tangent.

But yeah, GW pricing is curious, but perceived special-ness definitely plays a role.

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2 hours ago, Flaherty said:

I'd also add in Illuminor Szeras that came out just a few months before the launch of 9th and was effectively part of that wave.




Yeah, "technically" he came in the Psychic Awakening but his new design was clearly made in the theme of 9th edition's necron miniatures

Edited by Jscarlos18
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2 hours ago, Flaherty said:

I'd also add in Illuminor Szeras that came out just a few months before the launch of 9th and was effectively part of that wave.




In this case we could count the parasite as the szeras? Not quite the same amount of time but general idea. 

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1 minute ago, Hellex_The_Thanatar said:

In this case we could count the parasite as the szeras? Not quite the same amount of time but general idea. 

Possibly but apparently the parasite was only released so that the 9th codex had a model to go along with it. Rumours stated that there is a lot of nid models that have been held back for whatever reason (think how the desolation marines were sat on the shelf)

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3 hours ago, Hellex_The_Thanatar said:

In this case we could count the parasite as the szeras? Not quite the same amount of time but general idea. 

Sure? It's a pretty big difference though, Illuminor Szeras came out three months before 9th as the final big release as the lead-in to the new edition, the Tyrant came out ~15 months before 10th. In any case, I'm just hoping the rumors are broadly true and we get three big kits in the mold of the monolith, void dragon and silent kind that are each dual kits!

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God I wish for this to be true. Kaiju Knights gallore + a full range refresh? Hell yeah!




We've been through this already with the Eldar Leak for 9th. Remember different Eldar Avatar gods, Warp Spider Phoenix Lord, Fireheart and other stuff? This falls into the same trap as all the fake leaks do, they are too specific. Most reliable leaks are either extremely broad or only tell a small amount of things. 


Like with the Eldar Leak I wish it to be true but its just to good to be true. If it is I actually will start collecting Nids. You can quote me on that.


I personally still dont get what these Trolls get from wasting their time making stuff like this up. 

Edited by alexkon3
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well at this point we are expecting biovores pyrovoes and lictors as resin to plastic upgrades. also shrikes as otherwise the prime is pointless. also expecting hormagaunts and geanstealers to get upgraded. so id say those are all pretty certain. kits they may upgrade for $$$ hive tyrant... borderline on this but i do think itll stay and  and upscale version to come- apex- style for the swarmlord as at this point the swarmlord is neither scary nor impressive.


carifex.. im somewhat on the fence that they may well bring out plastic for another variant ala stonecrusher, more antitank melee and leave the regular as the jack of all trades fex. 

was rumours of a macrofex but that overlaps too much with tyrannofex so ive doubts. 


skyslashers were a thing but pretty terrible... would anyone want  rippers enough to want an army of them?


the diamacheron being removed also has me thinking its becoming plastic as model wise its no bigger than a tyrannofex just different pose and was very popular having carried the codex at the end of 8th. 


we stilll have no plastic lord of war. and currently no nid terrain?


oh and im suspecting a few sneaky to bits in fluff that have been stepped over like that nid planet thats building something...(phsy doomsday thing)


also red terror and the doom..


so theres 6 highly likely and several other potentials. without other new unrelated variant character


so yeah dont see it too hard to get to the number of kits to match that at all and not even mentioned dual kits etc... 

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30 minutes ago, sarabando said:

There was also the rumour that there was going to be a giant single base gaunt horde mini too that never showed up. (i still hope because that idea is baller) 


That would be awesome as a sort of big bug alternative.... might actually build that as a proxy for a bigger beastie when I get my force started... Need to rewatch how "The Last Light" golden demon entry was built again.

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42 minutes ago, Jscarlos18 said:

There's an update from the last rumour, where the same author elaborates his leak. Take with copious amounts of salt:

At the very least, the person who made this up knows about Epic Tyranid models very well, it's basically a wishlist of every missing/not plastic Tyranid models.


Imo GW would never do a full refresh like this, they need to spread out the releases ; pretty sure Gargoyles, Warriors, Raveners, Tyrant won't be touched this edition.

About the big kits, i do believe we'll get the Neo-Dimachaereon/Norn thing as a leader organism, and a big Hierodule-like kit, but nothing more.


Anything else will come later during 10th, or most probably during 11th.

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7 minutes ago, siegfriedfr said:

At the very least, the person who made this up knows about Epic Tyranid models very well, it's basically a wishlist of every missing/not plastic Tyranid models.


Imo GW would never do a full refresh like this, they need to spread out the releases ; pretty sure Gargoyles, Warriors, Raveners, Tyrant won't be touched this edition.

About the big kits, i do believe we'll get the Neo-Dimachaereon/Norn thing as a leader organism, and a big Hierodule-like kit, but nothing more.


Anything else will come later during 10th, or most probably during 11th.

Well the Norn Emissary has already turned up in the lore (leaked from the leviathan book) it goes toe to toe against the big custodes character as it tries to eat Leonatus. However, if you follow rumours, it's been heavy talked about so it'd be easy for a troll to drop that in as a way to try make the rest look legit. Also not sure that GW would ever make hormagaunts share a kit with the termagaunts as the posing would be all wrong, even in 3rd edition, the hormagaunts were on their own sprue.

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3 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said:

Well the Norn Emissary has already turned up in the lore (leaked from the leviathan book) it goes toe to toe against the big custodes character as it tries to eat Leonatus. However, if you follow rumours, it's been heavy talked about so it'd be easy for a troll to drop that in as a way to try make the rest look legit. Also not sure that GW would ever make hormagaunts share a kit with the termagaunts as the posing would be all wrong, even in 3rd edition, the hormagaunts were on their own sprue.

The only way to know if it was true would be if it's the same leaker that mentioned the Norn Emissary by name in the rumours of half a year ago where the name first appeared.


This looks like a wishlist more than anything and the names of the Harbinger and Deathleaper being mentioned only after being revealed by GW takes away much of its credibility.


Would love to be proven wrong and get a hold of all of these new Tyranid units.

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This guy really has an amazing imagination and should put it to use other then trolling. As I said in my post above this is just to much filled with very precise detail for way to many models. It reads interesting and sounds cool as hell (besides the Lictor being a redo of the old 2nd edition one as this design is pretty much already remade with the von Ryans Leapers) but this just really does not feel realistic at all. If it would be real I am gonna cry tears of joy but it ain't gonna happen. 


Most "Oh it turned out to be true", leaks I've read never had the actual names of the Units in it just vague stuff or said stuff like "squats are coming back" or they are :cuss:ty quality Screenshots. Its just to detailed. Soooo Pics or it didn't happen. 

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