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Rumour: Tyranids in a few weeks

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On the AOS board The Grand Alliance's Rumour Thread, a poster (Elarin) has leaked some general information about more Iron Jawz models coming with the next narrative book. This leak was vetted by a known poster with inside information (Whitefang), but the leaker had already mentioned (as potential proof of their validity) that the Kill Teams were going to be going up for pre-order.


They have gone on to say: "Now it's Cities of Sigmar next week and Tyranids after that."

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28 minutes ago, CL_Mission said:

I wonder when we'll see the rest of the Space Marine line up then, I wouldn't have thought their release would be far behind the Nid's. If I finish the bugs from Leviathan before then the Emissary is going to be very difficult to resist.

I feel that this, plus the massive amount of Firstborn marine kits being retired with no real fanfare or replacements, indicates that GW really were not expecting Tyranids to win Oghram and for us to have seen the whole line of Marine releases already with Tyranids getting drip-fed through the WarCom posts.

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6 hours ago, Karhedron said:

Based on the last edition, I would expect to see Nids around the start of September and Marines around the start of October.


Not sure how you can draw that conclusion from the 9th Edition releases to be honest, given the 2 factions were mixed together in the beginning and then the remaining Space Marine kits strung out over a period of several months!

  • 10 October - Space Marines Codex, Invader ATV, Firestrike Turret, Chapain on Bike // Necrons Codex, Doomstalker, Lokhust Heavy Destroyer, The Silent King
  • 17 October - Necrons Warriors, Skorpekh Destroyers, Hexmark Destroyer
  • 24 October - Space Marines Hammerfall Bunker, Techmarine // Necrons Ophydian Destroyers, Monolith, Void Dragon, Convergence of Dominion
  • ---
  • 07 November - Space Marines Outriders, Combat Patrols, Hounds of Morkai, Ragnar Blackmane, Chaplain Tarentus
  • ---
  • 28 November - Space Marines Assault Intercessors, Gladiator, Death Company Intercessors
  • ---
  • 06 February - Space Marines Bladeguard Veterans, Eradicators, Stormspeeder // Necrons Psychomancer
  • ---
  • 29 May - Space Marines Gravis Captain with Heavy Bolt Rifle, Heavy Intercessors // Necrons Chronomancer, Flayed Ones


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Stolen from Xttz on Dakka:


Codex release is Sept 9th (preorder on the 2nd)

Genestealers are in set poses however the arms would be easily changeable with minimal green stuffing.
They also have two head options regular/biomorphed and ymgarl (you can make a whole squad of them)

Hormagaunts come with a ripper base and have 14 head options. But frustratingly lots of mould lines.

The norn emmisery is big but only 1 and a half sprues.

Lictors come with 3 options. The main arms are in 5 pieces each.

Neuro lictor is pretty small pose should be same price as parasite

Deathleaper is a lit bigger than expected and on 60mm base

1 lictor per kit


Biovore 30 GBP
Lictor 30 GBP
Neurolictor 25 GBP
Norn Emissary 70 GBP
Stealers 32.50 GBP
Horms 30 GBP
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2 hours ago, Xenith said:

Disappointing if true. I was hoping for a 2 for £30 deal. £30 per lictor is crazy. 


I guess this is going off of the Zoanthrope/Venomthrope box which are both a similar-ish size to Lictors and at a price of £45 for three, so I see where you're coming from, but those are nearly ten years old at this point which probably helps explain how "cheap" (ha) they are; updates from resin to plastic typically make things more expensive, not cheaper (excepting Heresy which is somehow the opposite) and a Finecast Lictor is(was?) priced at £18, so feels like wishful thinking for them to come in in plastic and a bit bigger* AND cheaper. I would have expected a hypothetical set of two to go for a similar price to Penitent Engines (two for £37.50) at least, and to be honest I'd have been pretty happy with that pricing.


£30 each is a lot for models you might want to take in multiples but to be honest not only am I not surprised, it's actually less than I thought they'd charge for it!


FWIW my own price guesses when trying to work out how much to put aside were:

  • Norn Emissary / Assimilator £75 - (based on Avatar of Khaine at £65 + it seems to be a bit bigger of a kit owing to dual-build)
  • Deathleaper £37.50 (based on big-ish named characters Leontus, Morvenn Vahl at £37.50)
  • Lictor £32.50 (based on big-ish standalone beast thing Beast of Nurgle at £32.50)
  • Neurolictor £25 (based on Parasite of Mortrex which seems similar size at £25)
  • Genestealers £35 (based on new-ish core infantry like Beastsnagga Boys, Guardians and Hearthkyn Warriors at £35)
  • Biovore / Pyrovore £32.50 (gut feeling more than anything tbh)
  • Hormagaunts £30  (based on other new-ish horde infantry like Necron Warriors / Chaos Cultists / Cadian Shock Troops at £30)
  • Termagants £30 (based on other new-ish horde infantry like Necron Warriors / Chaos Cultists / Cadian Shock Troops at £30)

Looks like a lot of those are in line with the post above, but I'm saying this just to make a point; someone presenting a list of prices doesn't necessarily indicate inside information. I've come up with a very similar set of prices (even exact matches on a few kits) just from educated guesses.



*Bigger because they look to be on 50mm bases now and will need to stand noticeably taller than Von Ryan's Leapers, which are on 40mm bases and essentially described like baby-lictors.

Edited by Halandaar
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10 minutes ago, Halandaar said:


I guess this is going off of the Zoanthrope/Venomthrope box which are both a similar-ish size to Lictors and at a price of £45 for three, so I see where you're coming from, but those are nearly ten years old at this point which probably helps explain how "cheap" (ha) they are; updates from resin to plastic typically make things more expensive, not cheaper (excepting Heresy which is somehow the opposite) and a Finecast Lictor is(was?) priced at £18, so feels like wishful thinking for them to come in in plastic and a bit bigger* AND cheaper. I would have expected a hypothetical set of two to go for a similar price to Penitent Engines (two for £37.50) at least, and to be honest I'd have been pretty happy with that pricing.


£30 each is a lot for models you might want to take in multiples but to be honest not only am I not surprised, it's actually less than I thought they'd charge for it!


FWIW my own price guesses when trying to work out how much to put aside were:

  • Norn Emissary / Assimilator £75 - (based on Avatar of Khaine at £65 + it seems to be a bit bigger of a kit owing to dual-build)
  • Deathleaper £37.50 (based on big-ish named characters Leontus, Morvenn Vahl at £37.50)
  • Lictor £32.50 (based on big-ish standalone beast thing Beast of Nurgle at £32.50)
  • Neurolictor £25 (based on Parasite of Mortrex which seems similar size at £25)
  • Genestealers £35 (based on new-ish core infantry like Beastsnagga Boys, Guardians and Hearthkyn Warriors at £35)
  • Biovore / Pyrovore £32.50 (gut feeling more than anything tbh)
  • Hormagaunts £30  (based on other new-ish horde infantry like Necron Warriors / Chaos Cultists / Cadian Shock Troops at £30)
  • Termagants £30 (based on other new-ish horde infantry like Necron Warriors / Chaos Cultists / Cadian Shock Troops at £30)

Looks like a lot of those are in line with the post above, but I'm saying this just to make a point; someone presenting a list of prices doesn't necessarily indicate inside information. I've come up with a very similar set of prices (even exact matches on a few kits) just from educated guesses.



*Bigger because they look to be on 50mm bases now and will need to stand noticeably taller than Von Ryan's Leapers, which are on 40mm bases and essentially described like baby-lictors.

That all seems very on point and likely tbh. I also worry that despite being the edition poster adversary might not be enough to stop sticker shock at cost of the units though given the points returns. It's hard to justify the vores at a unit for 3 for £97.50 for example when that gives you less than 100 points in the case of the pyros. I suspect the units will get a bump and points increase still though, maybe even become units of 1 given the size, so might not be a concern.

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Back when we got the Oghram reveal someone commented that the Biovores could be ETB like the Canoptek Doomstalker, if they are I could see them coming in at £30 like the stalker. 

The comment about the Hormagaunts having lots of mold lines is unexpected, they look almost identical to the one from Leviathan and I didn't think those were bad at all. Edit: opps, getting my bugs mixed up, please ignore

Edited by CL_Mission
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4 minutes ago, Mogger351 said:

That all seems very on point and likely tbh. I also worry that despite being the edition poster adversary might not be enough to stop sticker shock at cost of the units though given the points returns. It's hard to justify the vores at a unit for 3 for £97.50 for example when that gives you less than 100 points in the case of the pyros. I suspect the units will get a bump and points increase still though, maybe even become units of 1 given the size, so might not be a concern.


Agreed, although it's certainly not unheard of for things to be cash-expensive despite being points-cheap.


Another factor here is that in a few cases we don't exactly know how big the models really are because shots that include different things to compare against are few and far between right now. If Biovore/Pyrovore ends up being a 2-model kit similar to Field Ordnance Battery at £32.50 that would be a lot more palatable.

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Something like the servoturret or the heavy destroyer at £16-20 ppm and pushfit would be ok with me. 

I think we do need a second wave of pushfit models for the nids to echo the previous DG and Necron releases, and give fodder for the inevitable hachette partworks...

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35 minutes ago, Xenith said:

Something like the servoturret or the heavy destroyer at £16-20 ppm and pushfit would be ok with me. 

I think we do need a second wave of pushfit models for the nids to echo the previous DG and Necron releases, and give fodder for the inevitable hachette partworks...

I expected the vore etc to fall into this category tbh.

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1 hour ago, Xenith said:

Something like the servoturret or the heavy destroyer at £16-20 ppm and pushfit would be ok with me. 

I think we do need a second wave of pushfit models for the nids to echo the previous DG and Necron releases, and give fodder for the inevitable hachette partworks...


The more I look at the Pyrovore and Biovore, the more I think they're either two different kits (which would potentially put each one in the price range of the Servo-Turret) or two models built from a single kit (like the Field Ordnance Battery I referred to earlier), as opposed to a single larger kit that can build either, but not both.


Ignoring the weapons which are obviously the most significant difference, the carapaces and the heads seem to be the same but the leg positions are slightly different on each model. My first assumption was maybe you can have each leg in multiple different positions, but the Pyrovore's 3 raised legs (2 big, 1 small) are different to the Biovore's 3 raised legs (2 small, 1 big), and the tactical rocks on the other 3 feet seem to be different on each model.

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That's an interesting comparison with the field ordnance battery. A 90 quid unit is too much for me honestly, I remember finding plastic thropes too expensive when they came out. The last wave of nid monsters all seemed very expensive at the time too.  I will wait and see what if anything turns up as discount bundles this year.



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1 hour ago, Irate Khornate said:

So for USD conversions:


Biovore 40$

Lictor 40$

Neurolictor 35$

Norn Emissary 95$

Stealers 45$

Horms 40$


Exactly correct? Probably not. I'd say add an additional 5-10$ on most estimates.


Biovore 50$  (Cadian Shock Troops)

Lictor 50$

Neurolictor 40$  (Beastboss)

Norn Emissary 115$  (The Triumph of Saint Katherine)

Stealers 55$  (Field Ordnance Battery)

Horms 50$


by looking up newer releases on the webstore

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