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Warhammer Preview - NOVA Open 2023

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Wow, some real negativity in this topic, and a lot of it isn't really justified.


It's not GW's fault that a lot of the information was leaked before the reveal. We've all had time to build these models up in our imagination, and have set our own expectations for what they should be like. If we set our own expectations for how a model should look, we risk setting ourselves up for disappointment.


My thoughts on the models:


Terminator Chaplain - Good, but not as good as one of the recent limited edition models (The one with the Crozius and Combi-Flamer). The model will probably look great in person, and he has a LOT of design elements that match the Primaris Chaplains - the chest is very close to the Outrider Chaplain, for example.


Terminator Captain - Good, but not quite as good as the model that came in Leviathan, I would pick one up as long as he has a full helmet option. I'm curious to see what the relic fist does.


Multipart Terminators - Brilliant. Just as good as the Leviathan set. I will grab a squad of these and try to source a 2nd Missile Launcher.


Sternguard - Wow, some really nice surprises in terms of wargear. The models are close to perfect, and it looks like a lot of the options are returning. Did I see a regular Melta? Glad to see the Sgt can take some punchy options too.


Company Heroes - Absolutely fantastic, some great models. I prefer the pose on the Limited edition Company Champion as opposed to the one in this set. Also, it seems that a Captain with Sword and Plasma Pistol will finally have legal rules in 10th. I'm curious about the unit. It mentions the Captain has bodyguard - will this be the whole squad, or can he join another unit in the same was as Calgar does alongside his Victrix? I'm hoping for the latter.


Jump Pack Captain - He's ok, I don't particularly care much for jump infantry in general. They have never played a big part of any armies I have built. I like that he has options, and I appreciate the fact he doesn't have a flight stand. Rocks all the way! His jump pack doesn't look as good as the one on Dante and Shrike - those are far more impressive.


Jump Intercessors - They look good, but I prefer the regular guys on foot. Again, I appreciate that they don't have flight stands - that is a big win.


Scouts - Massive improvement on the utterly bad existing models. It looks like the unit has changed in terms of how it functions and is equipped, but I think that's better for the game as the current Scouts can be abusive for their cost and make some other units redundant (Eliminators). Overall this is a straight up win compared to what came before.



And lastly, it looks as though about 30 datasheets will be removed from the next codex. I wonder what else will be cut, but I also imagine that consolidation will play a big part.



Horus Heresy reveals:


Probably the best of the bunch. MkIII looks excellent, as does the Deredeo!




Edited by Orange Knight
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I see a lot of people saying stuff like "Scouts were in the main Marine preview so not in Kill Team after all", I'd argue that the fact the Squad can be built with just a single sniper suggests otherwise. That has been a feature of the majority of kits first released into Kill Team; Kommandos, Krieg Veterans, Kasrkin, Kroot, Blooded, Corsairs and Arbites all have options to assemble a single sniper.


So they included it in this preview but the kit is clearly designed with Kill Team in mind and may yet still be available first via KT rather than alongside the other Marine kits.



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22 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said:

I wonder if the AoS designers have more freedom than the 40k ones?


They absolutely do; it's still a relatively new franchise in a relatively new setting and they can take it whatever direction they want. They aren't held back by the need for everything to fit into design paradigms decided 20-30 years ago. Even though some stuff does call back to old Fantasy Battle ideas (new Ardboyz being essentially the latest iteration on Black Orcs, and arguably the Seraphon was just a freshen up if the Fantasy Battles range, albeit a great one) they're free to abandon the old fantasy tropes and get really wacky, and they have with stuff like steampunk sky pirate dwarves and eyeless deep-sea elves riding magical flying sharks.



Edited by Halandaar
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17 minutes ago, Halandaar said:


They absolutely do; it's still a relatively new franchise in a relatively new setting and they can take it whatever direction they want. They aren't held back by the need for everything to fit into design paradigms decided 20-30 years ago. Even though some stuff does call back to old Fantasy Battle ideas (new Ardboyz being essentially the latest iteration on Black Orcs, and arguably the Seraphon was just a freshen up if the Fantasy Battles range, albeit a great one) they're free to abandon the old fantasy tropes and get really wacky, and they have with stuff like steampunk sky pirate dwarves and eyeless deep-sea elves riding magical flying sharks.



Also GW are most likely really scared that the 40k boat should be rocked in any way, so er on the side of caution every time. AoS was made so that writers, designers and sculptors could do what they want and not be constrained by the pseudo medieval europe thing, and an aging fanbase. As long as 40k is the main income stream by such a large margin, it is what it is. 

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7 minutes ago, JayJapanB said:

I'm glad you saw the error of your ways.

Forge World is Best World


Now where's my Arvus

Tomorrow is when that preorder arrives.


Also, why would they give fulgrim 40k rules when they've every intention of releasing a cheaper, plastic Fulgrim in a couple of years for 40k.

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Hmm... it's not a bad release or anything, but I can't help but feel a bit disappointed by it.
Most of what we got is either "re-releases" of the Leviathan-box or updated versions of already existing models. The former was expected and there's nothing wrong with the latter (quite the opposite), but I guess I was hoping for more actual new stuff. 

Terminator Cpt - Leviathan. (looks meh)

Terminators - Leviathan. (looks great)
Sternguard - Leviathan. (looks great)

Scouts - Updated (look great)

Terminator Chaplain - Updated (look great)


JP Intercessors - New (looks great)

JP  Captain - New (looks meh, more a Sgt. with a cape than a Cpt.)
Company Heroes - New:ish (looks great)

So one-and-a-half new units, and 1 new character. Yay?

Meanwhile, no news on stuff like the Ballistus, Infernus or even the Brutalis Dread being able to be bought separately
And are the old Assault Terminators still gonna be sold at the same time as the new shiny ones? This felt like perfect opportunity to show of some new shiny Assault Terminators.

For a lot of people this is probably a great release (people who don't already have anything Leviathan-related and/or who are looking to get updated Terminators/Sternguard/Scouts) but for me who don't, this release leaves a bit to be desired.

Let's just say it didn't blow me away in the same manner the Nid-release did. :down:

Ah well, at least my wallet will be happy with me spending less on 40k this autumn. 

Edited by Minsc
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Stayed up late to watch the reveals and only semi-regret it, which is a good sign. I'm glad that keystone marine units are getting primarised, but I don't have much to say about it. Many many people will enjoy painting and playing these models, they are fine. Didn't get the spaceship I was hoping for though.


Overall 40k has been in a bit of a design rut, with even the world eaters and squat new faction releases being a bit flat IMO. However kill team and necromunda have delivered cool stuff nearly as reliably as warcry and underworlds.


Love the deredeo, that's my favourite loadout. I agree with many people that the new Mk3 design is a downgrade, although the proportions are better and the new box will make it cheaper to get. Intrigued by the suggestion assault marines could be here sooner than expected (than they told us last time?). Hope springs eternal.


Fulgrim is now my favourite primarch sculpt full stop. Weird lack of interoperability with 40k and price stops me buying him though.

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My reactions:


TDA Captain, Chaplain: Good, not amazing but good. Do like the Chaplain having the option of a shield.


TDA, Sternguard: Again excellent minis, but I'm happy that they aren't so much better than the Leviathan monopole squads that I feel I've wasted time or cash on buying/painting the box. Not planning to buy these immediately, but might add some extras once I've finished everything from Leviathan?


Company Heroes: Love them, but I've got a Captain and an Ancient built already! Depending on how good the rules for the unit are, I might get a Sternguard box to kitbash the Champion and 2 vets, then build the last 2 minis as alternative loadouts for my Leviathan Sternguard unit? (A melee armed Sgt, for starters)


Scouts: Like them, but I already have a squad of Infiltrators and a Phobos Lt. I'm not 100% sure how the two unit types interact or overlap (in fluff, I mean). Now there are options to use full Marines as scouts/vanguard/whatever, why would you risk your least experienced, weakest troops (who are the future of your Chapter) in one of the most dangerous roles? Maybe it still works, but I need to get my head around the whys and hows.


Assault Intercessors/Captain: Don't hate the new design… but I don't love it either. Don't need another Cap, so won't bother with that. I think the Assault squad maybe need to be looked at from other angles, for all GW talks about finding the 'golden angle' to photograph your minis, they don't always seem to find it in their pics…




So, overall fairly happy with the Marine reveals, but nothing there I feel like I HAVE to have immediately?


Which is good, I can keep saving for that allied Freeblade counts-as Canis Rex that I want! :biggrin:



Edited by Lysimachus
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looking at the stuff again having had a little sleep.



  • I like that they're so nicely aligned with the leviathan ones
  • I like that they have retained all their options
  • I like that there is the option to go full chainfists
  • I like the bare heads
  • I don't like that they seem to be literally the same poses as the leviathan ones

Terminator Chaplain

  • I like the bare head
  • I like the crozius options
  • I like that it has very similar design language to the chaplain on bike for armour details
  • I love that its not as over the top as the limited ed terminator chaplain from a few years back - this has just the right amount of skulls
  • I feel it would be better with a cape/cloak
  • I don't like the shield, I didn't like the captain  with a skeleton attached to the front, this is no better.

Terminator Captain

  • I like the tabard thing a lot
  • I really like the head options
  • I like that he has loadout options
  • I feel that he is a little plain - and I like my marines to be a bit more plain than most I think.

Jump Pack Intercessors

  • I like that they exist, my blood angels have waited a long time for them lol
  • I generally like the poses, unlike others, I think they've done a pretty good job of capturing the hopping/leaping/bouncing kind of motion that jump infantry would have.
  • I don't hate the scenery they're attached to, however I'd consider removing it on some or all of mine.
  • I'm a bit concerned that if you had a squad of 10, they're going to be far more obviously duplicates than some other squads because it doesn't look like you could mix up weapon/arm poses very much.
  • I like the extra pouches on their legs, they're cool. I question why they're on assault marines rather than regular intercessors though.
  • I think the bare heads look a bit too much like they're straight outa the other assault intercessor kit.
  • I like that in theory you could take arms from regular assault intercessors to maybe diversify poses a bit.
  • I don't like that they seem to lack something like an eviscerator.
  • I like the jump pack design, it matches Dantes
  • I don't particularly like the foot thrusters
  • I don't like the power sword very much

Jump Pack Captain

  • I like him, in general.
  • probably the nicest of the new captains previewed.
  • I don't get why he has fins on his legs but the jump interrcessors do not.
  • his pose is a bit uninspired, something a bit more aggressive for the arm positions may have been nicer.
  • I like the head options
  • I like the mini cloak, makes sense on a jump captain
  • I'd have liked a tabard option
  • I like that there are loadout options
  • Overall cool, I may just look at the ease of getting one of the packs to add to my magnetised captain though.

Company Heroes

  • These are really nice, so much character to them
  • Honestly I don't have anything negative to say about them, I do hope there's a variety of weapon options for the non champion/non ancient members (but guessing not as nothing was previewed)
  • The captain as shown in blue I don't like too much, but I like the variant shown as a dark angel a lot, that said I've got lots of captains at this point lol.
  • its great that there's a multi part captain now at least. And in theory a more affordable way to have a captain.


  • These are pretty much exactly what I wanted
  • I'd maybe have liked a couple more weapon options
  • I'm so glad the sergeant still has weapon options!
  • variety of bits looks great
  • a few more early mk bits would have been good, I really thought at least one might not have had knee trims, for example.


  • Nice update of the classic kit basically
  • a few design changes that bring them inline with mkX, same as the BT novitiates
  • mostly, they look a lot better than old scouts in terms of heads, though there's still a couple that are a bit iffy IMO
  • good that you still get all the options in terms of basic weapons, and great that you also get multiple heavy weapon options now.


Overall, as others said, yes it's a bit less inspired as a release, everything is essentially a straight update of an existing marine unit. But that in theory should make a lot of people happy as its not new units with "silly names" (I happen to like a lot of the new names honestly). There's some great things in the lineup, and a few less great things, but overall I'm pretty stoked.


p.s. the HH mk3 marines look fine, the pose duplication seems even worse in them than in 40k marines though, weirdly, its the same number but they seem to have made less effort to hide it.

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1 hour ago, Minsc said:

Hmm... it's not a bad release or anything, but I can't help but feel a bit disappointed by it.
Most of what we got is either "re-releases" of the Leviathan-box or updated versions of already existing models. The former was expected and there's nothing wrong with the latter (quite the opposite), but I guess I was hoping for more actual new stuff. 

Terminator Cpt - Leviathan. (looks meh)

Terminators - Leviathan. (looks great)
Sternguard - Leviathan. (looks great)

Scouts - Updated (look great)

Terminator Chaplain - Updated (look great)


JP Intercessors - New (looks great)

JP  Captain - New (looks meh, more a Sgt. with a cape than a Cpt.)
Company Heroes - New:ish (looks great)

So one-and-a-half new units, and 1 new character. Yay?

Meanwhile, no news on stuff like the Ballistus, Infernus or even the Brutalis Dread being able to be bought separately
And are the old Assault Terminators still gonna be sold at the same time as the new shiny ones? This felt like perfect opportunity to show of some new shiny Assault Terminators.

For a lot of people this is probably a great release (people who don't already have anything Leviathan-related and/or who are looking to get updated Terminators/Sternguard/Scouts) but for me who don't, this release leaves a bit to be desired.

Let's just say it didn't blow me away in the same manner the Nid-release did. :down:

Ah well, at least my wallet will be happy with me spending less on 40k this autumn. 

This is a weird take.
I thought it was heaps of stuff. Even if you don't want any more of the units you got in leviathan you still have like 3 new units and 2 characters you can buy. Is that not a lot of new stuff?

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Anyone wanna guess, why the jumppack intercessor sergeants are the only intercessor sergeants who can't take thunder hammers? There are also heavy intercessors, who can't take melee weapons at all, but I guess you know what I mean.

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1 hour ago, JayJapanB said:

This is a weird take.
I thought it was heaps of stuff. Even if you don't want any more of the units you got in leviathan you still have like 3 new units and 2 characters you can buy. Is that not a lot of new stuff?


1 new proper unit (+a character) isn't exactly what I'd call "a lot of new stuff".


Dont get me wrong, depending if you want new Sternguard/Scouts/Terminators/Characters or not its a great release.


For me who already have the leviathan-stuff and don't need more Scouts and instead was hoping for genuinely new units, is it really a "weird" take to feel  underwhelmed in only 1 new unit? (Especially after seeing all the proper new stuff Nids got.) Can't you understand my disappointment even a little bit?

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As one of about 8 people who like the Phobos aesthetic, I was sort of hoping the jump marines would borrow elements of that, but it was a fools hope and will be picking them and some scouts up from my phobos only beaky storm lords.


The ancient from the command squad is probably the best primaris model yet, though I do notice they're not calling them Primaris anymore.


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Updated Scouts are nice, Terminators are nice.  The Terminator Chaplain is not as good as previous terminator chaplain efforts though I feel.  Jump Pack Intercessors (why not just call them assault marines, come on :laugh:) poses are very poor. 


MK3 armour is nice but I prefer the aethesetic of the previous MK3 kits.  Love the Deredo.

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Terminators and Scouts look good. Captain and Chaplain not sold on, but look fine.

Company Heroes, meh, especially that goofy Heavy/Assault Bolter. Sternguard, meh, not enough non-MkX parts - maybe more in the box, but unlikely.

Jump Intercessors look like they're all falling over, and their jump packs look rubbish. Jump Captain's stupid little leg fin is so stupid.


So far, so disappointingly GW. Redo the things they already did.

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Note that this set does not contain options for Assault Terminators – the current kit will remain available for the time being.

The old Kit isn't going anywhere so I'd v e surprised to see the datasheet or rules are going anywhere either 

Sniper scouts are probably the safest bet?

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