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[Poland] Price hike in October!

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36 minutes ago, OpossumStrong said:

Ok so maybe the tyranid "win" was planned, it's not a secret that tyranids(and any other army) are less popular than SM, so they gave the win to tyranids to release them first, then comes the price hike and we get the new SM range refresh with the new prices, unless they will release those new models before the price hike :blink:

The Tyranids probably already have the price increase baked in, that would explain why they all seem to be a bit more expensive than usual

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1 minute ago, Matrindur said:

The Tyranids probably already have the price increase baked in, that would explain why they all seem to be a bit more expensive than usual

Assuming it's a overall price increase and not a flgs trade sale price increase, and that its not just region specific.


If I recall, Australia and Japan missed out on the yearly price increase in Feb because their prices were already bonkers. So it's not unheard of for them to just put prices up in one place.


Either way, we'll find out this week, possibly tomorrow. Unless it is a flgs thing, GW don't announce those.

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33 minutes ago, Alternis said:

I couldn’t have said this anymore eloquently, I’m usually just very upfront and speak my mind which generally upsets people, but this statement is spot on.

I've come to the conclusion that a good half of the noisiest people in any hobby - ttrpgs, warhammer, ballet, martial arts - are there to complain about the way other people hobby and/or how the authorities, whoever they are in context, run the hobby. Shrug and move on, it's not worth engaging. 

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58 minutes ago, Wormwoods said:

3D printers are great, I enjoy having a number of print-happy nerds in my extended hobby group... But like, it's not plastic. Great if you're looking to get models on the field, or get painting done, but if you're into the physical act of modelling, converting, tearing kits apart and putting them back together in new, interesting ways, there really isn't a better material than plastics. Great as a supplement, and a way to get bits/stuff not available in plastics, but it's not a total replacement for that side of the hobby, and I don't think it ever will be.


Yeah, right now one of the easiest ways to interact with 3D printing is via the 3rd party market or extended local groups.


Getting custom bits from printers is also a great way to make your own bits box go much further. I remember seeing a video a while back where a guy turned a single box of Grey Knights into like 30 models from different units by using 3rs party bits to spread out what he could build.

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I know the 3d printing crowd like to trot it out as a "solution" every time this comes up, but for me that's a bit like saying "honey is too expensive, just take up beekeeping" - it might well be more cost effective, but it also presumes you have the ability to incur the upfront cost, a suitable space to dedicate to it, the time and ability to get over the learning curve and the inclination to deal with the upkeep and potentially hazardous raw materials.


For me personally all of that makes it a complete non-starter, even if I was prepared to look past the fact that most third party and independent designers fail to capture the feel of GW settings in a way I find satisfactory (unless they are blatantly aping GWs work in the first place)






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2 hours ago, Halandaar said:

I know the 3d printing crowd like to trot it out as a "solution" every time this comes up, but for me that's a bit like saying "honey is too expensive, just take up beekeeping" - it might well be more cost effective, but it also presumes you have the ability to incur the upfront cost, a suitable space to dedicate to it, the time and ability to get over the learning curve and the inclination to deal with the upkeep and potentially hazardous raw materials.


For me personally all of that makes it a complete non-starter, even if I was prepared to look past the fact that most third party and independent designers fail to capture the feel of GW settings in a way I find satisfactory (unless they are blatantly aping GWs work in the first place)








Totally. I enjoy acquiring and building kits. I've zero desire, inclination, time or capacity to start 3d printing.

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4 hours ago, Halandaar said:

I know the 3d printing crowd like to trot it out as a "solution" every time this comes up, but for me that's a bit like saying "honey is too expensive, just take up beekeeping" - it might well be more cost effective, but it also presumes you have the ability to incur the upfront cost, a suitable space to dedicate to it, the time and ability to get over the learning curve and the inclination to deal with the upkeep and potentially hazardous raw materials.


For me personally all of that makes it a complete non-starter, even if I was prepared to look past the fact that most third party and independent designers fail to capture the feel of GW settings in a way I find satisfactory (unless they are blatantly aping GWs work in the first place)


Hm... Yeah, I think a big thing is the quality improvement and cost of 3D printing. It makes it easier for someone to sell prints themselves they designed, bypassing the expenses of plastic/metal moulding and no longer horrible quality. 


Though, what this effects is more hobbyists in it to paint than Warhammer diehards as GW has the value added via IP.

With some exceptions. I imagine it'll kill anything side game resin by GW,  like ToW, I think independents will eat big by designing and selling their own ranges for unsupported factions like Kislev rather than wait on pricey and shoddy FW resin releases.



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I’m not that happy about it but I understand. Warhammer remains a fairly cheap hobby imo. I just dropped £120 on the new nid releases but I also dropped £90 on shoes/shin guards for my daughters hockey club. The nid models will be with me for years but trainers wear out and kids grow. 

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2 hours ago, spessmarine said:

Hm... Yeah, I think a big thing is the quality improvement and cost of 3D printing. It makes it easier for someone to sell prints themselves they designed, bypassing the expenses of plastic/metal moulding and no longer horrible quality. 


Don't get me wrong, I think consumer-level 3d printing is an amazing thing and individuals being able to sell their designs directly (either as STLs or physical prints they did themselves) rather than having to either set up their own casting or use a middleman service is great for both the designers and hobbyists in general. I wouldn't dispute anybody making that argument; what I disagree with is the idea that "buy a 3d printer" solves the "problem" of having to buy kits from GW for everybody when for many of us it just isn't feasible, realistic or even desirable.

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Semi interesting tidbit which kind of backs up the price hike rumor. Valrak in today's stream said that he's heard (salt needed of course) that all the space marine releases are dropping the first weekend in october, which puts it the Saturday after the price hike, if it indeed turns out to be true


So well played GW on that one. Boat load of money coming from that

Edited by darkhorse0607
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1 minute ago, darkhorse0607 said:

Semi interesting tidbit which kind of backs up the price hike rumor. Valrak in today's stream said that he's heard (salt needed of course) that all the space marine releases are dropping the first weekend in october, which puts it the Saturday after the price hike, if it indeed turns out to be true


So well played GW on that one. Boat load of money coming from that

To be fair, I think price hike or no price hike, the SM stuff would have dropped then anyway.

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16 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said:

To be fair, I think price hike or no price hike, the SM stuff would have dropped then anyway.

Right, I'm not saying they moved the SM release to match the hike, more probably the opposite if anything. Couldve been slated for a different time in the fall, but now that Legion Imperialis has been pushed, Old World supposedly isn't this year, etc, it would be either now or Christmas to have the most impact. Unless they have something else cooking that they haven't shown that would rival the SM release in terms of profit

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It Comes down to the Consumer and what they want to pay, I Love GW's models... I can't afford anywhere as much as I used to so I guess I fit the "One Box" here n there type of Buyer. 

I Know Companies Gotta make the Dollars for the "share holder" (I could use many board inappropriate names for what I think of shareholders but i shan't :sweat:)

Maybe GW will crumble one day due to being too expensive, who knows (Ambivalent Shrug), if marines in October are way expensive then I'll get the one box i really want and leave the rest... I'm not quitting the Hobby, just scaling it to my Funds... 




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1 minute ago, Alternis said:

Yeah due to the unfortunate mishap with the old world stuff, everything else got pushed forwards

Unfortunate mishap?


I know I heard Valrak say that something had happened to the planned release of some of the November boxes (and stated that Legion Imperialis was taking its place) but I wasn't aware of the circumstances of it.

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1 hour ago, ZeroWolf said:

Unfortunate mishap?


I know I heard Valrak say that something had happened to the planned release of some of the November boxes (and stated that Legion Imperialis was taking its place) but I wasn't aware of the circumstances of it.


Unfortunately, someone higher up at GW discovered that the Old World team had done almost nothing.

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14 hours ago, matcap86 said:


Way to be demeaning to fellow hobbyists there.


I could say the same for the group who loudly proclaims every price increase they're now stopping for real/have stopped with GW for a decade now, but still hang around hobby communities like a jilted lover looking at their ex's Facebook to see if they're having more fun without them.


So it's not okay for me to insult a certain group of people, but it's okay when you do? :huh: I mean, you've just agreed with me. These "I can't quit you" lot are the door mats I refer to.


Anyway, I also stand by what I said. Some people are man-children with too much money, and perhaps because of this, GW only want to target them and isolate the rest of their consumers.



But the amount of hyperbole that usually piles up in these threads gets grating at times.


Remember when the World Eaters dropped and you had people on social media posting pics of the multiples of Possessed etc that they bought? Literally bragging they bought a dozen boxes? The term "whales" exists for a reason.  This hobby, at it's worst, is all about hyperbole and I guess some of that regrettably rubbed off on me.


I might be wrong of course, but it does feel like GW price increases are evidence of a market mentality which seems to be rising in certain consumer markets (electric guitars comes freshest to my mind) where there's seemingly no substantial reason for it. I.e. price increases on raw materials. These companies are ran by experienced people, and are privy to knowledge we are not. My point, though a little vitriolic, was that something is likely happening that makes GW want to be in this boat, that they do seem to be wanting to be more "exclusive" purely because they can (no pun intended) afford to isolate their less well off customers, because they have the rich ones, and the ones that can't quit.


They could choose not to raise prices and still stay in business. They could choose to have their rules and even codexes for free online. With the free rules and all the faction datasheets and army rules I was really hoping things were turning around, but... they aren't. Hell, they could also release cheaper "gamer friendly" small format paperbacks, but they aren't. It's all or nothing. They do seem to be willfully aiming to push people away and cater solely to a more affluent market, which I think is a bad thing, especially in the current financial climate, but sadly, it's probably because of it.


Anyway, as someone else said, perhaps that's too broad a discussion for this forum.





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