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Dr. Ruminahui's renegade guard (previously leman russ to defiler conversion)

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After an evening experimenting with different settings on my phone and different backgrounds, I've found that the settings don't really matter and a dark non-matte background works best to prevent the desaturation problem.  We'll see how long it takes before I get fed up with this kind of kludgy solution and buy a new camera.


Anyway, on track and finished the next 7 guys for my Call to Arms vow - just 7 left.





Except for the rightmost radio guy (who is a kriegsmen with a blooded front torso and head) these guys are pretty much stock, though the cadian has a fantasy battles head and some scratch built shoulder spikes.


Interestingly, while the final products look fine, I did not like painting the enforcer and orgryn.  Despite their being character models, they are far worse sculpts than both the blooded kill team models and the original Blackstone Fortress guardsmen - they used cheaper molds with much "muddier" details.  I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, as originally they were a niche add on to a already niche product, but I am still kind of shocked from the drop in quality from the original blackstone models, which have really good detailing for being monopose snapfits.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished painting my second CtA vow, which means I've gotten my last set of 6 guardsmen with character done.


Here's the guard:




And here is the rogue psycher - an outside shot, since I couldn't get a good picture indoors.  I'm really going to have to get a new camera rather than continue to try to work around my phone's weird desaturation issue.




He's not quite so buck-tooth in person.  He's done in enforcer colours so I can field him non-legends as another enforcer, as soon as I get him a big buddy bodyguard for him (I'm thinking this guy after he's available and I can de-niddify it a bit).  Incidentally, the rogue psycher's legends rules are really good, but oddly it can only attach to cultist squads and not traitor guard (probably because its legends rules predate those being an official unit) and I don't think paying 60 points to make 50 (or even 100) point cultist unit more survivable are points well spent.  That said, I'm not sure making him an enforcer is either, but it gives me more options, which is good, I guess.


And here is a shot of both of my CtA vows together.




Next up are the remaining 12 guardsmen I had already started painted and couldn't vow for CtA.  After they are done, I'll have 3 completed squads, which will be plenty given I have no immediate plans to expand into a bigger chaos guard force or the mortals-based CSM detachment.

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