Sir Tancrede Posted September 3, 2012 Share Posted September 3, 2012 Ok, so I'm in ! ^^ I have an all metal deatchwing army (heading for a 2000/2250 pts foot only army) on my currently running projects, so after reading the invitation of Isiah, I will join you. Atm, I have on the workdesk : - Librarian in terminator armour (finished) - Belial (WIP) - dreadnought (WIP) - 14 terminators (all at different stages of WIP). And I will buy more of old minis in the coming months to complete the army, and maybe I'll add some non terminators minis... And I, my brothers, want you to hear my september oath : "I, Sir Tancrede, vow to complete the painting of 2 of my old V2/V3 Deathwing squads, the dreadnought and Master Belial of the Deathwing." Here are the first minis on the workdesk, just to show you the style of the army : - the librarian (finished and based) : - and the first dreadnought, still WIP: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Ciaphas Posted September 3, 2012 Share Posted September 3, 2012 Hail Frateris! What a Glorious Event! I, Master Ciaphas, Captain of the 3rd Company of the 1st Legion, hereby do vow, that in the month of September anno 2012, I will complete one Supreme Grand Master Azrael, Keeper of the Truth, Commander of the Dark Angels, for the total of [AMOUNT] points! By the Lion, by the Emperor and by my Honour, so do I vow! Sign. Master Ciaphas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gilljoy Posted September 3, 2012 Share Posted September 3, 2012 I gilljoy vow to complete a 3 man ravenwing biker squad and a 5 man deathwing squad by the end of the month Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother_Bethor Posted September 3, 2012 Share Posted September 3, 2012 I, Brother Bethor, do vow, that in the September 2012 I will finish the painting of a fancy ride for my ETL Deathwing squad, namely a mighty Land Raider for 250 points. Here's my WIP photo: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sviar Posted September 3, 2012 Share Posted September 3, 2012 Archangel said: Looks like you're okay. The Shadow Guard said: [Archangel has it right. Absolutely fine! :) Thanks :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted September 3, 2012 Share Posted September 3, 2012 Wow, this is shaping up to be a great event! It seems as though we all seem to have those half finished models etc that we will be able to share here with a feeling of pride you get on completion. Cheers SG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkangeldentist Posted September 3, 2012 Share Posted September 3, 2012 An excellent and worthy venture and with the Dark Vengeance release I'm in! Although to start with I'm going to with the new stuff. :P For the month of September; I Darkangeldentist vow to assemble and paint my newly aquired Dark Vengeance Deathwing terminators, librarian, company master and interrogator chaplain. Total points value 630pts, for an initial progress image, see new starter set. October may well involve ravenwing and some tactical marines. :cuss Here is a shot of my completed vow for September. I really don't paint as fast as I used to and worse is when you don't have access to a computer as much as you expected! Better photos will follow in their own thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
captain sox Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 pictures deleted. Vow changed on page 1, Vow colpleted here: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
khalaek Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 I, khalaek, vow to complete a combat squad of five Dark Angels Tactical Marines, in anticipation of receiving my Dark Vengeance starter set. This squad is currently only basecoated, a state which I refuse to leave them in. They total a whopping 90 pts. Here's the pic of them in their current state ...I know, huge vow right? But they are my first DA models for the army I want to build, and I've never done a painting challenge so I figured I would start small. More vows to come, especially after Wednesday! (when I should be getting my DV set :D :no: :D :D) +++EDIT+++ I have successfully completed painting this squad, and thus have completed my vow! Here are "After" pics I got my new DV set and another box of Tactical Marines (which apparently gives me 1,250 points worth of models total :D ) so look for a new vow soon! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
con-fusion Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 I, con-fusion, vow to complete a close combat dreadnought in the month of September. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Gabriel Macleod Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 Great Lords of the Rock, greetings. I Master Gabriel Macleod, vow to complete a 10 man tactical squad. I will finish them before the end of the month. Sign. Master Gabriel Macleod of the 1st Co. of the Angels of the Storm Edit: vow complete Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JaM_TW Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 I will finish my 1st squad of Guardians of the Covenant before the end of the month. They have been undercoated with a bit of red since... well, sice shortly after those veteran boxes came out. I will finish this in September, perhaps making an extra vow for this month. But I want to start 'small' ;). Needed: thourough clean-up, shoulderpads need to get painted and on the mini, details picked out, some washing, highlighting, basing, etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kobrakei Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 I, Kobrakei, vow to paint one Librarian by the end of September. Just using the DV model as it's glorious and easily my favourite new Space Marine model for a long time... Speaking of which. Struggling with painting the winged sword on his bib. Anyone got any good ideas? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skink Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 I'm going to be working on my final Assault Squad and two Dark Vengeance Tactical Squads this month. I vow to finish at least one of them! Click on the Path to Redemption banner to follow my progress... + EDIT 28/09/12 + My vow is complete! I present a completed Assault Squad, with power sword and two plasma pistols here. Shadow Guard; I'm afraid I'm away from the codex so can't be sure of points, but I think it may be 285... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Moridius Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 I, Brother Moridius vow to finally get off my a$% and start contributing to this forum, for September I vow to complete 1 Venerable Dreadnaught wielding a plasma cannon and heavy flamer worth 150 pt. As he stands now, he is magnetized which is why the pics have different weapon configurations. September vow complete! Presenting Venerable Brother Kadillus. Can't believe how long he took me... [/url] [/url] Time to look at my work table and plan October's vow! Moridius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 I think the DA Librarian is the best mini included in the DV set - and it looks like you have a great start there Kobrakei! Look forward t osee it finished. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Artemid Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 +++24 September, 2012, VOW COMPLETE!+++ I, Brother Artemid, vow to complete one squad of Deathwing Terminators with Cyclone Launcher, before the month is out, from Codex: Dark Angels for 235 points. And however many arms I feel like I can get through - magnets lead to having a lot of those! BEFORE: Aaand to table top standards! They'll get some grass on their bases and some rocks later, will keep working on other arms, and probably add some censors and such, but they're totally tabletop ready and vow complete to me! AFTER: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shadow Guard Posted September 4, 2012 Author Share Posted September 4, 2012 Darkangeldentist said: An excellent and worthy venture and with the Dark Vengeance release I'm in! Although to start with I'm going to with the new stuff. ;) For the month of September; I Darkangeldentist vow to assemble and paint my newly aquired Dark Vengeance Deathwing terminators, librarian, company master and interrogator chaplain. Total points value 630pts, for an initial progress image, see new starter set. October may well involve ravenwing and some tactical marines. :lol: Great to see old members of the Inner circle stirring back to action, welcome back DADentist!! :) SG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
march10k Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 I, march10k, vow to complete a well-begun seventh squad of the fifth company of the Dark Angels chapter of the First Legion, six members armed with bolter and chainsword having already been completed. Visual evidence of the current state of said squad shall be appended to this missive ere evening twilight. I was going to hold off on the sergeant and the two special members until the new codex, in case options change, but I can always just bluestuff the 7th squad shoulder pad in place and rebadge the last three marines as basic members of 8th later, in the interim, 7th squad is going to be boltpistol and chainsword across the board... In terms of future oaths...hmmm...I need to do 6th squad (DV tac squad in Septermber, perhaps?), 8th squad (after the codex!), and half of tenth squad to complete the company. After that....hmmm...I have a pair of typhoons that are mostly assembled, but just primed black...that could do for one month...leaving just one (or two, if we don't get a codex, allowing me to do 8th company, by February) oath...hmm. Well, I do have a few months to deliberate! Maybe some of the bikes that are still on the sprue... /edit/ Oh, points value, eh? Well, points value of just the four models to be completed, or of the squad? /edit/ Here are the "before" pics: Points would be...255 points with no upgrades except meltabombs and power sword for the sergeant. /edit/ I, march10k, do declare before the lion in the sight of the emperor on his golden throne that I have fulfilled my oath. I submit the following proof that it might be weighed, and my worthiness for the first pearl measured. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SPWolf12 Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 So I finally picked up my DV box today and since I am in the process of moving and buying a house I am going to make a small oath for this month only and push for more the next few months (Hopefully I would have a new house by then). ;) So.... I vow to complete Veteran Sergeant Raphael and his Tactical Squad from the DV box, I am not sure on the point value since my codex is packed on a box already. :P I will post pictures on a WIP thread once I have at least built them. **EDIT** Adding my pick for my first 5 squad members. VOW COMPLETED!!! More Pics on WIP Topic located on my Sig. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shadow Guard Posted September 4, 2012 Author Share Posted September 4, 2012 march10k said: Oh, points value, eh? Well, points value of just the four models to be completed, or of the squad? Points value of the final codex-legal including the ones already apinted. The points value is for simple reference by the Inner Circle, mainly to know the strength of the battle brothers now available for deployment against the enemies of the emperor! ;) SG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Kovash Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 This is the model I'll be using for my September vow. Yes, I took the Asmodai model and added a plasma pistol where the Blade of Reason should be, because I wanted him to be table top legal when I acquired him. And since I play as a successor chapter anyway, it felt better to equip him this way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Artemid Posted September 5, 2012 Share Posted September 5, 2012 Artemid said: I, Brother Artemid, vow to complete one squad of Deathwing Terminators with Cyclone Launcher, before the month is out, from Codex: Dark Angels for 235 points. And however many arms I feel like I can get through - magnets lead to having a lot of those! Picture soon. [snip - had picture here, moving it to original vow post] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted September 5, 2012 Share Posted September 5, 2012 Here's my 5 man squad in the "before" phase: Since I want as few bare faces as possible in my army(and to satisfy my urge to do some small amount of converting on the sarge) I snipped the head off and replaced it. As these will be Angels of Vengeance I'll also have to change the Chapter icon on the right shoulder pads. I was thinking at first that I would scrape away the sword and sculpt in the hooded skull of the AoV badge, but in the interests of the deadline, I'll either remove it completely and use a decal, or if that doesn't look good, I'll just cut away the shoulder pads and replace them regular bare marine ones from my bits box and use decals. -BCK Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Artemid Posted September 5, 2012 Share Posted September 5, 2012 Good call on the Seargeant's head replacement! I'm thinking of doing the exact same thing. I really don't like the particular sculpt they gave him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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