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WIP DA shots


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Only took and hour and a half :P

Deus Imperator you're rocking these out fast! Do some work.


The freehand is looking nice - tac/squad symbol is awesome. Maybe a black outline around the company symbol to make it stand out from the armour a bit? The green bits get a little lost on the green.

Only took and hour and a half ^_^ Vow VI complete, powered by the Olympics.


... hour and a half ...


Are there some 'performance enhancing drugs' being used over there, brother? I don't know how you do it, but the latest squad looks great. The fact you're considering a seventh vow with days to go brings a smile to my face. The freehand looks nice!


The pose on the first row beakie, far right is awesome.



Haha, mis-communication!


The 'hour and a half' was in reference to the 2 hours I predicted I had left, not from scratch!! If only... I reckon the squads take about 6 hours if I can keep up the momentum for two 3 hour sessions, otherwise they take about 8 (four 2 hour slots).


Had painter's burnout yesterday, and enjoyed the nice weather today, so haven't been able to add anything to my vow. I might have to be at home again for the next couple of days, in which case I'll manage the Assault squad. Otherwise, I think I'm going to have to quit while I'm ahead and look forward to seeing the other completions!

  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't achieved any new models since the ETL, but I have been busy freehanding heraldry. I've also finally managed to paint my plasma coils; check out the following shots. The company badges couldn't always go on kneepads as I like to use robes on my Devastator heavy weapons, so I chose some alternative locations.





I have a painted assault squad that I'll freehand this evening, but then need to paint another Assault Squad (undercoated) and two more Tactical Squads (Dark Vengeance x 2) before the company is finished. I don't want to jinx anything, but the manager of the local GW has said that once this is done, I can display them in the store cabinet! I remember being a 10 year gobsmacked by the awesome minis that were in the cabinet; never thought I'd get there myself! Individually the models are nothing special, but I think en masse they are pretty striking. And DA, which is good promotion for Dark Vengeance of course! So much still to do though...

Thanks for the comments you three. Always nice to receive positive encouragement!

So, I bought a couple of Dark Vengeances this weekend... Plan is to sell off the Chaos stuff. However, it does mean that there are lots of duplicates; easy to disguise in the Tact squads (I'm not using the sergeants for example) but not so much with the bikes and terminators.


Terminators with arm swaps. Assault Cannon goes on a duplicate to mix it up, AC body gets a Storm Bolter in a cool pose. I think the next squad will require a new SB and PF on the duplicate, and therefore also some thought.


Bikes; bolt pistol removed and a plasma gun stuck on instead. Sergeant legs used with robed torso to make a '2nd in command' type chap. Plasma gunner turned into a plain jane. This meant that the plasma gunner was free...


...for the classic "I don't really want to fire this as it may well blow up!!" plasma pose! Shamelessly ripped off from the internet somewhere, but hilarious... Bit of a pain; head off, replaced, shoulder trimmed, missile launcher arm. Great stuff!

The Tact squads will eventually become part of this new vow malarky. NEED TO FINISH THE COMPANY, ARRGH!!!

Terminators with arm swaps. Assault Cannon goes on a duplicate to mix it up, AC body gets a Storm Bolter in a cool pose.

Heh, I was actually considering doing an identical swap with the AC & SB arms on those two torsos. Will decide for certain once it's time to paint them.

skink...those mold lines pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!


Haha! They look awful don't they?! They seem to be a visual thing rather than a physical entity; I tried trimming some of them off only to cut straight into the model. I'll have another go with a file, just for you...

I tried trimming some of them off only to cut straight into the model. I'll have another go with a file, just for you...

My suggestion (assuming the plastic isn't any softer than normal) would be to use the back side of the knife blade to rub along the mold lines. It works pretty darn good for me at least and I haven't had a lot of gouges into the models that way (although I have to use the blade just a little bit in the niggly corners).


I'm sure you've heard this before, but I think it's a good tip. :)


Congrats on that majority of the 5th Company and your freehand markings look very nice! I really like the latest Terminator arm swaps and the Ravenwing adjustments, thanks for showing that you really can alter the Dark Vengeance model configurations. Good luck on the company completion!

Terminators with arm swaps. Assault Cannon goes on a duplicate to mix it up, AC body gets a Storm Bolter in a cool pose. I think the next squad will require a new SB and PF on the duplicate, and therefore also some thought.


...for the classic "I don't really want to fire this as it may well blow up!!" plasma pose! Shamelessly ripped off from the internet somewhere, but hilarious... Bit of a pain; head off, replaced, shoulder trimmed, missile launcher arm. Great stuff!


I am so using these ideas. Thanks!

  • 4 weeks later...

Urgh, it's been a slow month. Pleased to say that the 2nd Assault Squad is now finished, including freehanding. This marks my September Vow complete, and only leaves 2 Tactical squads until the company is done. They will be October's vow I suspect, in time for what I hope will be the new codex...


Things possibly worthy of note; the sergeant is an old metal Grey Knight Justicar that I trimmed/filed of iconography. Meant a space was created on the chest in which I attempted a DA symbol, and a blank shoulder scroll that I managed to get the company badge on.

A few days rest then I'll vow again and get cracking on the penultimate company squad...

Very nice work :)


I'm pretty much in the same boat as you, having painted most a Company in 2012 so far; but in White :D and I can say categorically that you have created a really cohesive force with plenty of diversity.


I'm in a bit of a painting rut at the mo trying to force myself to paint a Tac squad and Pred.


I'm glad you don't seem to fall into this trap :)

  • 3 weeks later...

Shucks, cheers guys! I know what you mean in a cohesive force; quantity has a quality all of its own!!

Very slow in getting back into the painting game, but I made a start on the penultimate Tactical Squad yesterday. A fair surf forecast means I don't think I'll get any more done this week, but should finish them this weekend.

Here's the primed models (sorry for the flash, it was a tad gloomy), but they are now armour, robe and weapons base coated. Next step is a black wash and DA green touch up, then a Snot Green highlight and all of my detailing. I'm so excited that the armour markings are moulded on; the DA symbol gave me a real headache!


  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, October vow complete!! Painting the moulded features was actually more of a pain than freehanding, especially when it came to painting the numbers over the raised Tactical symbol. And I hated doing the sergeant banner; between that and being a nightmare to store, I'll only go for icons now... Even though the company is basically finished and the likelihood of me assembling much more power armour is low...

Anyway, thar she blows!! Apologies for the darkness; a miserable day here today, and the flash made them look awful...






  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks elphilo! I'm afraid that I can't take credit for the concept, I've seen it floating around the internet in several places. It was a very simple conversion using the torso from one of the DV bikers, and quite a lot of fun I think!

I'm continuing along the Path of Redemption this month with another (and last!) Tactical Squad; same load as the last, but with a 'normal' plasma gunner and an alternative sergeant model.


However, I have not been idle for the latter half of October, and managed to paint my Company Command Squad. Not very happy with the white (I think I may have to splash out and get some Ceramite White next time I have to paint anything white again) but I guess it looks ok. Once the above Tactical Squad is finished, I just need to do the three characters from DV as the Company Officers, and then some markings on the 3 Rhino chassis that I can be bothered to paint (not particularly fussed/rich enough to have a Rhino/Razorback for every squad) and that'll be the Company! This month or next... Apologies for the poor focus, they looked ok on screen earlier.






  • 3 weeks later...

...Aaaand we're finished!! Here's the last Tactical Squad; that means my 5th Company is complete, weighing in at a Command Squad, 6 Tactical Squads, 2 Devastator Squads and 2 Assault Squads and 3 Rhino/Razorbacks since April (as well as Ezekiel and a Whirlwind along the way). But, it's not really complete until there are HQs to lead them. Enter the undercoated DV characters, which I should have finished before Christmas... I'm going to leave off a massive group shot until then, as I would prefer to only compile everything once, and seeing as it isn't really finished at the moment...

Anyway, please bear witness to the 4th Tactical Squad of the 5th Company! It's been a labour of love, and I'm quite glad that the squads are now complete. It should be a treat to work on some individuals in the coming weeks; I'm hopeful that 1 character per week should be achievable.



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