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Nerf recon Bolt Pistol


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The front sight is lego, the back is cardboard, the cocking mechanism is foamboard, the magazine is a lego extention with foamboard on the bottom, the barrel is two round magnets on the bottom and a lego on top. THe spray is codex grey with flesh wash. The skull and chapter wing-shield thingy on the cocking mechanism are white cardboard, and the purity seal is a bottle cap with the Rhino Sprue's aquila. The paper is torn white paper dipped in flesh wash, and the writing reads:


"Oh Emperor, protecter of humanity, i shall praise you and strike down your foes. Beneath the xenos, we have driven ever upward into the stars. For the Emperor. Surround and protect the Emperor. And may He bless you. Forever within. For the Emperor protected the weak during the rise of Horus the Betrayer, and all shall ascend to be of greater service to the Imperium of Man. The Emperor Protects."



Whew! Im done! WOw. okay, thanks to all for viewing, and i appreciate your comments.

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not too shabby man. I have been working on a way to make a working curved magazine to hold 8 darts (seems to be the normal pistol load) no luck yet, i may end up building it out of plasticard and glueing the nerf magazines top to it. Can't find pics of the recon, but i have a pic of my matching Longshot.



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