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Salamanders Tactical Squad & Scratch LR


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Painted these guys up last night, maybe my favorite work so far! I found some old metallic paints of my dad's and mine so I went all crazy with them...I also went to the liberty of cropping and resizing a little bit. CC please, especially on the LR(C/R) I had a lot of fun painting the fire on the land raider, might even paint all my vehicles as salamanders just to paint the fire! I was wondering what symbol is supposed to go on the right shoulder pad, I don't know if its the dragon head or what...

Group Shot (You might see my WIP scratch drop pod in the back):


LR(C/R) Shots:




2 bolter marines:



one beaky plasma gun marine, one regular bolter marine:



2 more bolter marines:



Missile Launcher marine and bolter marine:



Sergeant and Bolter marine (The top of the banner got clipped off when I took the first picture):



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Nope lol, completely scratch built, what it says in the title. Those arent mold lines, thats detail I originally planned then abandoned. :nuke:

Its completely paper, tape, cardstock, styrofoam for the hurricane bolters and a cut up pen tubes for the twin linked assault cannon. Oh and a storm bolter and multi melta I attached, those are not scratch.

Hey, I think its pretty good for just an hour of work. And it was free.

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Nope lol, completely scratch built, what it says in the title. Those arent mold lines, thats detail I originally planned then abandoned. :(

Its completely paper, tape, cardstock, styrofoam for the hurricane bolters and a cut up pen tubes for the twin linked assault cannon. Oh and a storm bolter and multi melta I attached, those are not scratch.

Hey, I think its pretty good for just an hour of work. And it was free.


Well , if it is scratch build it is quite a decent model. :nuke:

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Certainly a noble attempt, even more so for scratch building a Land Raider!


One thing I might suggest, if you want to give your troops a little bit of depth is to give them a wash with Badab Black? Then you'll see the armor detail a little better and then they'll pop more. ;)

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Next time if you want to scratch something use plasticard or PVC board. Im pretty sure it's a better material than tape.

True. But to me it looks like a Landraider; it's painted which is more than can be said for a lot of gamers who don't even bother; and it's a product of creativity which is an integral part of the hobby. All I can say is congrats and kudos. A true hobby man and gamer :P.

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Thanks Night Runner! ;)

I was going to use plasticard but the point of the scratch build was to not spend money ( ;) ), and I don't own any plasticard so...

I might go back and highlight the armor with a lighter green but I need to get motivated again. :mellow:

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better then my scratch built (ill give you hint, it looks like a balled up peice of paper)


as for the right shoulderpad, you should give them a squad number, like III or IV or such or you could use numbers 3, or a sideways M is always fun.


back in the day it was used for slogens, like "if you can read this, Smile!" "Get Some" "Kill" youre welcome to do that too, or you can just free style with it, nosuch thing as too much fire

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wow, Compleetly rip on the guys stuff dizzy. thats not even constructive. I would like to see youre Scratch built, The only plastic on that thing is a multi melta and a storm bolter. or maybe youre not understanding what scratch built means, cause its not a decoy
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wow, Compleetly rip on the guys stuff dizzy. thats not even constructive. I would like to see youre Scratch built, The only plastic on that thing is a multi melta and a storm bolter. or maybe youre not understanding what scratch built means, cause its not a decoy
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plasticard the treads dude. and really, you dont need to, it works fine for what it is, dont let these guys bash youre stuff. but just some cardbord or plasticard for the treads, make them stick out a bit more. then just do some minor details like a door or two, a top hatch, things like that.
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Mkay, do you know where I can get plastic treads? other then buying a tank?

I plan on buying some more browns and a wash or two then I am going to try my hand at another land raider, maybe this time I'll buy the redeemer/crusader sponson kit.


You can make em out of plasticard like the dude said. Otherwise, go to your hobby store and trade bitz or buy 'em online (I like bitzbarn.com).


Don't wash that thing until you've got WAY more detail on it. The point is to have it in recesses, and I don't see much of that here.

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Mkay, do you know where I can get plastic treads? other then buying a tank?

I plan on buying some more browns and a wash or two then I am going to try my hand at another land raider, maybe this time I'll buy the redeemer/crusader sponson kit.


You can make em out of plasticard like the dude said. Otherwise, go to your hobby store and trade bitz or buy 'em online (I like bitzbarn.com).


Don't wash that thing until you've got WAY more detail on it. The point is to have it in recesses, and I don't see much of that here.

Oh, I don't plan on using those paints and washes on the land raider, its paper and can only hold so much paint, those are for other projects.

:Troops: NC 0 - 10

Whats that supposed to mean?

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I think its a good attempt, you can definately tell what it is. I would never dream of scratch building a tank, I take my hat off to you for that. Talking of the tracks you could even paint them on instead of making them.
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