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LPC 2012 - The Sergeants Oath

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So, as part of the Unforgiven's bid to win the prize this year, I put my name down to participate in the 2012 LPC.

My vow is to paint/build a Company-Master, his Command Squad and the First Tactical Squad.

So, this is the first of my updates for your enjoyment.

This is what I bought today, along with 2 members of the Command Squad and the Sergeant, Brother-Sergeant Uriah of Squad Uriah. The unpainted model is the Company-Master in the middle of building. We are now all prepared for the Vow and we shall do this.


Now a closer look at the Company-Master


be nice, im not the best painter, but I do hate unpainted models.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Company-Master and his Command Squad fully built and painted.


I will post more images soon, but the others are too shiny and blurry

And, if you can see the marine in the background....thats the first sergeant for my Tactical Squad, more pics to come of him and his 4 brethren.

Excellent! Roughly 50% of your vow done already. That's pretty cool! Your Master + command squad look great however the picture is a bit blurred. I really want to have a closer look at all these guys, so I guess I'll wait for the new pics you promised. <_<


Look forward for your tacticals - the sergeant certainly looks the part.


Congrats and keep this pace!

ok, so for Semper pics as promised!

First up we have stage 2 of my 3 part project, the other 4 Marines if Tactical Squad Uriah, First Tactical Squad of the Third Company


Here is Brother-Sergeant Bohemond of the Command Squad


and another view


And Brother Azakiel, the Company Ancient Bearer of the Company Banner and upholder of the Honour of the Company


Brother Habakkuk, the Company-Champion


Brother Theophilus also of the Command Squad


and another


And, last but not least is Brother Jaazaniah, the Company Apothecary


  • 2 weeks later...
  Captain Semper said:
Way to go Brother Sergeant! The final push - just 5 to go!


BTW I took up your suggestion and added a back-banner to my command squad sergeant - thx for that! ;)


only glad to help!


My only regret was that there were no Combat Squad sets in the store....so I had to pay for a full Tactical Box...


Oh well, good thing I can find use for the other 5 marines :lol:

Well done Brother Sergeant!!! They look fantastic too! Congratulations man!


A small comment: would you consider painting the bases? a single color will suffice - green, brown, grey - whatever. It will add to the overall look significantly!


Congrats again on your timely completion!

I dont really like painted bases...I prefer the black neutrality they can be anywhere on black bases, whereas flocked green look out of place in a city etc. Unless my army it themed, I don't paint or touch the bases, i may re-paint them black, but that would be all. however, I am a poor hand so chances are I would ruin it when I try to paint around the feet :D


I'm a casual gamer by nature, so, I dont have to worry about competitions and the like ;)


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