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LPC 2012 Vow - Grand Master Belial

Grand Master Belial

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I will endeavor take up the vow for the glory of the Unforgiven.


I will be painting up the following:


- Masters of the Chapter 4 pack

- Dark Angels Captain (as 9th Company Master)

- Sammael on Jetbike (Finecast)

- Chaplain in Terminator Armor

- Librarian in Terminator Armor (Finecast)


I have a squad of Successors to finish but they are nearly complete and won't count toward the vow but will be my secondary objective.


Let's see if my skills are good enough for the Unforgiven Community. My biggest challenge will be Sammael I think.

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As it Stands Photos of the IC's




Secondary Objective


Shadow Guard



Angels of the Lion



Guardians of the Covenant



Angels of Vigilance - Test Model


Well, it wouldn't be complete if Grand Master Belial did not participate! Good start there GM, is the Master of the 9th a Zhurukhal Androcles "count as" maybe? He carries some cool rules! ;) And you can say that the model's power sword is a slow wielding huge broadsword version that count as a power fist... What? too much? :)


Just remember to post the vow here or it won't count!

I am trying to think of what skin tones to use for the different masters and Librarian. I want at least one Hispanic and one African marine. I thought African Librarian and Arsenal and Hispanic Master of Recruits and Watch Leaving Sammael and the remaining master as the two pale faces. (I haven't figured out a good scheme for Native American skin tones or he would be the Librarian in honor of Two-Heads Talking. Any thoughts / suggestions?)


I am also thinking of changing up the white on gray on Sammael's ride to be bone on brown. If I do this, Sammael's cloak would become black with the Ravenwing logo on it.


I have also made a change to the 3rd Company Master in that his cloak is red with a bone slash since I have Belial painted up with the black and red slash (see avatar). That should keep my palette small enough and still give these masters some flair.


Thoughts? Ideas?

Photo update time. 3 Coat minimum has been achieved on 6 minis and these are just the base coats. Still need gray, brown and skin tones






Finecasts are put together and primed. Now to get to painting....




Nice progress so far GMB! You actually have given me the idea to do the same at some point... What's the green you're using?


Keep up! ;)


EDIT: Regarding skin colors, I'm a bit of a consevative. DAs are worrior monks so I'd go pale all around... The African especially goes too close to the Salamander imagery. However if done to the Librarial (where the predominant armour color would be presumably blue) it'll be an interesting contrast. He will definately stand out! :lol:.


Anyway, go for it, I'd love to see the Sammael interpertation!

  Grand Master Belial said:
I am trying to think of what skin tones to use for the different masters and Librarian. I want at least one Hispanic and one African marine. I thought African Librarian and Arsenal and Hispanic Master of Recruits and Watch Leaving Sammael and the remaining master as the two pale faces. (I haven't figured out a good scheme for Native American skin tones or he would be the Librarian in honor of Two-Heads Talking. Any thoughts / suggestions?)


Thoughts? Ideas?


I was thinking of adding most of human subspecies within ranks of my Dark Angels myself; but I saw an interesting discussion once about the skin tones and traits in general of the Space Marines; and it was concluded and generally accepted that since Marines are put under heavy duty gene engineering they in the end resemble their Primarch in most features. In our case blond Caucasian (fair tones in general). You could play more with skin tones with our recruits from the Scout Company...


Of course, it is Your game, and You should do whatever You wish, and like; it is just my two cents on the topic...



EDIT: Regarding Your models presented here; good job, I especially like Guardians of the Covenant... Keep up the good work!

  Uhr said:
I was thinking of adding most of human subspecies within ranks of my Dark Angels myself; but I saw an interesting discussion once about the skin tones and traits in general of the Space Marines; and it was concluded and generally accepted that since Marines are put under heavy duty gene engineering they in the end resemble their Primarch in most features. In our case blond Caucasian (fair tones in general). You could play more with skin tones with our recruits from the Scout Company...


I did see that discussion and it was backed up by the recent incarnation of the Salamanders all being black with red eyes.


My force dates back before then and I went with the thought of the Marines looking like they do because of the World from which they were recruited. The Dark Angels being the premiere fleet-based chapter and some of the stories therein (Plain's World) it gave me the idea that recruits would be varied and I've stuck with it. (My Azrael is hispanic with the black hair and Naaman will get the treatment too when I get a new model for him, being from a desert planet an all.)


@ Captain Semper - I use Vallejo Model Colors for the Dark Angels (been using Vallejo for 10 years now, love the stuff). If you want, I'll provide the color numbers. I set up a recipe book so that they all match with the rest of the force.

Another update. I think I am about 20% of the way there now. Anyway on with the show!




That is most of the base coat save on the Finecasts. I have a couple more decisions to make regarding the Master of Recruits cape and what to decorate the capes on the other Masters to give them some flair. It is really hard to keep straight lines on wavy cloaks. No Golden Daemons in this bunch.

  Candleshoes said:
I really like the feathers on the helm's crest and the cloak patterns, nice to see such good groundwork :)


I never did like the banners on my marines, they were paper and the banners broke off easily. So when they had that metal backpack with cloak, I grabbed a bunch and my banners became the designs for the capes. When you have a Master leading from the front, a rear facing cape would inspire those who are behind the Master, his men.


Only something that would strike terror and fear in an enemy should face them. That should be the Chapter flag, Sacred Banners, Relic or in my case a Force Flag.


Anywho, I am hoping to keep bringing the Finecasts up to the others and start building on these base coats.


For those following along, how is the color pallette in your eyes? Too much, too little, needs another spot color?

  Grand Master Belial said:
For those following along, how is the color pallette in your eyes? Too much, too little, needs another spot color?


About right I'd say. Each will have his own unique predominance of colour(s) depending on his company cloak/banner. I like that.




Another Update!



Sammael needs to kick it into Turbo! He's the farthest one behind and he is supposed to be mostly black!



Sapphon (will get another one later) is coming along nicely for now. Skull will get a wash to dark it up a bit. As well as darkening the sword on the pad. I thought an interesting bridge into the Deathwing.



Librarian's skin tone is pretty dark even with a camera flash. Hope it looks decent to you all out there.



The Battle Company masters are coming along great and are about ready for a bit of a wash on the armor. I am still thinking up a design for the brown tabard that will most likely be in bone. I was thinking the Devastator Explosion with black skull within or sword from above. Being that he can call in Orbital Bombardments.



Master of the Scouts cloak is to use subdued colors to mark him out. I am thinking the DA Green Chapter Logo so it looks like camouflage but it isn't. Master of the 9th will soon get his head in the game.


This should put me around 25%. I still need to prime the four masters' backpacks and get sammy up to base coat minimum with the gray under the white.

This is turning out great! As the cloaks become more and more closer to completion their effect becomes even more striking - great idea and beutifuly executed! Your inspiration certainly paid-off!


Now take special care of the Master of Recruits! :)

Another update, this time I tried to get as many of the cloaks done before my hand crapped out. CC is welcome as always.




I am unsure of how the Master of the 10th's cloak looks. The green was a little glossy but that is fixable.

They look fantastic GMB! Really like the 9th Master - must be my favorite of the lot! I think it was great to add the company heraly on the wings of the helmet! The colors are very vivid and pleasing to the eye! My only reservation is actually the 10th Master! ;) I think the brown robe does not provide enough contrast for the green detailing - it seems to be a be lost... Any chance on turning it to white (ish) like the rest of the guys? Or use another color for the details? Like white or red? Dunno...


Anyway last time you were at 25% now at 50% - to me it looks like steady progress... Well done - especially as you only paint on weekends!!!

  Isiah said:
Maybe the 10th Master should've had a camo-patterned cloak with no insignia. Just saying :D .


That was my first thought.


But as he is in the not so quiet power armor and is adorned with things that make noise. I figured to make the cloak resemble camouflage but be made up of symbols. I thought of using black instead of green and it is still a contender otherwise I'll use the bone color. Perhaps, I should posit the question to you all.


Leave the green, redo it in bone, black or red.

  • 2 weeks later...

Update time! with the buzz kill that was my last post. I went ahead and worked on my marines some more.


This time I used my camera and not my iPhone. I hope you like them. I just need to finish the four backpacks for the masters and then this can be considered Vow Complete.











I need to add the Master of the 9th in here too but I didn't do anything with him this week, so I left him out for now. Plus I was worried about the Max number of pics in a post.

An idea for Captain Semper, how about another thread showcasing the final products of all our work - Win or Lose. A person can add their own or they can be grabbed from the WIP threads with the latest photos available.


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