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Behold the Crimson Guard


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So first off I have been inspired by my good friend Honda, or as I know him, Honda. His Apocolypse Lords have gotten me motivated to finally get around to starting my Crimson Guard Space marines. If I can actually finish this it will be one heck of an acomplishment as I tend to get easily distracted by new shiny things, but these are pretty shiny so hopefully they will keep my interest. :(


I initially wanted to do a marine army that was established, ala "How to paint Space Marines" book and looked to find something that was eye catching and different. A blank template to build and design as I saw fit.


Having been a fan of republic and Imperial Rome, the colors of the Crimson Guard appealed to me and I thought it was just enough that I could add some real character into the army without using any other fluff or themes from the other Marines.


Overall my plan is to build an Apocolypse size force and design some fluff to go along with. I don't really know what I am going to build or how it will eventually develope, but I do have a few ideas that are somewhat unconventional. To be honest I am a bit of a Marines newb havng not played regular marines since the early 90s. I have played Dark Angels, Space Wolves and 13th Company, ork and Necrons, so my strategy will definitely take some time to grow as I try out new things to see how they work or don't work.


I want this to also be something I can make real progress on, so these will be fairly standard looking figures without too much super detail. My goal is to be able to start and finish one marine in a couple of hours or a short evening. This includes assembly.


Anyhoo, here are the first WIP pictures.








I look forward to your comments. Thanks!!

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So I have made a little progress on getting the first squad finished. I intend to come back and make it a full 10 man, but for the purposes of getting things moving along and done I stopped at 6. I went 50-50 with the greaves. I think I want to incorporate this on probably 60% of my marines, with other designs or just plain on the rest. I think I looks cool and I may actually gouge out the greaves on the other models so it is a little bit more pronounced.


I also used a roman legionaire style Lighting bolt and I want to keep that as a recurrent theme. I think it adds a certain zing to it the models without being overly dominating.


This is the 2nd squad of my battle company, with the 1st squad being a command squad of some sort.


I am still assembling the razorback/rhino conversion. I want to have options to do either a rhino or razorback so a little modification is in the works. I also want to do the crossed axes on the vehicles so some plastic and putty work is also on the to do list.


Overall I am still not sure how this army will develope. Next is to get the razorback done and get some scouts put together and ready then the next tactical squad.


Comments and criticisms welcome. Thanks!!









heh, my army is called the crimson guard but they have a COMPLETLEY different color scheme......... is that really what they look like anyway I do like them very strong in color



HOWDY. I had heard someone else here was doing a crimson guard army. Nice to meet ya, so to speak. ;)


To answer your question, yes, this is the official color scheme as laid out in the "How to paint Space Marines" book. I thought it was kinda cool looking and after a little research I have found that there is nothing other than a color scheme and chapter icon for this chapter. A wonderfully completely blank slate to work with.


So I am slowly working up some fluff for these guys. I am going to post it in the appropriate forum when I get all hammered out for review.


Thanks for the comments. I am hoping these guys will be very eye catching when I play them. A little eye candy never hurts in tournaments and those kinds of things.

Hi Brothers,


I am hoping these guys will be very eye catching when I play them.

"Brothers, about face! Blind the Xenos Scum with our Shinyness!" :unsure:


Good Job Gar, your Marines really stand out (which is a good thing!). Mind enlightining us with the colour mixes (especially the gold)



HOWDY all.


Thanks for the comments. I appreciate them.


If some does think they are holwing griffons, meh... I thought they were red yellow and blue quartered. Could be wrong, no worries, they don't have any bling bling to blind the enemy with. :)


My recipe, its actually pretty simple.


All of these guys are primed black.


The base coat is scorched brown for the whole figure, except the black parts.


The gold is done by applyng a couple thin coats of Vallejo Glorious gold. Wash with brown ink, then apply more glorious gold and then apply GW burnished gold as a highlight.


The red is done by applying Red gore on the scorched brown, then highlight with Blood Red and a final highlight of blazing orange. Then I apply a red glaze to help mesh the colors together, other wise it looks pretty garish and ugly.


Eye are black, then dark angles green, then dark angles green with some bad moon yellow added to it.


Black is basecoated black ( be sure to write that down as it confuses some people....useing black for black is just...) then I add some ultramarine blue to the mix and highlight with that, then a little white to that and do final highlights.


The bases are made from wood rectangles I got at a craft store, Michael's here but any Hobby Lobby or the like should have them. Cut them up and scribed the surface to make the bricks/pavers they stand on.





So some lessons learned.


1) Time is not always your friend.


2) Plastic is such a wonderful thing.


3) Greenstuff is not always a great thing...



I wanted to make nice nifty icons like the forgeworld ones for my vehicles so my crossed axes would stand out. So I created a model of the crossed axes and it turned out alright, but whenI went to mass produce them, the results were less than stellar. I was most displeased with the way they turned out and was moreso after I glued one onto the door of my rhino/razorback. I figured a little dab of glue would not hold very well, but it only took a fraction of a second for the copy to firmly glue itself to my door. So I left it on because I did not want to go through the hassle of removing the GS and then cleaning the door surface. I won't go into how the GS copies are done, only that I don't thik they are all that. I found that the crispness of the orignal was lost and since sculpting crossed axes for every vehicle is impractical, I do not believe I will try this exercise again. I may sculpt out one or two icons for my "centerpiece" vehicles like landraiders and such.




I did however get to try out a new toy. Its called a scriber and is used for make gouges/panel lines in sheet plastic for railroad models.


In my case it worked out brilliantly for carving out the crossed axes on the rhino top hatch doors. I am very pleased with the final results. I did have to use a hobby knife to get the depth I wanted, but it was sooo easy after the scribed cut out the pattern.




Lastly I did a quick workup on the razorback weapon. What I did was to drill a large hole in the base of the weapon turret and insert a length of styrene plactic rod. I then cut a piece of plasticard and glued it to the bottom of the Razorback hatch. Spotted the rod in the sheet plastic and then drilled a hole in that to allow the rod to go all the way through. I then added another smaller piece of plasticard to the rod with a small amount of glue.


Now I have a turret that can turn in place and not come loose off the vehicle. Nifty.



Painting starts this evening on the razorback/rhino. I had considered trying to use magnets to hold the hatches down so I could swap them out as I wanted, but I think I will just let them set in the depression for them on the top of the vehicle. I plan to start painting on this tonight. I will try to photo document what I did for those who would like to see/read my step by step.


I also started assembly on a 7 man scout squad. They should be finished and ready for paint in a few days.


Comments and Criticisms are always welcome.

Im never really a fan of goldy marines but I have to say you have done them extrememly well! The gold isnt too in your face or bland and flat, its got some depth to it and richness, really works for me. Your red is nice too, lots of shades working together. Particualry like the greaves work that you have done aswell GAR. Cannot wait to see how the Razorback comes out brother, are you going to degrade and chip the metal work or have it workshop pristeen? :D

Thankd for the comments! Any areas where ya'll think I can improve. I do love to hear the suggestions of others. I may not follow them, but I do like having additional ideas to possible incorporate into mine.


@battle Capt.


Thanks for the comments on the gold. I am hoping there is enough shine to them to blind the heretic.


I plan to keep all of these guys Workshop pristeen. I have a vision of these guys being a shining example for others to follow. A chapter that is proud to be whereever they are and not afraid to show everyone who they are. I keep the idea of "the Glory of Rome" in my mind whenever I do anything for these guys. Not really too much on the actual details of historical accuracy, but more of the "idea" of better times when gold paved the streets and when men fought for an idea.


Does that make sense?? meh.. It does to me so hopefully that idea will translate in the figures.

I love them. The custom greeves looks awsome, and the color scheme is very smooth and strong. Too bad you're not in the DFW area...I'd let you beat me.



and here I thought lunchbox played loyalists not slaanesh............. ;)


looking forward to seeing more Gar

mate, they are some awesome models!! One thing i saw once for a Rhino/razorback is he had the Lacannon turret hatch thingie, and had put something over that hole, it worked quite good. You just took it off, flip it over then slide it back in as a rhino.

Agreed that these look very good. As for casting 3D insignia, have you considered self-casting plastic products, such as Alumilite? (I believe that's the name of the product. Please correct me if I'm wrong, folks). I've seen folks use that stuff to produce all kinds of useful pieces - even complete figures - and it works quite well. Very easy to deal with, and I'm told much safer to work with than traditional resin.

Shouldn't need a huge quantity to make the insignia.




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