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Perturabo... Daemon Prince...

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Perturabo is now fully constructed and undercoated, painting will commence once I know that I have the colours I need to do so.

I have also made changes to the base, and improved on it (I feel I have anyway), and made some changes (like removing the fleeing trooper, which I felt did not fit into the context of the model.

I tried to keep a link with base and Perturabo, hence the use of a peice of structure with the Adeptus Mechanicus logo upon it, which I think fits in rather well.

Any way here's the latest photos of the model as is currently.













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Wow that's awesome i may not by good at coverting myself but

that looks really good

well done


Many Thanks.


I have a feeling that this will take most of my time up, so I won't be painting any more models apart from this, after I've completed his terminator chosen unit. (they have been made pretty quickly and are only for Apocalypse games, I hope to enter this into next years Golden Daemon if it works in the paint job :lol:.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, So as most who have read this thread know I am working on a project to create Perturabo in Daemon Prince form.

Of course this is how I see him, it is only my interpretation of the current image of the Iron Warriors Primarch.

Also if you have had chance to see the images which make up a large chunk of this topic/thread, you will of course no doubt notice that the model is now undercoated.

The problem though is the colour scheme.

I have two ideals of how I see the colour scheme:

Do I use the current Iron Warriors scheme, or what I think to be the Preheresy Colour scheme.

Now I have posted a thread on this matter, but I think it's better with the actual topic in regards to the model itself, so am reposting it here, this time with two images for comparision


(or at least my interpretation of it from reading the books and from how I've seen it done on DoW)


I would probably use this interpretation should I decide to go with Pre-heresy.



What I think would probably be the better and perhaps the more obvious colour scheme to go by, but I'm not so certain, so if any one has any thoughts or ideas, please let me know.

Also the flesh tone will be an almost purplish colour, as if slightly off colour (perhaps more purplish grey as if to look a little more industrial)

Any way, if any thoughts come to mind, I'd love to hear them.



:P :lol: :lol:

^_^ ^_^ ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE: 21/12/2008


The painting of Perturabo will commence in the new year, I hope to have him completed by at least June/July, because I really plan to take my time on this project, I don't want to rush it and get everything wrong.


Any way, keep watch for updated images of the work in progress.

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  • 1 month later...



Painting will commence before the end of January, will post WIP images on this topic, and when finally complete, will post images of the completed model into the Hall of Honour section.


A lot of colour tests have been carried out, and I'm now satisfied with the ones I will be using, and I am going for Post-Heresy Iron Warrior scheme (the DoW pre-heresy scheme I saw is indeed incorrect, they were the same before and after the Horus Heresy, so that scheme has been shelved).


Will list the colours I will be using on request.

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really nice, but I think the huge pole sticking up his butt distracts from the model a bit... :lol:


Well it isn't as you so put it sticking up, he's climbing over it, I put it there to disguise the metal rod holding him up, with the metal tabbard to hide this fact. This is hence why the leg is over the top of the wall.


Any way, thanks for the input. :D B) ;)

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Perturabo is now painted, with a satin varnish (Purity Seal), on the skin tones, and base, and gloss varnish on all the bits that are either metallic (except the walls on the base themselves, they were coated only in Purity Seal), or representing wiring on the model.


Photos to follow soon, though they will probably be posted in the hall of fame (I'll post a link to that page on this one).


I have, before any one does see the model and points it out, I have painted the model in quite dark colours, I felt that it would work best for Perturabo, being of the Iron Warriors, and therefore more likely to be around machinery belching out fumes and pollution, rather than the brighter colours one might expect to see with a daemon prince.


Any way, like I've said, photos to follow :D ^_^ :lol:

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  • 7 months later...


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