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Why Are Sisters Repentia So Bad?


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Only one or two reasons I can see why people don't like them, I'll list them.



S6 I1 power weapons

4+ armour save (probably the only 'good' thing about them though)

Can't ride in Transports

Can't fleet

Can't use faith

Can't be used properly 1/3 of the time

Minimum squad costs over 100 pts

Maximum squad (The only time it starts to get effective) cost over 400 pts

'Free KP' for the opponent

Can be baited far too easily and therefore render them utterly useless.

The only effective combatant in the group, the Mistress, must be killed to make the rest of the girls better overall

Logistical problems with fluff.

Can't have ICs join them.


As for fan-rules? Lower their price by at least 10 pts and give them I3-4 on the charge and the ability to strike in CC even if beaten to the punch by superior initiative.

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My main problem with Repentia is the low I. Besides that I believe they are actually really good. I played 2 games last night and proxied a all my bros sword brethren as repentia. I had in all 57 repentia, and 3 mistress. I went up first against Imperial Guard. This was the same IG army I played a couple days ago, 2 leman russ, 1 chimera (full of ogryn), and 1 basilisk, 1 squad of 10 rough riders, 1 karsikin squad, and then a ton of regular guard. My Seraphem, and my Two jump cannoness once again took care of the tanks fairly early in the game ;). My repentia had 1 rhino infront of each of them. I used this as a way to get them into battle. (game was 2500 points if anyone was wondering) As soon as I got close, my sisters disembaked, shoot at the enemy, then my repentia charged the following turn. A few of my repentia were taking out, but not all of them. I was able to destroy a ton of gaurdsmen that game.


The tyranid was a game against NIDzilla. I hate these list, but atleast having 6 carnifex all geared for range sure helped me. He ended up destroying two of my rhinos, a few repentia, and some of my seraphem, but not much harm done. When my repentia got into combat (and after 2 of the carnifex were already gone, ty seraphem and cannoness) the carnifex had no chance. The other gaunts were destroyed easily by my flame templates (and rolling very porely on his part) Then the one thing I never killed was his Hive tyrant ,shame.


The repentia need to be tweaked, but they still are awesome, even in groups of 20 (if you only have 20 all together) Though for a comp list, I would drop the repentia.

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Bottom line:


Against comparably pointed assault oriented units from any other army, they get destroyed because of the low initiative.


For less points, I can take (as an example) a space marine assault squad and absolutely wreck a repentia squad because I am going first with a ton of attacks, higher initiative, and they have very little in the way of armor.


Even in the Witch Hunters list, you have things like the Eversor and the Arco-Flagellants, much less glancing at Daemonhunters and pulling in some GK's or GKT's.

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I've gone through this several times myself, but the crux of the problem lies in the fact that they're woefully overpriced for how weak they are.


They have a worse armor save, they can't use faith, they are hard to control, they strike at initiative 1, and so on. They might be worth it at half their price, but they're pretty bad at twenty points apiece.

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