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The Lamenters

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I've always loved the fluff of The Lamenters since I got into the hobby several years ago. Recently when I decided to improve my painting skills and learn to use yellow I decided The Lamenters would make the perfect army for my goal.


Most examples of The Lamenters that I've seen show them with a bright yellow armor very similar to the Imperial Fists but I've decided to go with the more dull brown yellow in "How to Paint Space Marines". I intend to keep the red helmet stripe showed in the older art work however.


Also, since I was feeling adventurous with yellow I decided to try my hand with green stuff. The dreadnought represents my first ever attempts at greenstuffing and I think they turned out "ok".


The yellow on the marines appear a brights brighter than it is in real life but all in all I think it turned out well. I haven't started the checker pattern on the shoulder guard or the chapter badge yet and I haven't started highlights yet. Also, I haven't decided on what to do for bases yet but ideas would be appreciated!


Frontal View of the Dreadnought.







Frontal View of Librarian



Rear View of Librarian



Librarian Book - Still very much WIP



Sergeant /w Power Fist but no head. I'm working on the head seperately



Examples of Tactical Marine - Again very WIP





And the Group Shot - I have another 5 tactical marines but they aren't as far along yet.


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Thanks for the kind words! I'll post some updates shortly. I decided to swing by the battle bunker in MD yesterday and picked up an autocanon for the dread and some eagle land raider doors for the future.


Also, I think I'm going to attempt to greenstuff a banner for the dread to give him a bit more bling. Pics to follow soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Time for an update. Painting is progressing slowly on the yellow unfortunately. I'm including some more WIPs of the Dread who is pretty far along at this point.


Couple of notes about the dread:


1. No highlights or battle damage yet.

If anyone has a good method for apply battle damage I'd love to hear it.

2. Tyranid head: I intend to drybrush it it bone white and highlight it with a mix of bone and skull white to give it the appear that it's more of a skull than a recently won prize.

3. The tabard has no work done besides painting. I'm hoping to freehand a heart onto it and add some writing.

4. The greenstuffed heart + checker pattern didn't turn out exactly how I would have liked. I'll probably go back and redo the entire thing.


Sorry for the bad quality of the images but they convey the point. The light sort of washes out the yellow a tad though. C&C appreciated.


Front side #1 with no arms.



Front side #2 with WIP arms



Side view #1



Side view #2



Close up of tyranid head


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First off, love what you are doing. The yellow is excellent and the dread really stands out so far. Keep doing what you are doing.


One of the techniques that I have used on my armored vehicles and I will apply to my chaplain dread, is using snips of the foam that comes with blisters (that grey stuff), tearing it into uneven shapes, then dipping into paint, dabbing most of the paint off on a paper towel, then applying to the model.


When applying damage this way, I pick a dark color for lighter base coat, or a lighter color on a darker base coat. Once you have applied that layer, then you follow up with another contrasting color so that it looks like there are multiple layers of primer underneath your paint. You can also choose to add metallics to show depth.


As I said, I need to do this to my chaplain dread, who is painted a deep red color. I will first apply a lighter grey (e.g. Astronomicon Grey), then follow up with a darker color (still deciding). At the end of it I'll add some Boltgun with a brush.


I'll put together something by mid-week for you to look at, if that meets your timeframe.


Cheers and keep up the great work!

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Im loving the dread, he looks awsome with the nid on the shoulder, and i love how you did the tabard, a guick guide on how to do that would be greatly appeciated. have you got any information on the Lamenters as i have no idea about there history. I will be watching this, cant wait to see a larger force. keep at it.
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Some quick info about the Lamenters. They’re a cursed founding chapter and their troubles manifests itself as bad luck. They are rumored to be descended from the Blood Angels and managed to cure the red thirst and black rage which should have brought a lot of joy. But, they picked the wrong side during the Badab War but they were mauled by the Minotaur’s and forced to surrender. They were allowed to go on a penance crusade to redeem themselves that eventually lead them into Hive Fleet Kraken and more or less were wiped out. All that remains is roughly 300 marines


Lexicanum - Lamenters


Army wise I’m thinking about expanding with a squad of Sternguard dressed out with tyranid trophies similar to the dreadnought. I also have a squad of terminators and a land raider sitting around but fluff wise I don’t know if I want to include it in the army. I’m just not sure if they have much heavy armor left to them after being wiped out by the ‘nids.


I’ll try to work up a quick guide to making that tabard. I had no experience with green stuff prior to making it but I sculpted that after a bunch of tries and a couple hours experimenting. A nice GW staffer actually gave me a great hands on training with the stuff. As for the chains, I found a YouTube video and copied the guys technique because it was simple and turns out really good. I’ll try to dig it up and post the link for those interested.


Lastly, I’ll get the tactical squad pics posted up soon. I want to get them based and put battle damage on before I show them off again!

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  • 1 month later...

Back for another update. It's been awhile but I'm a terribly slow painter and I've been working on Templars for the current painting challenge. The dread is nearly done at this point. A couple of things I'm a little nit picky about on the model:


1. The heart on the arm tabard. It's a little lopsided. My freehand isn't very good!

2. The weather effects are ok but could be better. I learned some valuable lessons with this model.

3. The "S" in Argos didn't come out clearly. I'm going to go back and clean that up shortly.

4. The base isn't done yet. It can't really be seen in the pics but I'm using a wash technique on it.


I appreciate all the comments so far. Let me know what you think. I'm always looking to improve my painting!


I now present to you Brother Argos!


Front Side 1. You can see that Argos is turning his attention to his right to fire at some unknown enemy of the Emperor.



Front Side 2. A better look at the Lamenter Chapter badge on his greave and tyranid head trophy.



Side 1. A view of his arm tabard. Note the claw marks on his arm...possibly from a now dead tyranid??



Side 2. Up close view of the right arm.


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Also, since I was feeling adventurous with yellow I decided to try my hand with green stuff. The dreadnought represents my first ever attempts at greenstuffing and I think they turned out "ok".


Liar, Lair! Oh how I hate naturally talented people :rolleyes: ........ :lol:

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