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Terminator Squad I Just Finished


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Hi Godfrey.


First thing, great job on the painting, i really like what you did on this termie. I like the contrast between the head and the rest of the body, and your highlighting is quite goodm tho maybe a bit too heavy on the shoulder pads. but that's just me.


I might be mistaken but it looks like you put two shoulder pads with crux terminatus on your termie, did you do it on purpose ?

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Yea, I think I went too heavy on the high lighting on the shoulderpads also. I'll do it differently on the next 4



The right shoulderpad is from the Black Templar upgrade sprue. It is a skull over the maltese cross. I didn't take a good picture of it, they are similar.

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Yea, I think I went too heavy on the high lighting on the shoulderpads also. I'll do it differently on the next 4


Well it's just my opinion, i've never been very good with highlighting, i always find it doens't 'feel right'.


The right shoulderpad is from the Black Templar upgrade sprue. It is a skull over the maltese cross. I didn't take a good picture of it, they are similar.


Well my bad then. :tu:


I'm looking forward to seeing the others.

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Thank you for the tip, and I do agree, it does need a wash on the helmet. I'll get around to it :)

In the meantime, I'm trying to get the complete squad of 5 to tabletop quality.

Here is the next one:



More tips are welcome!!

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So, I have finished my vow of a full 5 man Sword Brethren Terminator Assault Squad.

Here is another shot of the hammer initiate, and the newest member of the squad. Then some group shots.

Their helmets still need a dark wash, but I have work for basically a week straight now, so this will suffice for a bit.






I also have here my next project!

I am going to convert these 3rd ed terminators to make them look respectable. That's why I saved a lot of the spare bits that came with the assault termies. So, i'll end up with 5 claw terminators and 5 hammer terminators.

Then I will have a 5 man shooty terminator command squad with 2 heavy flamers and a sgt. However, then I will need to actually make a HQ in TDA to go with them. Which means I will want two, one with hammer and shield, and the other with claws...


Thanks for looking!! I do enjoy comments!

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those are the old 2nd edition plastic terminators, came out with the second iteration of Space Hulk if I remember correctly.


The metal terminator you've got there is way older than that though, from much nearer the start of 2nd edition WH40k, round about 1992-1993 ish.




The metal terminator came in a blister with two right arms, so he had to be converted no matter what.

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