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Space Marine Action Figure


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I dont know how many times this has been done before, I can guarentee its not an original idea BUT this is my attempt.


Im going to turn this action figure that i picked up from tesco for dirt cheap.




Into one of our beloved space marines.




This is the look im aiming for, more realistic proportions and armour that looks like ti could actualy move.




I chose this figure because of its flexability and fairly realistic jointing. I am undecided as to what chapter I will make him, it will either be my WIP chapter or Ultramarines (I like their scheme so shoot me). i thought you people would like to see how i did it and how i progress.


I cant decide if this guy should be a tac marine or a seargent. I was planning on having exchangable weapons and mabey even a jump pack, but do i arm him with bolter and chainsword, just a bolter or a bolt pistol and power fist.

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Okay first, I hacked off his hair and clipped his nails, I then heated up his right hand and reposed the fingers so that they could hold a bolter/ccw better.


I removed his left hand because it was in the wrong position for what i have planned. I will try and remodel the hand or replace it with a new one and stick that on at a later date with a joint.


Ive also taken a slive out from the lower part of his chest, this will hopefully allow wires to be attached here and still allow his body to flex.



You're crazy, but I still respect you...


Should be interesting, though...


And do them Ultras 2nd Co. -Emperor forgive me- as they are -the most- iconic Space Marines of the 41st Millenium... Why else would Games Workshop paste them over nearly every SM box there is?



this is an experiment, if ti works i may do more :lol:



If it dosnt work, I lay down a challenge to everyone to make one that does work.


If it works, I lay down a challenge to everyone to do one better!


My Greenstuff fu isnt great so i have no doubt someone out there can do better, :D infact i look forward to it.


Dont tell me you all dont want to have a go now hahah



Quick update


This is the basic green stuff work ive done on it. I hope to add a smoother finished layer of GS over the top (or plasticard).


A few issues ive come accross.. the torso is too narrow, in future attempts I will try disconnect the arms from the shoulders, widen the torso then re attach the arms. As a result I had to raise the belt a fair amount more then id have liked which shows a little more soft armour then probably should..


However i will disguise that with armoured pannels similar to thouse on terminators.


The greaves need a little more shape to them with GS but as i said above this is just the basic structure work all the neat tidey work will be done once the basic structure is finished. I will hopefully will be adding a bit more beefyness to him as he does seem a little skinny still.


The model has lost a small amount of mobility/flexability but nothing huge. He couldnt not kneel or sit before he still cannot :cuss


Feedback as with everything I do is welcomed and encouraged... be brutal its the only way we learn.

I am thinking a Bolter and Chainsword setup :P because unfortunatly he cant hold a weapon accross his chest his arms isnt flexible enough. I guess next time I need to search for a better base figure.


But I have a love for assault marines so I shall probably make him into one of them.


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