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Random Space Wolf Characters

Dexter Kong

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This is my first post, fingers crossed I don't screw it up.

I'm currently working on several characters for my friend's Space Wolf army, and am looking for some C&C. I've been a World Eater and Ork player forever, so this is somewhat of a break from the norm, but not by much. My friend and I wanted his army to have a very barbaric, savage feel to it. So often the Space Wolf armies I see are too refined and tame looking to me. We want to create an army of crazed barbarians in power armor.

The first model is the leader of one of his Scout packs.




I was going for a very feral, stripped-down look, like a crazed hunter. Bit too late for too much criticism on this one, as I've already started to paint him.

The Wolf Lord, however, is still very much in the building phase.





I don't have a pic yet of him tacked together, but you get the idea of what I'm going for. For his head, he is going to have a mohawk and a very grizzly biker-type beard. I am hesitant to start his head yet, as I want to get my hands on the sprue when it comes out and see what it has to offer. Until I saw the images of it, I was going to use one of the marauder horsemen heads (the one with the mohawk that's not swept back), and do a greenstuff beard. That may well still be what I end up doing, my concern at the moment though is that the head will be far too small for his already oversized body. I wouldn't call him truescale yet, but he's damn close.

Anyways, tell me what you think, no matter how nasty.

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Oh my God....


*hides under computer desk till the scary looking wolf men go away*



Lol, but in all seriousness, these are EPIC looking dude! I'm really liking the scout, especially how you fused in the space marine legs at the bottom. The Chaos Marauder helm was a nice touch as well, really drives home the nordic/viking barbarian look! What if you had a few GS glowing runes carved into him by the Rune Priest, as protective wards or something (for fluff and really cool effects), or even blue and green tattoos! Keep up the awesome work man, your doing great!

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Funny you mention that, actually. The entire army will feature blue warpaint, with squads and unit types being designated by where the paint is applied to their armor/bodies. Generally speaking, the higher their status, the more ellaborate their warpaint will be, so the veteran scouts will have really crazy designs.
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  • 1 month later...

Yeah I procrastinate.





I've sorta fallen in love with this model. The army I am painting him for takes place before "current" 40k time, and this model represents Erik Morkai before his ascension to Wolf Lord. He'll be getting the Morkai two-headed-wolf decal on his shoulder when I've decided his paint job is done. I think I'm almost there, just need a few small touch-ups here and there. Any suggestions?

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  • 2 months later...

I forgot about these guys.

Here are three more members of the scout squad. One more is in the works, just finishing up his base. All the bases are unfinished, but the bulk of the detail is there in all of them. Before I go on to paint them I'd like to hear some c&c.







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I have to admit, they seem too chaos looking for my tastes or for SW IMO, especially the helmets on the scouts. But then I do think they are amazing conversions especially the last one in the jumping pose and the guy with the crow. Instant classic. I might try one scout with a bare chest. I think it would look good for the MOTW.


Congrats and more pics soon! :P

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Nothing new on the scouts today, I'm still struggling the the base on the fifth squad member. I think I got in over my head with his pose. But I haven't shown the Wolf Lord any love since the initial pics, so here he is all blu-tacked together.


Kinda iffy on the wolf skull (I hope it'll pass as a wolf skull) trophy. When I get around to gluing him together, he will have a beard and some braids coming down from the back of his mohawk. I think the rest of him is about done though, can't think of any additional detail to add.

Leave me suggestions if you have them. They're much more helpful than compliments :)

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Leave me suggestions if you have them. They're much more helpful than compliments :)



So true.


I like the Lord, but he is very very busy with all the bits hanging off him. If you cut back on some of the dangling teeth and fur tails, less could be better here.


The head is also a little small. The Chaos Marauder heads worked wonders for the scouts, but I think that they are a tad too small for the bigger Space Marines. Even more so next to the Terminator shoulder pads.

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So true.


I like the Lord, but he is very very busy with all the bits hanging off him. If you cut back on some of the dangling teeth and fur tails, less could be better here.


The head is also a little small. The Chaos Marauder heads worked wonders for the scouts, but I think that they are a tad too small for the bigger Space Marines. Even more so next to the Terminator shoulder pads.


You raise an interesting point, I hadn't thought of the busyness of the model. The head size had worried me a bit before, but truthfully it's not really any smaller than a standard Space Wolf head. It is slightly thinner in the front, but I think it looks so much smaller because the body of the model is so effing big.

For the moment, I'm going to trust the model, and hope that a well-sculpted beard and a career as a painter is enough to tie the whole thing together convincingly. I should know if it's going to work by the time I undercoat it.

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Scouts are great, exactly the type of look a scout pack should have!


As fo teh lord, i think he's first class. The reason he may possibly look cluttered coul dbe down to the fact that hes several different colours. Give him a blast of primer before you go pulling/cutting bits off!!

I think you'll have a problem with the wolf pelts on the shields hitting the ground unless you raise his left arm a tad?

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Scouts are great, exactly the type of look a scout pack should have!


As fo teh lord, i think he's first class. The reason he may possibly look cluttered coul dbe down to the fact that hes several different colours. Give him a blast of primer before you go pulling/cutting bits off!!

I think you'll have a problem with the wolf pelts on the shields hitting the ground unless you raise his left arm a tad?


Yeah, I agree about the colors. That's why I'm waiting until I undercoat it before I start chopping.

Also, you're right about the shield. They don't quite touch the ground, but they're close, so I'll raise his fist a bit.

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Yeah, I agree about the colors. That's why I'm waiting until I undercoat it before I start chopping.

Also, you're right about the shield. They don't quite touch the ground, but they're close, so I'll raise his fist a bit.


Hes going to be awesome, looking forward to his finished pose!!

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Brilliant work so far.


As for suggestions for the lord,how about carving some runes into the axe heads just to add that little bit of extra fine detail?


Not much i know,all i've got at the minute :D


Looking forward to seeing the Gs beard you mentioned,should really help solve the head size issue.




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Here's the fifth and final scout I'll be doing.




The pose isn't quite as dramatic as I had in mind, but I wanted to keep them all on 25mm bases, and couldn't cram in as much rubble as I wanted to make it work. It didn't seem quite as lame an excuse when I was actually trying to make it work as when I'm reading it now.

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Hm the pose of the last scout isn't quite as natural as with the others. He seems to be more tumbling back than in forward motion (which I believe you were trying to achieve, right?) Maybe if his left foot stood on the rock, he would seem more stable.


I mean this pose :huh:

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