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Custom Grey Knight Grandmaster


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hey B&C...


here is my latest commission work...

this is another example of my basic commission standard, with the extra freehand option...


i was hired to paint this guy back in November, but he didn't come up in the queue until after i finished Mephiston two months ago...

luckily i didn't paint him for the Golden Bolter, or there would have been two of these guys in the comp...

whoever painted the one in the contest, thanks for the ispiration on the blade...





the side views can be seen in the gallery submission here:




the way the weapons stick out has made it difficult to get a standard 4 angles...

i will put up a collage of the details later...

for now i just wanted to show off my work before it goes in the mail...


the mini is a mix of parts from Marneus Calgar in Termie armor, a Grey Knight Termie Psycannon, the Termie Librarian Force Weapon arm, the Company Champion helmet, and a halberd head from an unknown source...

not a whole lot of conversion work was needed for these parts to fit together, though i did need to sculpt over the spot for the ammo feeds in his back...

unfortunately, the censers from the Dark Angels kit cover my sculpting work...


hope you like him...


thanks for lookin'...




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Seeing this wants me do start my Astral Knights now... shame my GW budget currently doesn't exist at the moment :C#


I second lolita: reveal your metallic secrets to us mere mortals... pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?

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thanks guys...

this mini seems to be getting a good reception...

i should have some more angles and detail shots up tomorrow...

there will also be an in depth write-up on the painting on my blog...


@lolita23q: the metals are basically Boltgun Metal with a few washes of P3 Turquoise Ink for a funky tint...

highlighted with Vallejo Air Aluminium...




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Very very nice and characterful converstion. Seamless.


I'm not a big fan of the orange flame-blade, it looks a bit out of place IMHO. I think that a cold blue/turqoise would have looked better, but of course that is a matter of personal taste.


Still, the paintjob is great. :P

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Calgar base, psycannnon GK arm ok. The NFW arm, it looks like a custom made? Also The helmet, a company champion head right? Man I want one...


So awseome, I voted for the one of these in Golden bolter, truely imense.

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