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Celtic Space Marines

Jarl Bloodwolf

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So currently I am working on about 4 differant DIY chapters (I dont mind multitasking, it keeps me busy) and am proud to say I will be posting them as soon as I can. I am also getting ready to start on a 5th (bring it on). I have decided to create a celtic themed chapter and I was wondering if anyone has made their own celtic chapters or knows of someone who has as


I would love to see how they were done. I did a search and didn't find anything on B&C so maybe I didn't use the right words. And when I googled it all I found was a link to scibor miniatures shoulder pads (which I plan on using) and a space marine that some guy put a green stuff kilt on :HQ:


So if anyone has made a celtic chapter please share

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To the Liber, home of DIYs, with thee! *twock*



To answer your questions, though, yes, myself and a few others have done Celtic-themed Chapters, for various definitions of "Celtic". Mine are the Sons of Dagda, but you can find lots of others by searching here on the B+C (especially within the Liber) for words like "Celtic", "Irish", "Scottish", "Gaelic", etc.


And as for the guy who put greenstuff kilts on Space Marines, that may have been me. ;)

My bad I wasent sure if I should have put it here or in the Liber. And I know that people have done them I just can't find examples, when I did the search it only came up with 5 results. I guess I'll keep searching


P.S It was someone else, but the way he did it looked......cheap I guess is the best word :lol



I also had an idea for a Celtic chapter, though there's one problem: they were VERY independent, each fought for their own glory and alone. (and naked, but that's detail ;) )


So you'll have to tweak it a bit to match the SM's. ;)


Good luck and I'll be keeping an eye on this for sure.


If you need help for anything, you can always ask me :)



Well I think all celtic chapters would be very independant but individuals fighting amongst themselves could be problematic :rolleyes: .


i have here a brief excerpt from a seperate post that give some of the traits that I am going to emmulate in my chapter.


"And to better understand the mindset of the chapter you've got to know a little about them. They are a successor of the Imperial Fists and in the chapter I've combined traits from some of my favorite chapters. They are as tough and loyal as the Imperial Fists (the pain glove and defence of Terra as examples), as independant and wild as the Space Wolves (no example needed), have an aptitude for crafting weapons and armor that is only surpassed by the Salamanders and a drive to challange themselves that would make the Iron Hands proud (if their cyberneticly inhanced minds still feel pride)."


Now much of these traits are inherited from the chapters first leader who was an old fashioned Terran captain who was known for having an independant streak. But the rest of these ideas became manifest throughout the chapters history. Here is a synapsis of my chapters history.


The recently founded Ecclesiarchy seeks to expand its power base and to spread the word of The Emperor. They find a planet (they name the planet Hibernia which was the roman name for Ireland) inhabited by tribes of humans as well as a population of abhuman beastman, initial scans reveal a large amount of ______ in the planets crust (anyone know any rare highly sought metals in 40k?).


The priests of the expidition convert the human populace (and indirectly the beastmen) to worship The Emperor, after the populace has been converted the Ecclesiarchy leads a campaign to exterminate the "foul" beastmen that the tribes have always competed with for recources. After almost destroying every beastmen the Ecclesiarchy begins to mine the planet for the said mineral. As they begin to ravage the planet the humans (who have a strong connection with nature) rebel. Though the Ecclesiarchy has advanced technology they are outnumber and are eventuall driven from the planet.


The cardinal in charge of the expidition sends a call for aid (this was before the SoB were founded, the church is still young and only has regular army) claiming that the planets populace has rebeled against The Emperor and must be clinsed of their heritical ways. The first to recieve this call was captain ______ (deciding what i want his name to be) of the Imperial Fists. Arriving on the planet the captain finds not chaos worshiping savages but proud warriors fighting for their way of life. Inraged at the cardinals misdirection he refuses to kill them and instead places the planet under the protection of the Imperial Fists.


Shortly after the cardinal returns with an army of the church and tries to take the planet by force from the IF. The IF and local populace (as well as the surviving beastmen) unite against the cardinals army and it is defeated. Impressed by the bravery and skill of the tribes (as well as a certain defiance which is a trait he himself has) the captain requests that his company become a seperate chapter with Hibernia as the chapters homeworld.


After hearing of the the battle the IF chapter master gives his support to the cause and it is through his support that the High Lords of Terra agree. The company takes up residence on the planet (havent decided if I want a fortress monastery or a orbiting battle station) and begins rebuilding its losses from the planets populace. The beastmen are allowed to repopulate as the chapter sees the constant conflicts between the two populaces as a good way to test the tribes for recruits.


The chapter begins to mine the minerals within the planets crust (not in a bad way like the Ecclesiarchy) but they limit their mining to the poles so as to minimise their impact. These minerals (or mineral) are highly valued and sought after, the chapter begins to trade with the mechanicum and due to their ready supply have very good relations with Mars (this is how the chapter is good at making things, they are privy to more secrets).


Well this is the basic outline of my chapters history. I am going to include excerpts on chapter characters and famous battles (The Banshee wars, planet was a Eldar world before the humans settled it). And of course will expand on chapter organisation and battle tactics.


I am of course going to use the SW codex to represent my chapter. Color wise I am thinking of having their armor be a dark iron color and the inset of their shoulder guards will be a blue color with their chapter symbol being a sword. I am still tossing around a chapter name (seems to be the hardest part for me on this chapter).


feedback so far? And please forgive my spelling and grammer, I know its horrible but I am pressed for time :lol:

Sorry, but there are way too many triple-jumps through established fluff there.


For example:

Captain finds proud savages or chaos worshipping savages - doenst really matter. He'd still kill them for rebelling. If he's a Terran captain he probably had some experience of the Heresy (especially if the Ecclesiarchy is still young) or was trained by marines who were there. He'll be most likely going for the kill first, then why bother with questions later approach. So how does he discover that the natives are not traitors to teh Emperor.


Then, the Church goes up openly against the IF's - not even Vadnire was stupid enough to do this. No way, no how.


Requesting that his company becomes a separate chapter - again, a big no-no. It doesnt work like that.


Let alone why an IF captain would want to saddle himself with a planet to run like that - 'I seek recruits, not vassals' or something (Dorn quote).


I'll assume you've already read the BIY guide, but just in case its slipped your mind - DIY guide. I'd suggest taking waht you've already written, then sitting down and going through it and making sure that you dont tick off too many boxes on the 'dont do this' list. Sorry its been mostly critical in a bad way, but if you only get compliments, you'll never be pushed to improve. Good luck with the improving...

Sorry, but there are way too many triple-jumps through established fluff there.


For example:

Captain finds proud savages or chaos worshipping savages - doenst really matter. He'd still kill them for rebelling. If he's a Terran captain he probably had some experience of the Heresy (especially if the Ecclesiarchy is still young) or was trained by marines who were there. He'll be most likely going for the kill first, then why bother with questions later approach. So how does he discover that the natives are not traitors to teh Emperor.


Then, the Church goes up openly against the IF's - not even Vadnire was stupid enough to do this. No way, no how.


Requesting that his company becomes a separate chapter - again, a big no-no. It doesnt work like that.


Let alone why an IF captain would want to saddle himself with a planet to run like that - 'I seek recruits, not vassals' or something (Dorn quote).


I'll assume you've already read the BIY guide, but just in case its slipped your mind - DIY guide. I'd suggest taking waht you've already written, then sitting down and going through it and making sure that you dont tick off too many boxes on the 'dont do this' list. Sorry its been mostly critical in a bad way, but if you only get compliments, you'll never be pushed to improve. Good luck with the improving...


There are a few things I would like to discuss about your post as I dont really see how they are no-no's.


Starting with the captain just killing them all and asking questions later because he was apart of the heresy or trained by those who were. The time period that my chapters founding is from is the 32nd millenia roughly 300 years after the heresy so my captain wasen't apart of those wars. As for shooting first ask questions later that could be a possibility but not every captain is going to have that attitude especially if he is aiding an organisation that has just recently been officially recognised in the Imperium (add to that the factor that the space marine chapters dont worship The Emperor the way everyone else does and so the Ecclisarchy dosent have much sway with them).


In this circumstance the captain will want to investigate first as there may be hidden variables (like if they have turned to chaos could the traitor legions be involved, could there be a daemonic presence). These may include simply having his companie scouts monitor the enemies positions were the scouts observe the tribes praying to The Emperor. Now as for killing them because they are rebeling the populace of the planet is not rebeling against The Emperor, they are still loyal citizens who are simply defending their home against those seeking to exploit it. A (sane) SM captain isnt going to just charge in and wipe everyone out just because someone told him to (especially if that someone sees The Emperor as a god).


Next is the church going against the IF. This is not impossible in fact an example of this happening can be found on page 19 of the current Space Wolves codex. Now granted the Space Wolves don't do what anyone tells them to, all Space Marine chapters are completly independant of both the Inquisition and the church (especially the church) and so if the church challanges a chapter/company (which they have) that company will defend itself and its vassals. And if a SM captain learns that the cardinal lied to him in order to manipulate him into attacking the planet there is no way he will back down when that same cardinal returns with an army and tries to tell him what to do.


As for the captain requesting that his company become the foundation of a new chapter. Again I dont see how this is bad? he didn't just break from his chapter he made a request of his chapter master who in turn requested the boon of the High Lords of Terra. Again this has presidence as Azrael requested that a chapter be created and the High Lords granted it. I also find this as plausible do to the IF actions in the defense of Terra and this happened around the time of the 3rd founding. So if they were already making chapters why would they reject

the creation of one by a willing chapter.


For the why a captain would want to do this if he developed a bond of brotherhood with the planets inhabitants as well as swore and oath to protect them I could see them going to any means to fullfill that oath (as long as it didnt conflict with his loyalty to The Emperor). Also to become a chapter master is the greatest honour a space marine can recieve, to lead an entire chapter of marines against those forces who threaten humanity. Why would a captain pass that up unless he thought he wasn't ready?


And last of all concerning the DIY guidlines created by Feratta. I have read the DIY and I did what you said, I went through the donts section to see if I fell under any of those catigories and I dont. There are a few that can be misconstrued as falling into those catigories but they don't. For instance my chapter was created during the 3rd founding not the 2nd (as it relates to the time period), the chapter wasent formed from a company that was forgotten or seperated from its parent chapter, I didn't claim that the chapter was created whole from another chapter and they were founded by the High Lords of Terra just at the request of the parent chapter.


Now I would say that there is one dont that I slighlty fall under with this chapter and that is concerning having my chapter fullfill the role of another organisation in that a larger standard army would have been able to defeat the tribes so a space marine company wasen't exactly needed, but I counter this with 2 arguements. One the company was the closest battle ready formation to the planet when the call for aid went out. They are not going to just let Imperial soldiers die needlessly if they dont have to ( that is if the cardinal was speaking the truth). Also with the Imperium still rebuilding after the Horus Heresy the chapters are going to be on their toes looking for chaotic influence and so if a distress call goes out saying a planet has turned to chaos then the chapter is going to investiagte.


Also in the first paragraph concerning the DIY donts it says " There is nothing saying you cannot break them, and as always, a good story can overcome breaking the background". I hope it does not sound like I am being dismissive, rude or argumentative but I see the points that you pointed out as bad things to have in a chapters fluff as perfectly acceptable, supportable and supported peices of background and I am simply defending my choices.


Thank you and everyone else for your replies and I hope to get more feedback.

all Space Marine chapters are completly independant of both the Inquisition and the church (especially the church)




As for the captain requesting that his company become the foundation of a new chapter. Again I dont see how this is bad? he didn't just break from his chapter he made a request of his chapter master who in turn requested the boon of the High Lords of Terra. Again this has presidence as Azrael requested that a chapter be created and the High Lords granted it. I also find this as plausible do to the IF actions in the defense of Terra and this happened around the time of the 3rd founding. So if they were already making chapters why would they reject

the creation of one by a willing chapter.

First, what do you mean by completely independant?


Secondly, yes, that did happen with the DA's, but that was a unique case. Also, the IF's would never let a WHOLE company go just like that. More like a small cadre of Veterans.


In a rush, may add more later on: :)



Ok, again: The newly-official ecclesiarchy is not going to go up against the Imperial Fists. When the church was at its most powerful, when it had armies and fleets of its own, the megalomaniac in charge (who had just taken over the entire council of the High Lords of Terra) still did not go up against them. The Space Wolves are a completely different kettle of fish. The IF's have such a wide net of influence, alliegances and favours to call on, that I doubt this fledgeling cardinal would have dared even think of it. And not forgeting that the church would have been rather aware that they were going up against one of the celebrated 'Defenders of Terra', who stood beisde their God in his hour of need. Imagine a devout, 15-hail-marys-a-day, Catholic Nun getting in to a fight with the Papal emmissary. Not very likely is it.


And as Ludovic has just mentioned, Why should the Chapter Master of the IF's be willin gto give up nearly 1/4 of his fighting troops because their captain swore to defend a planet? If you've read any of the Ultramarine books, I'd remind you of Tarsis Ultra - a world the Ultras Primarch swore to defend, and that oath consists of sending help whenever they call - not stationing a whole company there full-time and splitting it off into a new chapter. Is your captains oath more important than a Primarchs?



Also not wishing to be argumentative, but I would suggest that unless you're planning on doing a William King level of story to these guys, the majority of your readers are going to find this many 'special' bits a tad hard to swallow, leading to suggestions of mary-sue ism.



You could also look up the "Octaguide" in here somewhere, it might help explain these things a bit better than I have time to do at the moment.

all Space Marine chapters are completly independant of both the Inquisition and the church (especially the church)




As for the captain requesting that his company become the foundation of a new chapter. Again I dont see how this is bad? he didn't just break from his chapter he made a request of his chapter master who in turn requested the boon of the High Lords of Terra. Again this has presidence as Azrael requested that a chapter be created and the High Lords granted it. I also find this as plausible do to the IF actions in the defense of Terra and this happened around the time of the 3rd founding. So if they were already making chapters why would they reject

the creation of one by a willing chapter.

First, what do you mean by completely independant?


Secondly, yes, that did happen with the DA's, but that was a unique case. Also, the IF's would never let a WHOLE company go just like that. More like a small cadre of Veterans.


In a rush, may add more later on: B)




For this I mean that the chapter is not subject to the controle of the Inquisition and the church, even the Grey Knights who are the chamber militant of the Ordos Malleus are not completly under the Inquisitions controle. They can be investigated by the Inquisition but are not subject to its controle or to the eddicts of the church.



Ok, again: The newly-official ecclesiarchy is not going to go up against the Imperial Fists. When the church was at its most powerful, when it had armies and fleets of its own, the megalomaniac in charge (who had just taken over the entire council of the High Lords of Terra) still did not go up against them. The Space Wolves are a completely different kettle of fish. The IF's have such a wide net of influence, alliegances and favours to call on, that I doubt this fledgeling cardinal would have dared even think of it. And not forgeting that the church would have been rather aware that they were going up against one of the celebrated 'Defenders of Terra', who stood beisde their God in his hour of need. Imagine a devout, 15-hail-marys-a-day, Catholic Nun getting in to a fight with the Papal emmissary. Not very likely is it.


And as Ludovic has just mentioned, Why should the Chapter Master of the IF's be willin gto give up nearly 1/4 of his fighting troops because their captain swore to defend a planet? If you've read any of the Ultramarine books, I'd remind you of Tarsis Ultra - a world the Ultras Primarch swore to defend, and that oath consists of sending help whenever they call - not stationing a whole company there full-time and splitting it off into a new chapter. Is your captains oath more important than a Primarchs?



Also not wishing to be argumentative, but I would suggest that unless you're planning on doing a William King level of story to these guys, the majority of your readers are going to find this many 'special' bits a tad hard to swallow, leading to suggestions of mary-sue ism.



You could also look up the "Octaguide" in here somewhere, it might help explain these things a bit better than I have time to do at the moment.


Personally I think that a war between the church and the company is very viable but I don't want to argue it anymore so I will come up with something else. What are considered viable reasons as to why a chapter would be created that aren't "one of a kind" examples. My chapter will be apart of the 3rd founding but I don't want them to just be a chapter that was founded because it could. I want them to have a purpose for being created other than just one more chapter.


As to what Ludovic said I agree that a chapter master would not give up a full company and instead a smaller force but (this isn't stated in my description as I didnt go into to much detail) the company was not at full strength following the war on the planet as well as the campaigns that it was apart of prior to traveling to the planet so the company was not even close to its full strength and thus would be more justifiable for a chapter master to let go.


I apologize if i sound terse or rude I am handling some issues in my life, again I appreciate everyones feedback and help :D

Reasons for a chapter to be created - well, I suppose the biggie is to guard/patrol/defend an area that is percieved as needing to be strengthened: for example the Adeptus Praseus (sp?) chapters which are a loose grouping of chapters formed with the express intention of strengthening the defences around the Eye of Terror, all based on worlds/areas nearby and able to move to counter/slow any attacks from the traitors... Some chapters are formed to guard a particular area of the universe (Iron Snakes were formed to do this IIRC, also the Death Spectres on pg 26 of the codex), while others are tasked with more 'exploratory' roles. Some even garrison space fortresses! If you can come up with a threat that neccesitates mariens being there, thats your reason for their existence. Note that just because your chapter has a main purpose doesnt mean it will never do any of the other things.


I wouldnt have been quite so against the church vs company if it wasnt IF's, but thats who you want for your geneline, so theres less room for manouvre with that bit.


Good luck with the rest of it

Reasons for a chapter to be created - well, I suppose the biggie is to guard/patrol/defend an area that is percieved as needing to be strengthened: for example the Adeptus Praseus (sp?) chapters which are a loose grouping of chapters formed with the express intention of strengthening the defences around the Eye of Terror, all based on worlds/areas nearby and able to move to counter/slow any attacks from the traitors... Some chapters are formed to guard a particular area of the universe (Iron Snakes were formed to do this IIRC, also the Death Spectres on pg 26 of the codex), while others are tasked with more 'exploratory' roles. Some even garrison space fortresses! If you can come up with a threat that neccesitates mariens being there, thats your reason for their existence. Note that just because your chapter has a main purpose doesnt mean it will never do any of the other things.


I wouldnt have been quite so against the church vs company if it wasnt IF's, but thats who you want for your geneline, so theres less room for manouvre with that bit.


Good luck with the rest of it


Well based off of this what if I took an idea for an excerpt that I had for one of the chapters wars and turned it into the reason for creation. I mentioned above that I was going to write a short story about the chapters involvment in the Banshee Wars, the plot line being that the planet was originally an Eldar maiden world under the protection of Craftworld Iybraesil (which is known to have a large amount of Banshees as they mainly follow Morai-Heg) when it was colonised by the Imperium.


I was going to have it that when the Imperium destroyed the Eldar waystones on the planet it sent a psychic message to the craftworld. They then attacked the colonies in the area trying to drive them out and the chapter defends the sector of space, these encounters occur regularly over the chapters history and come to be called The Banshee Wars. So instead of having it be apart of my chapters history I could use it as the purpose for their creation. To defend the sector against Eldar attacks (among other things).


Is this better/more acceptable?


Its spelled Astartes Praeses :D



This is a very small contribution, but I would recommend as being Successors of the Raven Guard because they are very independent and they have other similarities with the Celts.....


Thank you for the suggestion but I am not a fan of the Raven Guard or any of their successors (which I could still make my own successor that I like I guess). But I think I will stick with the Imperial Fists.


Also a few more desicions have been made although they are small descisions. First I have done some research and discovered that Adamantium exists in the 40k universe (Wolverine eat your heart out) and as it the strongest material used by the Imperium (it was the material used to create the Imperial Palaces Eternity Gate) I figure that it would be highly sought after so this is the metal that is abundant on Hibernia.


And second the name of the captain Cathair (I think I spelled it right I dont have my list of names with me) which in Irish means "Battle-Man". Like I said they are small decissions but its the little details that pull a story together.


Also does anyone have any suggestions for a chapter name? I know a popular trend with celtic chapters is to have them either be the "Sons of ______" or the "Hounds of ______" but I would like to stay away from this. The only thing I have been able to think of is the Red Swords as I am going to use the Brettonian sword decal to represent their chapter symbol and it is red or maybe the Red Guard (sounds a little Russian to me) though I am having trouble with this because my paintscheme isn't actually red. I could maybe do something with a bull as I know that bulls are prominant in celtic mythology.


Any suggestions?

FYI celts didn't wear kilts all the time it was a celebratory garb. second all the folks near ireland, wales, scotland, norway, france, germany, and a far have some celtic roots. but most were scattered or renamed to there respective customs, and location. ie the franks = Gaul became later day France. I have made a celtic- like space marine force using Space wolves. since there the only pagan- like sm's out there. And space wolves are fitting as all the initiates are craving honor, and/ or trophies as like the celtic males in the stone age to bronze age. But celtic kilted men now-a-days would be more like ultramarines, and there romance like bravado. with more dueling swords, and flintlocks.


If your looking for a more modern looking celtic army. try something like a Boston Celtic armored space marines. lol,

thank you but I am a second generation American on both sides of my family. My mother is of Irish and Welsh decent and my dads family is from the Basque region of Spain. I am closer to the Irish side of my family and i visit every summer so I am aware of celtic tradition and I had no intention of putting kilts onto my marines.


As far as the look for my marines I am inspired by two things. One the WHFB Dwarf style with intricate carvings/runes and Ulthane and the environment Anvils Ford from the Darksiders game.

For this I mean that the chapter is not subject to the controle of the Inquisition and the church, even the Grey Knights who are the chamber militant of the Ordos Malleus are not completly under the Inquisitions controle. They can be investigated by the Inquisition but are not subject to its controle or to the eddicts of the church.


No church control is fine (indeed there never has been any control of the Astartes by the Church since the agreement over Chaplains was made in the early days of the Ministorum). The Inquisition bit, however, is wrong on multiple levels.


I'll just get the Grey Knights bit out of the way first since they're a side point: they are under Inquisitorial control (as far as the Inquisitors are allowed to control them), and the Inquisitors are under their control (as far as Inquisitors are allowed to be controlled). The closest thing there is to an Inquisition policy-making board, the Inner Conclave, has a permanent seat for one of the GK Grand Masters. They are enmeshed within the Inquisition to the point where they and the Inquisitors could rightly be described as the right hand and the left hand of the same body. The only significant separation between the Inquisitors and the Grey Knights is their official roles.


Secondly, you are either subject to the Inquisitorial Mandate or you are renegades - it is the literal authority of the Emperor. If you are loyal to the Emperor then you answer to the Inquisitors. If you do not answer to the Inquisitors, then you are not loyal to the Emperor. This is the whole point of having the Emperor's authority. In reality, the Inquisitors allow Guilliman's system for inter-Chapter policing to take precedence, and only step in when necessary - necessary policing is fine, but gratuitously annoying the Astartes is not. When the chips are down, you will be held accountable, and chances are your 'Brother Chapters' will be the ones holding the warrant of arrest/execution.

We've had the Horus Heresy. We've had the lesser version in the Badab War. Compared to the risk of the latter it is worth punishing you. Compared to the risk of the former, you are worthless. If planets (which are irreplaceable) can be considered expendable at times, then a Chapter (which is replaceable, albeit slowly) can certainly be expendable in similar circumstances. When history has spelled out the consequences of not adequately policing the Astartes, you cannot bluff those charged with stopping that from happening again - and your brother Chapters will help them in order to cleanse themselves of suspicion. And that doesn't even cover the checks that are mandatory and not covered by Guilliman's scheme (gene-seed checks, ship restrictions etc.)


Whilst being loyal (and therefore subject to the Inquisitorial Mandate) has little practical impact unless you do something wrong, ignoring the Mandate makes you a renegade. There's no real way round that.

I have come up with another idea for a chapter name. How about the Rune Guard? and is there any feedback on my change in the chapters creation? I have run into one problem with it in that the Exodite worlds are located to the galactic North East and South East while the Iybraesil craftworld has most recently been sited near the Eye of Terror in the galactic West so I am still trying to figure that one out.


Really? nothing?

I've had another idea for my chapter. I think the idea might better be discussed in another post as this one seems to be dead but I will try it here first. As I mentioned above I am going to use the Space Wolves codex to represent my celtic marines, one of the great units in the SW codex are the Thunderwolf Cavalry (come on turning space wolves into cavalry without bikes, whats not to love). But there is the delima of representing the models and of course in my case my marines wouldn't have access to giant wolves.


After doing some searching I have been inspired to use Brettonian horses as replacment mounts for those marines. The inspiration comes from Scibor miniatures where one of the artists used SW bits, green stuff and Brettonian horses to make mounted 13th company. I think it looks awesome and would love to do it, I am still working out why my chapter would use horses in combat instead of bikes (maybe more ozone freindly ;) ). Also there is the dilema of having a horse strong enough to carry a fully armoured astartes into battle, well it is the 41st millenium so what would a little genetic manipulation hurt. Plus there is also bionics, maybe I could even use Archaeons horse as the basis for a TWM for my "Wolf Lord". I could call them Thunder Hoof Mounts haha (sorry bad joke).


Well feedback on this or any of my other recent ideas?

I've had another idea for my chapter. I think the idea might better be discussed in another post as this one seems to be dead but I will try it here first. As I mentioned above I am going to use the Space Wolves codex to represent my celtic marines, one of the great units in the SW codex are the Thunderwolf Cavalry (come on turning space wolves into cavalry without bikes, whats not to love). But there is the delima of representing the models and of course in my case my marines wouldn't have access to giant wolves.


After doing some searching I have been inspired to use Brettonian horses as replacment mounts for those marines. The inspiration comes from Scibor miniatures where one of the artists used SW bits, green stuff and Brettonian horses to make mounted 13th company. I think it looks awesome and would love to do it, I am still working out why my chapter would use horses in combat instead of bikes (maybe more ozone freindly :D ). Also there is the dilema of having a horse strong enough to carry a fully armoured astartes into battle, well it is the 41st millenium so what would a little genetic manipulation hurt. Plus there is also bionics, maybe I could even use Archaeons horse as the basis for a TWM for my "Wolf Lord". I could call them Thunder Hoof Mounts haha (sorry bad joke).


Well feedback on this or any of my other recent ideas?


Some of the Chaos Mounts from WFB might work as they tend to look a little steroid enhanced - which in 40k could be explained away either by genetic engineering or by the fact that they are some super-strong alien breed.


As for why they use horses over bikes, I can only suggest:

-They are based in some far flung corner of the Imperium and fuel is harder to come by.

-They fight in unusually tough terrains where bikes would get bogged down, but a horse could still get around.

-Simple tradition (some event that led to the founding of the chapter).

I've had another idea for my chapter. I think the idea might better be discussed in another post as this one seems to be dead but I will try it here first. As I mentioned above I am going to use the Space Wolves codex to represent my celtic marines, one of the great units in the SW codex are the Thunderwolf Cavalry (come on turning space wolves into cavalry without bikes, whats not to love). But there is the delima of representing the models and of course in my case my marines wouldn't have access to giant wolves.


After doing some searching I have been inspired to use Brettonian horses as replacment mounts for those marines. The inspiration comes from Scibor miniatures where one of the artists used SW bits, green stuff and Brettonian horses to make mounted 13th company. I think it looks awesome and would love to do it, I am still working out why my chapter would use horses in combat instead of bikes (maybe more ozone freindly :lol: ). Also there is the dilema of having a horse strong enough to carry a fully armoured astartes into battle, well it is the 41st millenium so what would a little genetic manipulation hurt. Plus there is also bionics, maybe I could even use Archaeons horse as the basis for a TWM for my "Wolf Lord". I could call them Thunder Hoof Mounts haha (sorry bad joke).


Well feedback on this or any of my other recent ideas?


Some of the Chaos Mounts from WFB might work as they tend to look a little steroid enhanced - which in 40k could be explained away either by genetic engineering or by the fact that they are some super-strong alien breed.


As for why they use horses over bikes, I can only suggest:

-They are based in some far flung corner of the Imperium and fuel is harder to come by.

-They fight in unusually tough terrains where bikes would get bogged down, but a horse could still get around.

-Simple tradition (some event that led to the founding of the chapter).


Hmm well the fuel idea won't work because my chapter has strong relations with the Adeptus Mechanicum.


The bikes being bogged down is viable but aren't space marine bikes like the tank of the motorcycle world? They can go anywhere and handle almost anything right? Plus the astartes fight on all kinds of worlds in all kind of environments and so there technology would best be made to function in any environment.


I see tradition as being the the best reason. I mean the chapter is going to have as little impact as possible on their recruitment planet so that they can preserve the way of life of their warriors. This will be represented in 1 the chapters fortress is an orbiting battle station and 2 the chapter will only mine for the adamantium in the polar regions to prevent massive environmental damage. Now how this affects the horses I could see the members of the chapter riding the horses on the planet but then it goes to why woulden't they use bikes everywhere else? Also this will be a small elite unit in my army so it makes sense that tradition would be the main reason for their use.


And I like the idea of a xenos breed of horse thats stronger than Terran horses (reminds me of Avatar), but I think I will take a slightly differant road than having them be aliens. I think I will use the same concept as abhumans, the planets first settelers brought horses with them and over the millenia these horses evolved (or maybe mutated) into a larger, stronger breed descended from Terran horses.


Thanks for the feedback :D

I've had another idea for my chapter. I think the idea might better be discussed in another post as this one seems to be dead but I will try it here first. As I mentioned above I am going to use the Space Wolves codex to represent my celtic marines, one of the great units in the SW codex are the Thunderwolf Cavalry (come on turning space wolves into cavalry without bikes, whats not to love). But there is the delima of representing the models and of course in my case my marines wouldn't have access to giant wolves.


After doing some searching I have been inspired to use Brettonian horses as replacment mounts for those marines. The inspiration comes from Scibor miniatures where one of the artists used SW bits, green stuff and Brettonian horses to make mounted 13th company. I think it looks awesome and would love to do it, I am still working out why my chapter would use horses in combat instead of bikes (maybe more ozone freindly :D ). Also there is the dilema of having a horse strong enough to carry a fully armoured astartes into battle, well it is the 41st millenium so what would a little genetic manipulation hurt. Plus there is also bionics, maybe I could even use Archaeons horse as the basis for a TWM for my "Wolf Lord". I could call them Thunder Hoof Mounts haha (sorry bad joke).


Well feedback on this or any of my other recent ideas?


Some of the Chaos Mounts from WFB might work as they tend to look a little steroid enhanced - which in 40k could be explained away either by genetic engineering or by the fact that they are some super-strong alien breed.


As for why they use horses over bikes, I can only suggest:

-They are based in some far flung corner of the Imperium and fuel is harder to come by.

-They fight in unusually tough terrains where bikes would get bogged down, but a horse could still get around.

-Simple tradition (some event that led to the founding of the chapter).


Hmm well the fuel idea won't work because my chapter has strong relations with the Adeptus Mechanicum.


The bikes being bogged down is viable but aren't space marine bikes like the tank of the motorcycle world? They can go anywhere and handle almost anything right? Plus the astartes fight on all kinds of worlds in all kind of environments and so there technology would best be made to function in any environment.


I see tradition as being the the best reason. I mean the chapter is going to have as little impact as possible on their recruitment planet so that they can preserve the way of life of their warriors. This will be represented in 1 the chapters fortress is an orbiting battle station and 2 the chapter will only mine for the adamantium in the polar regions to prevent massive environmental damage. Now how this affects the horses I could see the members of the chapter riding the horses on the planet but then it goes to why woulden't they use bikes everywhere else? Also this will be a small elite unit in my army so it makes sense that tradition would be the main reason for their use.


And I like the idea of a xenos breed of horse thats stronger than Terran horses (reminds me of Avatar), but I think I will take a slightly differant road than having them be aliens. I think I will use the same concept as abhumans, the planets first settelers brought horses with them and over the millenia these horses evolved (or maybe mutated) into a larger, stronger breed descended from Terran horses.


Thanks for the feedback :D


Yeah, I thought tradition worked better than the other two as well - maybe an incident when the bikes were sabotaged and they had to round up some of these highly developed terran horse descendants to win the day (or something).


On another note, I am Scottish so may be able to offer some insights into Scottish / Celtic tradition - if you think that would be helpful? I'm by no means an expert, but I am a local! :P


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