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Are there any images of Horus Lupercal before he became all Chaosy and added his spikey bits? I'm talking Luna Wolves/early-SOH Horus?


I have all four volumes of Collected Visions but didn't see him in pre-Chaos. Anyone know where I can find some?

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Are there any images of Horus Lupercal before he became all Chaosy and added his spikey bits? I'm talking Luna Wolves/early-SOH Horus?


I have all four volumes of Collected Visions but didn't see him in pre-Chaos. Anyone know where I can find some?





I saw your post and thought I'd throw in this old pic I had lying around somewhere. Some of you 'old timers' might remember this one:



Warmaster Horus Lupercal



...and here is some wonderful artwork by our very own Aerion The Faithful-



Here's one more by Aerion-



That's all I have for now! ;)

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Cheers, I was looking for such images too. Are there any more out there that are "official canon" ? I'll re-read the HH books as I seem to remember there being some descriptions of him in there, too. Doesn't have to be for free either, if someone knows of some good (art) books that have him, that'd be great too.
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  • 2 weeks later...
judging by that last pic the Emperor mst have been at least 15 feet tall! Makes you wonder how he hid amongst humanity for tens of thousans of years...
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judging by that last pic the Emperor mst have been at least 15 feet tall! Makes you wonder how he hid amongst humanity for tens of thousans of years...


He can change his form. In Tales of Heresy "Last Church," he enters the church with the appearance of a feeble old man (iirc) but when he sits down, the bench "uncharacteristically bows" under his weight, implying that, while he can change his appearance, he can't hide his actual mass.

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  • 3 months later...
This much is suggested in 'Legion' too. There are hints lying around that when Rogal Dorn found the emperors 'shrivelled husk' aboard Horus' ship that this is in fact what the emperor really looked like. The golden warrior image was created to inspire fealty in his men. An interesting theory though, he is (at the time of the heresy) nearly 40,000 years old himself.
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judging by that last pic the Emperor mst have been at least 15 feet tall! Makes you wonder how he hid amongst humanity for tens of thousans of years...


He can change his form. In Tales of Heresy "Last Church," he enters the church with the appearance of a feeble old man (iirc) but when he sits down, the bench "uncharacteristically bows" under his weight, implying that, while he can change his appearance, he can't hide his actual mass.


Actually, his guise was not that of an old man, he appeared as a large and powerful figure, though nowhere near his 'true' image.


My own theory is that the Emperor can alter his physical appearence on a tangible genetic level, but perhaps what Grammaticus began to see behind his face was the true power behind his physical form, something that was detectable, but still beyond even his ability to fully comprehend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The first picture is from an old Realms of Chaos book - volume one, but I forget the title (slaves of darkness?). In the canon from that time period, Horus had established a base on Terra itself, and was overcome by a combine force of Imperial Guard and Imperial Fists, with the Emperor and his Custodes present. His body was taken to the Eye of Terror, and clones many times. Whole worlds are ruled by Horus clones in that continuity.


I found that to be a much cooler story than the one presently untilized, and even dreamed of building a "new" Lunar Wolves legion, led by a corrupted clone....

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What about those old John Blanche illustrations, where all the Primarchs have gold armor? I only saw one in passing, but if I remember correctly, I was told all the Primarchs had one.


EDIT: Ha, it's 12:34 AM, I must be tired, because I was just looking at the tile and thought it said "Horus, Images of him Pimped-Out?"

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Here's the issue I have with Horus Luprecal pictures.


There are no up to date pictures of Horus before he turned chaos and so the pictures we have are purely fan made and this concerns our dear Aerion as well.


Every prechaos depiction of his has been made with him in gleaming white terminator armour and the simple fact of the matter is that he never had that terminator armour until after he turned chaos. It was presented to him as a gift by the Adeptus Machanicus to show that they were on his side in the coming civil war. Before that he still wore simple artificer armour. It's in the books if you just look at them. His first armour is described not only in Horus rising but also the first half of false gods and we see him in his black terminator armour for the first time in false gods in the lodge chamber when he sacrifices the astropath woman to summon the daemon.


His original weapons are described to be a gleaming fire wreathed sword who's name eludes me and a storm bolter. He doesn't even have the talon until he receives his Terminator Armour.



My two skulls folks.



P.S. The Emperor has always been described as only slightly taller then an astartes, I would say maybe Custodes sized, but no where near 15 freaking feet.

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