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[Commission]/[Golden Daemon] UM Venerable Dreadnought


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No - I'm entering it. The client just wanted nice work doing as these (there's a chaplain coming up next) are the centrepieces of his army.


I assume you mean the trompe l'oeil effect on the majority of the armour. It's actually pretty easy:


Start after the zenital pass (initial back highlighting for everything).

Start by lining around the panel - this is arguably the hardest stage - lines have to be even width and as straight as possible. Here I used thin SW grey.

Next, draw curves to make the 'cracks', again in SW grey. Tidy up with mordian blue.

Then highlight away from the light (like you would for NMM) by adding SW grey to mordian blue.

Next shade down by blending thin black up against the opposite SW grey line.

Sharpen the inner lines with SW grey. They should now be more or less solid SW grey, and nice and even.

Sharpen the outer lines with thin skull white.


Chipping is for the most part straight black and white.


On red, I'd suggest yellow lining (Iyanden darksun) with a bit of white added to it for sharpening. (This is what I did on the lettering on the banner). I like vallejo reds so I'd use burnt cadmium red blended through flat red, orange red, light brown. I'd probably avoid using the black to shade down past cadmium red, and instead glaze a little asurmen blue there. GW equivalents are scab red, blood red, blended up to vomit brown? Something like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow - I was in the queue with the Eowyn model and the Green Knight on either side of me - that is how close to glory I was :-P


Well done on making the cut, not that there was ever any doubt in my eyes - that was an exceptional piece in the flesh

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The missus came to GD with me, and got quite excited watching the judging... at one point Alan Merett caught her watching and starting pointing at random minis on the judging table, which was funny. Anyhows, once I get my pin we leave (before the ceremony to avoid traffic and relieve the inlaws from kid duties). As we're leaving she says to me - next year we're staying till the end - cos you're entering EVERY category.



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