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two handed terminator weapons?


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where can i get 2-handed weapons (swords, halberds, spears or hammers) for terminators, Adeptus Custodes terminators in particular.


im very bad at converting (have tried a few times) so the should be able to fit out of the box (a little GS or something like that isnt a problem :( , just not things like cutting etc.)

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If I were in your situation, i would take a Glaive Encarmine/similar 2 handed weapon, and then it depends on what you want to do with it. If you want a Halberd sort of thing, take a Toothpick and insert it onto the hands. Thin the pick as required, because this is going to become your "shaft" (teehee :D) for the spear/halberd.

Then, put a blade onto the end of the shaft. If you get a Spearman's blade from the fantasy kits then it will fit fine.

This conversion is fairly simple, but if you are really inexperienced, then you can simply practice on a spare piece. just remember to pin the bits together for stability (for the 'picks, just drill a hole in the hand itself and insert the pick into that since it will usually be really annoying to drill through).

The Warhammer Fantasy Chaos Knights have excellent two handed and pole-arm weapons. You just needs to bits order the arms. You and also mount Chaos warrior axe blades on styrene rods for variation. Look here:










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