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Iron Hands Captain

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Hey guys, this is a WIP thread for a commission I got to do an Iron Hands captain to represent Lysander.

Apologies for the grainy pics they were from my phone ;)










The front of the torso has been 'bulked out' a little by adding tubing and the binoculars found on the landspeeder storm sprue. The idea is to give him a techmarine vibe.

The collar needs some rivets added (actually there will be alot of rivets on the model in general).

The power plant on the back was an idea I was very keen on, when finished it should bulk out the rear of the model a bit, making him look more imposing. It should also ad some extra height without the need for a back banner. Either side of the central hub will be two small smoke stack style protrusions. Basically it'll have a bit of a 'steam punk-ish' feel, it should look cool.






The hammer was something the client wanted to use, although I suggested removing the eagle head in favour of the spanner part. I realise it looks off centre but that is because it has a power pack thingy (busting out the technical terms here) on the back part, much like the motor section for a chainsword. Once finished it should become clearer, there will also be some wires added.

Im thinking of cutting the end section from the handle and replacing it with a skull (it looks too long to me).


The other hand will have the storm shield, which I need to make from plasticard and I have a couple of cool ideas for it so keep your eyes open.

The legs will resemble a techmarines when I'm done with the overlapping armour sections, and one leg will be almost entirely bionic... a good experience for me because I have neer done my own bionics before.

There will also be a reinforced section on the abs, and more cables coming from the lower torso, as well as an armoured 'skirt' by the groin.


C&C always welcome.

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I'm really liking what you've got here so far. The torso is a more subtle sort of bionic/techy look than I normally associate with Iron Hands, and the Hammer is a clever idea too. The smokestacks for the powerplant kinda make him sound like a mini-dreadnought....which is wholly fitting for a Big Boss Iron Hand, i believe. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens here.

Ok work on the power plant has progressed. Still need some greenstuffing to finish it off but its looking cool, or I think it is at least...












All in all not too bad for some guitar wire, plastic tubing and half a techpriest's light...


C&C appreciated.


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