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Command Squads and Wargear options


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I'm concerned about the wargear that i can use for the command squad in the space marines codex, specially with the apothecary, standard bearer and company champion. I know the rest of the veterans can use pretty much whatever is listed, but can thosoe other three guys change their wargear?


For example, can a have like:


-2 veterans with power sword and storm shield

-1 apothecary with a couple of lightning claws

-1 standard bearer with power fist and storm shield

-1 champion with a couple of lightning claws


Thanx a lot!


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I can say that you will not be allowed any upgrades on the apothecary. The others seem fine, as if you check the space marine FAQ it says you may do something like you have done to the champion, but it has to be WYSIWYG
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Not sure where in the Space Marine FAQ you're seeing that you can upgrade a Champion with additional wargear.


As mentioned, the Apothecary cannot buy additional wargear. Despite being a member of the Command Squad, he does not possess the label or statline of "Veteran", hence, none of the upgrade options apply to him.

The Champion is a Grey Area Rule debate. Some claim he can take Veteran upgrades (like claws, stormshields, etc), and THEN convert to a Champion, retaining both his upgrades and the new champion gear (power sword and combat shield). I run a Champion all the time, and NEVER attempt to use him in that way. Consider that if you buy the Champion a pair of lightning claws under the Veteran upgrades, and then upgrade him to a Champion, he'll have a pair of claws, a power sword, AND a stormshield. You have to represent every piece of that wargear on the model, which is just ridiculous. :)

The banner bearer can be upgraded, though. The wording is that he is a Veteran that carries the Company Standard. He does not gain a new title or statline. It's just a piece of wargear.

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I had another look and couldn't find it, I was thinking about the INAT FAQs which of course are not official, although, if this is for a tournament, discuss it with the organiser.


SM.132B.01 – Q: Can a Veteran in a Command Squad take additional equipment (such as a Storm Shield or Storm Bolter) before being upgraded to a Company Champion?

A: Yes, as the Power Weapon and Combat Shield do not replace any of the model‟s existing gear [RAW]. Remember that all wargear taken must be represented on the model.


This is what the INAT says, but of course you can completely ignore this, although its points are valid.

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Yep, the apothecary i interpreted that couldn't get any wargear. And the Standard Bearer also figured out that can take wargear since he is a veteran.

With the champion, is kind of grey, it's true, but it's also ilogical to equip him with a couple of claws AND also get the champ gear. But i think that being tha champion while the other vets can get even better gear, it's kind of crappy, hehehe.

Anyway, i will leave the champ and apothecary as the are and gear up the bearer!!! =D


Thanx for your help!!!!!!!!!

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I think a key point here is the separation of the options into two categories in the army listing for the Command Squad: 'Unit Options' and 'Model Options'. This is actually unique within C:SM.


One defines the models within the unit, the other defines the options those models can take.


A Company Champion no longer is a Veteran (he has a different name, statline, and rules) and therefore the Model Options no longer apply to him.

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Well many people say that if you give him wargear first, then upgrade him, you are safe.


Honestly, I could care less what folks do, so long as it's WYSIWG. If an opponent wants to spend the points to give him a boatload of Veteran wargear, and then another XX points to make him a Champion, which only gives him a boost of 1 to his WS, be my guest! :blush:

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Honestly, I could care less what folks do, so long as it's WYSIWG. If an opponent wants to spend the points to give him a boatload of Veteran wargear, and then another XX points to make him a Champion, which only gives him a boost of 1 to his WS, be my guest!



You have a good point there. :blush:

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