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Grey Knight Bases


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So what do we think are some good ideas for basing grey knights?


I'm leaning to some sort of ruined temple idea myself. I like the idea of evidence of evil magic and daemon infestation but i'm not sure of the best way to sow that. of the chaos gods my favoured is Slaanesh and i'm not sure how slaaneshi infestation would affect a planet (maybe i could model some orgies onto the bases)


any one else have any cool ideas yet?

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I love the look of the Mozaic bases by Micro Art Studio, but they don't make them in 25mm only 40. If they had those designs in all sizes, I'd buy them for my whole force. As it stands, I ditched my old crappy bases, and I'm looking to rebase my entire force, which never really got that big thankfully, but I want to find something soon so I can get prepped for release.
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I like these bases




It definitely gives the idea of chaos having infested the planet (although very much on the nurgly side)


the positive of these is that they are cheap. i am going to have 50+ GK terminators, 3 dreadknights and 10 purifiers. so with normal resin base prices this would be a LOT!!! the ruined temple ones i originally wanted would have been £100+. these will be less than £40


does anyone know of any really cheap resin bases.



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I got 30 of these, and 6 terminator sized ones. The quality is really nice, better than I thought it would be.




Not sure how I'm going to paint them though, I saw some guy on BnC paint them black and dry brush with grey, and then gold on the runes to make it look like an evil temple.. looked pretty cool



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you can alway's base them yourself. much cheaper :)


i did my first terminator yesterday. quit satisfied of the resolt. dont have a picture tho.


I just used brown stone flock small and medium as basis and painted two chipped off laystones in mutiple grey colours (drybrushing) to give it a "temple" look. i painted the top of the base khemi brown and the edges just chaos black.


i'll try to post a pic of it.


i'm also thinking of ordering the small round bases from micro artstudio as its kinda hard to do the same with the small ones as i'm doing with the termi bases.

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I like these bases




It definitely gives the idea of chaos having infested the planet (although very much on the nurgly side)


the positive of these is that they are cheap. i am going to have 50+ GK terminators, 3 dreadknights and 10 purifiers. so with normal resin base prices this would be a LOT!!! the ruined temple ones i originally wanted would have been £100+. these will be less than £40


does anyone know of any really cheap resin bases.




I am making some lava bases (pasticard and Green Stuff) based off of Klaus' lava bases. Dark Art Mini's are great quality and inexpensive for resin bases if you guys are looking to pick some up. Just build in about 2-3 weeks time for shipping if you live in the US.

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HUm... Much hesitation!


Those, from Micro art Studio (about 1$ each)



Those, from Scibor (more spectacular, but about 2$ each and pretty high, so bad for cover saves!)



Or those (can't link to picture, but also very nice and very very cheap at about 60 cents each in the "core pack"):




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I got 30 of these, and 6 terminator sized ones. The quality is really nice, better than I thought it would be.




Not sure how I'm going to paint them though, I saw some guy on BnC paint them black and dry brush with grey, and then gold on the runes to make it look like an evil temple.. looked pretty cool




Aye, I'm looking at either those or the Ruins serie bases from Scibor. I like the looks of both, but slighty prefer the Sciber ones, especially on the larger bases. The MAS Temple series has more variations, but a lot of them seem sloped and I'm afraid this leads to all my GK standing at a tilt.


Happen to remember the poster or thread of the one that made the black MAS Temple bases you mentioned? I'm interested how those turned out.

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I was just looking at Dragon Forge temple bases from www.dragonforge.com


These also run $1 per base and they are US based so a cheaper option for those of us in the states (no int'l shipping charges).


Saw a good review for their resin bases on brushthralls, I've been wanting to try these for a while, was just waiting for a low model count army to come along.

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Here's an idea of Dragonforge bases:





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I got 30 of these, and 6 terminator sized ones. The quality is really nice, better than I thought it would be.




Not sure how I'm going to paint them though, I saw some guy on BnC paint them black and dry brush with grey, and then gold on the runes to make it look like an evil temple.. looked pretty cool




Aye, I'm looking at either those or the Ruins serie bases from Scibor. I like the looks of both, but slighty prefer the Sciber ones, especially on the larger bases. The MAS Temple series has more variations, but a lot of them seem sloped and I'm afraid this leads to all my GK standing at a tilt.


Happen to remember the poster or thread of the one that made the black MAS Temple bases you mentioned? I'm interested how those turned out.


wow those ruined bases from scibar are really cool. (kinda expensive tho :lol:)


can you fit a stormraven on the 60mm ruined flying base?

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You could, I guess, but that would be sort of illegal in game terms. Stormravens (and Dreadknights) come on 120x95mm oval bases.


Sadly, Scibor doesn't make any oval bases, and the oval base from the MAS temple series doesn't look very nice (IMO).

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You could, I guess, but that would be sort of illegal in game terms. Stormravens (and Dreadknights) come on 120x95mm oval bases.


Sadly, Scibor doesn't make any oval bases, and the oval base from the MAS temple series doesn't look very nice (IMO).


i know. but it's hard to find cool 120 x 95 resin bases. i'm first going to try to find me the bits to make it myself but that seems kinda hard also :P


i only play friendly games and once in a year i play a ranked tournament so i dont think anyone is going to mind if i put my stormraven on a smaller base i guess.



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I used back 2 basix lava bases, then added bloodletter bits and painted it all up with water effects. Its supposed to look like the GK are swamped by daemons congealing from the bllod oozing up from the ground. Or something. ^_^




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You could, I guess, but that would be sort of illegal in game terms. Stormravens (and Dreadknights) come on 120x95mm oval bases.


Sadly, Scibor doesn't make any oval bases, and the oval base from the MAS temple series doesn't look very nice (IMO).


i know. but it's hard to find cool 120 x 95 resin bases. i'm first going to try to find me the bits to make it myself but that seems kinda hard also :P


i only play friendly games and once in a year i play a ranked tournament so i dont think anyone is going to mind if i put my stormraven on a smaller base i guess.




Well that's up to yourself to decide. Do keep stability in mind though, a smaller footprint is easier to tip over.

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You could, I guess, but that would be sort of illegal in game terms. Stormravens (and Dreadknights) come on 120x95mm oval bases.


Sadly, Scibor doesn't make any oval bases, and the oval base from the MAS temple series doesn't look very nice (IMO).


i know. but it's hard to find cool 120 x 95 resin bases. i'm first going to try to find me the bits to make it myself but that seems kinda hard also :P


i only play friendly games and once in a year i play a ranked tournament so i dont think anyone is going to mind if i put my stormraven on a smaller base i guess.




Well that's up to yourself to decide. Do keep stability in mind though, a smaller footprint is easier to tip over.


i know. that is wy i am still not sure if i would take a smaller base. i'm first going to see what i can make of the bigg base you geth with the stormraven :)

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