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Caboose's Black Crusade


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So a few people might remember my crazy plan of making a Black Crusade where every Legion of Chaos has his place, along some renegade chapters.

Although my painting is not so great, it has come a long way, and I'm at the point where I am not ashamed to post a picture of it.

A good deal of the army has been painted, and many more entering the final stages, so I'll post pictures from time to time.

Hope you enjoy this post, and C&C is always welcome.

First up, Dhar'Leth - Daemon Prince of the Black Legion



pictures of other models will follow soon.

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Ah, Dhar'Leth...I remember him from when I was just a wee high school freshman, flipping through my friend's 4th ed. rulebook during study hall and gaping at the Chaos models.


You've captured the spirit of that old metal daemon prince perfectly--well done! Not many people seem to be interested in the Black Legion these days, probably due to increasingly popular views of Abaddon as being somewhat incompetent. After all, thirteen Black Crusades and he still hasn't gotten past Cadia? :P

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The DP looks nice! I always love seeing those new one flipping the bird at its opponents.


One critique is that the gold on the armor looks thin, like around the shoulder guard trim. You can still make out the color under it a tad bit. Other than that I look forward to some more Chaos goodness.

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Thanks for the replies.

Yes, it does seem I need to give his gold a second layer, thanks for seeing that.

Because people seem to like the Black Legion love, the second update will also be a Black Legion model.

Here is Xerxeth, Undivided Sorcerer of the Black Legion



Close-up armor and better view of the book.



C&C always welcome.

More updates very soon.

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Doesn't seem Xerxeth isn't getting any attention (that's what you get for being a Sorcerer AND Black Legion :))

So we'll continue with an other Sorcerer (though this one isn't Black Legion, so maybe more luck him for him)

I haven't given him any name yet, as he is my stand in for Arhiman till I get the Arhiman model.

So here he is, A Thousand Sons Sorcerer.


A bit of a blurry picture, may have to take an other one.


I handcrafted the 'doombolt', but messed up his hand in the process ;). The Thousand Sons Logo is hand painted.


Backside view


And a close-up from the force-sword.

C&C always welcome, more updates soon.

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Thanks for the replies. Gives me the courage to keep painting and converting <_<

next up is one that has already been posted some time ago, but as he's part of the Black Crusade, I'll do a quick repost of him and move on to the next model later.

Here is Lucius the Eternal, painted in Emperor's Children purple (I don't like the slaanesh pink for Emperor's Children)



and a side view

C&C on any model is always welcome.

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