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I been thinking of really upgrading my models to some good to great looking bases i.e. Resin bases and Im just not sure what looks appropiate/best.


Here are my opinion but im fully open to suggestions or your own opinions.

Some bases I thought aprropiate were



My thinking is I see so many people do like grass or stone but if you think about it Grey knights fight in some of the most horrendous catastrophic warp twisted earth/ground so I thought this might look appropiate maybe paint the lava either as is or maybe look like the warp is breaking through the ground litterally under the feet maybe?

Possibly place demon hands coming out of the ground like their entering reality at the feet of the grey knights like in the Grey knights novel with Alaric.



Or possibly something like this I'm just not sure. I kinda like the "concept" of them fighting chaos but if you walked into your local shop and saw grey knights on chaos bases would you be able to correlate why that was or just be like that looks silly? I want your guys opinions even recommendations if you found better ones it doesn't have to be limited to these two.




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Those look like Back2Bases bases. I used the dungeon cobble stone bases for my old GK's, which looked awesome. For my new plastic GK's, I'm going with magnetized bases with plasticard paving "stones", so I can stick them on a metal tray for easy transport and display.



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Different bases are cool particularly those second ones - they're off the chain. I got some IG all done up in the snow and ice with nice frosty bases but since I usually play on grass and soil it usually looks out of place.


Because I normally play on grass I'm boring and stick with that usually. Having lava and ice when your playing on grass mostly looks bizarre.

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Be wary that on the second bases, your miniatures will all stand tilted if you don't convert them. I can recommend Secret Weapon though, I use their Flagstone line for my GKs. Good price, quality and service.
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