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Alpha legion


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so I recently reaad somewhere that the Alpha legion were kinda like a spec ops unit, I started reading legion a while back then got side tracked by something else and never got around to finishing it , but I have to say I really dig the personality this kinda thing gives chaos marines, I mean its great to be ALL blood and gore (cough* black legion *cough) but these types of nuances to the legions literally add method to the madness, which is super!


no chains only leather straps for extra silence – combat knife, boot strapped side arm, multiple pouches and flash bangdoliers to give the impression of a spec ops unit – spikes, severed heads, heraldry, and general menace cuz he’s a chaos marine after all.


no it's not Marcus Phoenix!!


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These are fantastic, yet unique renditions of the Alpha Legion, as I'd suspect from your drawing style. Though I wish the first Legionnaire was actually holding a nice little gore-slicked knife.


cheers dude, haha wicked, some chaos CQC a la triple headed solid snake


The mood of the second piece is fantastic. Really digging the whole atmosphere of it. You continue to be an inspiration buddy.


thanks man glad you like it


Those look amazing. Would it be alright if I copied them to my computer, just to keep in my folder for 40k stuff?


go right ahead dude thats no problem at all


I love that first image. I really like the helmet idea you have going on. If I ever make an Alpha Legion marine, this image will be my inspiration. You continue to amaze me, Slaine.


Cheers, and keep up the amazing work!


thanks man I appreciate that

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I love these guys! So much character, and they are definitely Alpha Legion. The second guy has a great pose, but I think you need to fix the bandana he's wearing. The line between skin and cloth is very blurred and it makes it look like he's got green hair and a very low hairline. Other than that minor detail, love them!


EDIT: Triiiiple post...

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