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Saw this.




Gathered up my bitz and with my 'limited' GS skill went and mashed up the legendary Doomrider!


I'm going for my own ver. of Doomrider, but please give me feedback on what I should add or remove.





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Absolutely awesome, though here are some things I'd improve to make it absolutely killer:


Unless there is some special reason to go with this head, I'd give it a little more work. Removing most of the horns and adding some flames, as mentioned, would look great. Here are two tutorials on flames I found with a quick googling: Fast and simple and a more elaborate one


The sculpting of the soft armor on the arms also looks a bit sloppy. What tool did you use for that? I think it would work better if you used a sharper/thinner tool for that. Also, if you simply go with a different, more outstretched arm for the left arm, you won't need to sculpt it yourself.


And the GS on the connection on his right leg could also do with some clean-up. You could take some fine grade sandpaper and smooth down the connection between the upper and lower leg so it looks less like a big blog above his knee.


All just some quick suggestions, if you are fine with the way he is now, it's awesome enough ^^

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Thanks all for the help, especially cathar the great with some great feedback and tutorials on flames.


I have replaced the hand holding the sword with a much straighter arm. As for the head, he has a ponytail which I will paint it as fire effect. I'm not sure if sculpting fire will make his head even bigger. Please let me know if you want fire on his head. If a majority wants it I will begin sculpting the flames.


Oh and fire on the wheels.






I'm in the process of obtaining two more Chaos Bikes for Doomriders companions. I know there are no fluff for them but think of it as 2 Noise Marines on Bikes rocking it out with their soundblasters. I'm currently looking for 2 Chaos Bikes if anyone has a spare and wouldn't mind parting with it, drop me a PM.

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Allright I swapped the head. It's now smaller and less 'horny'. This gave me the chance to sculpt the flaming hairdo.


Doomrider is ready to be painted.





Include Gene Simmons tongue


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Here we go! Doomrider's companions.


I had to use Scout Bikes as I am running out of time to finish Doomrider and his gang. Entering them all for a painting comp and it's due this month.




WIP painted Doomrider and his gang of Slaanesh bikers that will rock your socks.



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Here we go! Doomrider's companions.


I had to use Scout Bikes as I am running out of time to finish Doomrider and his gang. Entering them all for a painting comp and it's due this month.




I predict a win in your future. These models are made of jet fighters and punching :cuss

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