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My Blood Angels!

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Hello there! I am currently working on painting 1500 points of Blood Angels (and have been for a long time...). I have two problems: the first is finding the time to paint and the second is motivating myself to do so. The second problem is, by far, the biggest problem. So I am hoping that by posting my work here I will be motivated to keep the work comming! So any and all comments, critisisms, and tips are very welcome. :)

So, time for some pictures of what I have completed thus far.

Squad photo of the first (and only :)) squad I completed. Will have a razorback at some point.


The sergeant! My first army was Necrons (yay for the new codex) and I played them exclusevly for my years as a warhammer novice. I got a little bored with the codex with 5th ed though... and so I decided to start a Space Marine army because of the large amount of unique miniatures they have. So I decided when I started them that no two marines would look the same. As such this is the only plastic assault squad I have (which was made with some Death Company bits).



Rest of the squad:








I plan to eventually put them all on snow bases. The one dude with a base was given one to see what a simple dirt one would look like. I thought it was "ok", but I wanted better than "ok". I though snow would contrast well with the large amount of red.



A WIP pic of the squad I am working on at the moment:


These are all from the MK I and II veteran packs. The one on the right was a power fist and the one with the meltagun was the lightning claw dude.

On a side note I am not sure how to take better pictures with my camera. If anyone reading this has any experience taking good pictures I would really apreciate any tips you could give me. I have a coolpix s 205. As it is I have not been able to take clear pictures of small details on the minis :(

So thats all I have for right now. Again; comments, tips, advice, and critisisms are all welcome. I know im not the best and would like to get better!

Edit: Messed up the pictures the first time around... had to redo them.

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you could always have your try at the BA Librarian Painting Challenge. Might help start a fire under you to get some paining done.

Thanks for the tip, i signed up. More incentive is always nice.

Also got the pics up now :lol:

On a different note I found some finished minis that I temporarily forgot I had. Silly me :(

My Librarian:



I am not using him in my 1500 points list but decided to post him anyways. I will be using a reclusiarch along with these dudes:







I must admit I am a filthy liar. My marines might look like Blood Angels but they are, in fact, a DIY chapter! Rather than have a blood drop as the chapter symbol I have a blue drop representing... something! I also like the white armour much better than the black and decided it would make my chapter stand out a bit more from the BA than simply changing the chapter symbol.

Thanks for the replies everyone! The cleansing tears of Sanguinius sounds like a good idea... might just roll with that :(

So I got a little WIP mini update. Got my sanguinary priest model! I wanted something unique to me, so I used one of the MK veterans, gave him the apothacary backpack from the blister model, and a apothacary arm from the plastic mini. Also applied some paint, but its not much at the moment. Comments and critisisms are welcome :)



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Hey everyone! Been busy lately and so I have not had much time to paint much... but I hope to change that soon! I started working on a devastator squad and began with these guys.


However, I then found some unused MK veterans and decided the minis were to awesome not to use!


I like these minis so much that I am driven to try out magnets for the first time in my warhammer career so that I can use them as something else in the future if I ever decide I don't like devastators anymore (or if I need something other than missile launchers). My work thus far only includes this guy:




My motivation / driving idea behind these guys comes from this extract from the BA codex:

Nontheless, even the steadiest Devastator sergeant can occasionally succumb to the lure of close combat. Should the enemy come too close, they might well find themselves beset at far closer quarters than they had imagined.

Comments and criticisms are all welcome!


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