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Completed batrep: Tau vs Dark Angels


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Imperial Battleship "Clairvoyance"

Meeting of Chapter Master and Chaplain Pietus in Master's ready room.

"Pietus it has been decided by the inner circle that your expeditionary force will deployed to the mining colony on Arcturus IV. The regional governor of that system has determined that there has been a disappearance of colonists and that whom ever is behind it is using advanced technology for they have left no trace of their persence thus far. The moon has heavy mineral deposits that are often used in the production of force weapons and and also may be used for the development of stealth technologies. There have been tau merchant ships sighted in the area. Your force must secure the area and maintain security until a larger force can determine the nature of the danger to the system. May the light of the emperor protect you."

1 HQ


2 Troop

2x5 man tac squad

Squad 1 (3 bolter, 1 flamer, 1 chainsword &bolt pistol)

Squad 2 (5 bolters)

2 elite

Dreadnought assault cannon, cc weapon/stormbolter

Terminator squad

Sergent w/ power weapon, stormbolter, 3 termies (stormbolter, powerfist), 1 termie (stormbolter/powerfist/cml)


1 Crisis command

12 Fire warriors

Devilfish w/4 Pathfinders

3 sniper drones with a spotter

3 stealth team


Capture and control

Pitched battle

Tau - Stealth team in reserve

Dark Angles - Deathwing in reserve

Ruins in center of board 4+ cover

"Bunker" at tau end 3+ cover

Turn 1 top

i rolled highest chose to go first



Chappy + Tacts move up

Dwa deathwing arrives shoots drones killing one cml scatters off onto fire warriors in bunker (forget to take second shot)

Assault cannon shot causes devil fish to explode pinning pathfinders

Turn 1 bot


He unloads everything into termies, they just shrug it off marker lights and all

Including a railgun which gets saved by invul from termie armor 1 dies from fire warrior fire

Turn 2 top


Termies advance on battle suit

Dread moves up squad 1 follows

Squad 2 and chappy move into building

Dread fires on battlesuit with both weapons causing two wounds

Termies and all tacticals fire on battle suit causing one wound

Termies assault and sergent kills battlesuit

Termies consolidate toward bunker but foolishly dont move into terrain

Turn 2 bot


Stealth suits attempt to deep strike near termies but mishap and delay

Pathfinders in crater shoot termies kill one

Fire warriors rapid fire into termies killing two

(next installment to come)

Well I like pics... so that automatically gets you in my good books...


I like what you've done with the pics.


Just paint all those models up and if you can fill the board with awesome terrain... and we will have a winner! Even if you don't do that I hope I see another batrep soon :confused:

Part 2 Tau vs DA (as promised)


Turn 3 top

Dread moves left ward to move toward fire warriors and bunker

Squad 1 moves forward bolters fire on path finders killing two

Squad 2 fires on sniper drones and kills both causing spotter to flee off board

Termie fires on fire warriors and tries to assault but cant get through difficult terrain


Turn 3 bot

Stealth suits deep strike and immediately fire with their melta at the dreadnought but they are seven inches away and outside of max weapon strength and dont glance

Pathfinders marker light the dread

Fire warriors unleash a full rapid fire at the termie sergent, he dies


Turn 4 top

Dread turns to fire on fire warriors kills very few maybe one

Squad 1 fires on stealth suits killing one

Squad 2 fires on pathfinders killing one

Squad 1 assaults stealth suits killing none combat tied

Turn 4 bot nothing really happens

Pathfinder calls in one of the existing marker lights on dread to fire str eight missle, which fails to hit

Fire warriors fire on squad 2 killing none

Assault with with stealth suits/ tact 1 tied

Turn 5 top

dread fires on firewarriors killing one

Squad two moves down from building fires on last path finder killing him

Squad one and stealthsuit remain locked one stealth suit dies

Turn 5 bot

Firewarriors fire on squad 2 killing 2

Assault is resolved with last drone and stealth suit dying

squad 1 Consolidates toward objective/bunker

Game continues


Turn 6 top

Dread moves to get within charge range fires on fire warriors in bunker killing one

Squad 2 remains back

Squad 1 advances toward bunker and flamers warriors covering 7 of the 8 remaining two die

Squad 1 assaults along with chappy and dread, killing three, the warriors break routing the tau but the chappy sweeping advances them


"Piaetus you have done well. Secure the planets surface and watch for enemy movement. Your men have earned a temporary respite but there is more work yet to do before they can enjoy it. The long dark shadow of the upstart Tau have not crossed our paths for the last time, but may it be long ere they make the same mistake again, lest their destiny be written in bolters!"

Acknowledgements: thanks to iron dog of iron dog studios for giving me some pointers on the batrep style. you all should really check his website for some great battle reports and other stuff. Also as you may have noticed i forgot to take some pictures so i used the image of the tau stealth suits from here

The battle plan went the way i wanted but i made a bunch of mistakes.

the plan was to use the dread as cover and move the assaulting squad w/ chappy up slowly to take the objective. the second squad would provide covering fire from a good vantage point. The Deathwing absorbed a ton of damage, and could have caused more if i had rolled better on the assault.

Taking out the devilfish on the first turn was pretty lucky. i think i calculated it out be a 14% chance, and it put my opponent on the back foot from the word go. As a result his options were pretty limited. He had never played against me or DA before so he didn't expect the deathwing assault. in fact he had only played a few games before and i had never played a game before. The Dreadnought was the best perfomer of the game taking out the devilfish, putting wounds on the batllesuit and the sniper drones, as well as killing a bunch of fire warriors at the end but couldn't have done it without the termies taking all that fire.

Truth be told i lost track of the objective and when the battle suit went down should have advanced sqaud 2 from their support position. i wasn't planning on getting stuck in cc with the stealth suits so long.

I made the mistake of assaulting after shooting with the bolters which you aren't supposed to do. i failed to add extra attacks on the charge although if its the chappy with power weapon do i get to choose what kind of weapon gets the extra attack? i dont know. there were i few times i forgot to roll for difficult terrain. otherwise fun battle. Got some tests for next week so it'll be a while before i get the next batrep up.

Coming soon, Tyranids vs. DA: Battle for Hasthinipour, 1250 pts, Belial and company test their might against the overwhelming onslaught of the Hive Mind. Stay tuned....

  Polythemus said:
ouch, good catch. kind of a major error given that its the only text on the page. I'll try to catch it next time.


I also think that Tau wanted to say that DA's will pay for their arrogance not play for it :cuss

Still it's really fun to watch batreps like this one. Great work.

Ignoring the typo's, this was a funny batrep. As said it has a comic book feel. :lol:


I'm guessing from the few models and the lack of terrain you are just starting, so just play with what you have. You could use a bit more terrain though, that way you get a bit more inlfluence on what happens during a game as having all your games play like. "Sit behind the building, rush up and hope to not die from shooting"

  krewl said:
Ignoring the typo's, this was a funny batrep. As said it has a comic book feel. :huh:


I'm guessing from the few models and the lack of terrain you are just starting, so just play with what you have. You could use a bit more terrain though, that way you get a bit more inlfluence on what happens during a game as having all your games play like. "Sit behind the building, rush up and hope to not die from shooting"


Indeed you are right. I am just starting after getting intro'd to the game long ago. In fact this was, as indicated in the thread title, my first ever game (hence the plethora of mistakes). My complete force is a little over 1500. My opponent that day had about 650 in pts so that is what we played at. It was more of a "get a feel for the rules" kind of game than one played to master all the strategic elements. In termsof terrain the small amount of terrain was by choice, since this was played at an established gaming club with plenty of terrain options. I felt that the smaller field was better given the small forces at hand, it allowed us to get into close action faster, which as you can see turned out well for me. Thanks to everyone for your comments it makes me want to get the next batrep out! That one should have better pics and more interesting story.


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