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Large Scale Space Marine

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For those that have seen my other posts/topics and for those that haven't, I haven't fancied painting any of my large Legion of the Dead (Legion of the Damned but my version have cheaper PV!) Space Marine Chapter since the birth of my first son 6 years ago. Modelling and converting has continued in this time and now with a considerable back log, I have started to paint.




Here's the base model sculpted from milliput (ran out of the normal colour and foolishly bought cheapest alternative from ebay without reading the blurb carefully and ended up with terracotta flavour!). This was quite a time consuming task.


Over the past month (painted in my 40 minute lunch and in the evening after the kids have gone to bed) here are the results:




As you can see from the RT Mark 6 SM on the right, this is slightly larger than a normal marine. Having seen many fantastic paint jobs on this site and various others, I would like opinions and guidance on how to make this the best I can possibly do.




This is a close up of the left leg. With each patch of flames I have painted, I think this is the most realistic. I have attempted to reflect scrapes etc but they look really flat. Has anybody got any suggestions to make them stand out better? I plan on getting some weathering powder from FW and plan on "dusting" the bottom of his legs with dry mud to give a bit more realism. I have done basic highlights on the edges of the black armour with Granite. Should I do an extreme highlight and if so, what colour?




The SM's Boltgun. The Blood Red area looks really flat. How can I make this 'pop'? How do you highlight Blood Red without it looking awful? Any suggestions would be gratefully received. I plan on painting the metal parts boltgun metal with a badab black wash and then highlight with boltgun metal with edges painted in mithril silver. Should I paint battle damage onto the red area of the Bolter?




Any suggestions on improvements on this shoulder pad? Also, I am struggling to think of what to do with the other shoulderpad which is currently only undercoated. I'm thinking of going with a plain black pad with battle damage. What do you think?




Here's the helmet. I'm so so with how this has turned out. I really want to improve the eyes. I have seen others paint a glowing eye effect and would like to consider doing that. Does anyone have a simple but effective way of doing this? I'm thinking of having minimal battle damage but am undecided. What further can I do here?




Here's a shot of his back and for scale purposes with a normal SM and one of my statues. I want to make a holstered bolt pistol to add somewhere as well as a chainsword. We'll see!


Looking forward to your help, and getting this beast painted!


Regards, Brother Morgan.

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A little miracle mud...err devlan mud wash would take those white areas to a new level. Just a simple wash and re highlight with skull white wkuld give a lot of depth.


Edit: great sculpt by the way!

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Small update time:




Finished the Bolt Gun. Just need to use some milliput to blend the right arm joining the shoulder pad and the left hand joining the left arm.


I need to finish the highlighting on the left and right hands and arms as well as his left shoulder pad. One quick highlight of the Robed sword bearer on the right knee pad and his legs will be finished.


Still plucking up courage to paint his "glowing" eyes. Any suggestions or links to how this can be done would be appreciated.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

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  • 3 weeks later...
He's coming along nicely but the left hand is pretty messed up, do you think it would be a decent idea to resculpt it?


I did a small amount of resculpt, but now its painted and highlighted, it doesn't look so bad Terminatorinhell.


I've made some additions:




I've added a combat knive....




..and a Bolt Pistol. I'm toying with attaching the chainsword as well, but I'm torn. What does everyone else think?


Regards, Brother Morgan.

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  • 2 months later...

Timely update!

I want to build another 10cm Space Marine and thought the GD2009 Space Marine with double handed Thunder hammer would be a cool idea. Here's what I've done so far:


The Mk5 SM and it's base on the right is just to show the scale.

The majority of the parts have been moulded/sculpted and I have filed smooth any blemishes. The helmet will be hung from his belt along with a bolt pistol in a holster, packs and grenades. I need to finish the underside of the shoulder pads and start building the Thunder hammer shortly.


Here's a close up of the chest armour. The top of the rear chest piece will need to be constructed out of plasticard and milliput for this part to be finished.

I'll paint as many of the parts before assembly as there will be bits that I won't be able to reach after construction.

Comments and critiques welcome as usual.

Regards, Brother Morgan.

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Backpack looks a little off, might just be the angle though.

I do agree that the backpack was slightly off, so I hacked off one of the vents, made a mould of the other one I was happy with and with a bit of milliput, I am now happier with the result.

Thank you for your comments Mr Malevlent. No SM is a real SM unless he has a few skulls on him!

So without further ado, here is the almost finished SM:




I can't make a SM without adding some skulls! I hope to paint realistic flames on this shoulder pad flowing around the skulls. We'll see how this turns out!



And I will smite thee with my Chain Axe!!

Any suggestions on what to paint on this Shoulder Pad?


As you can see, I went with a Chain Axe rather than the Thunder Hammer as I previously stated - mainly due to it being easier to make AND it looks cooler!!

I'm thinking of having an industrial base with a small broken Imperial Eagle on the floor and maybe a half buried Chaos SM Shoulder Pad. What other suggestions do you have?

Comment and critiques welcome as always.

Regards, Brother Morgan.

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Using a mould of the running legs from my GD conversion, I wanted to make some kneeling legs. So without further ado, here's what I've done:


The kneeling legs are now done. The torso next to it is still WIP. I have a small amount of work on the right and rear of the chest and need to scoop out the neck area for the head to fit. The head has a small amount of sanding to finish this.


This shows the side profile. I'm not 100% happy with the legs, but with a coat of paint, the imperfections will disappear.

I want to give the final vote to my brethren - What should the final SM look like? I have Bolt Pistols, Chainswords and Bolt Guns available for weapons. Please feel free to add photos of your own models here to show what pose my kneeling SM should look like.

Looking forward for your suggestions.

Regards, Brother Morgan.

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Are these purely hand sculpted, or do you scale up a mould from the original minis? If it's purely hand scuplted then that's extremely accurate, and damn awesome.


One thing I'd say though, is on the shoulder guards, at the bottom and around the edges, between the shoulder guard and the arm, they are a little lacking in detail. If you look at the current plastic kits, the shoulder guard isn't one mass of plastic, it looks like layers of metal instead of one thick plate. It's difficult to explain what I mean, but I'd be inclined to add more detail in. You clearly have the scultping skill, and when you scale a model up like this you can add more detail on than a small plastic mini has. Seems a shame to just have big flat areas of space-filling material, instead of scultping it more accurately there.


But other than that, looks awesome :)

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Dear Brethren,


Thanks for all of your comments. I wish to set the record straight, I am not a brilliant sculptor and cannot take all of the credit for the models I create. I have made moulds from (hard to find and expensive to buy these days!) Space Marine collectibles and then using these press moulds I make the main parts. This is the quick process, taking about 10 minutes to fill the mould and then waiting 3+ hours drying time. The time consuming process is having to clean up all the excess milliput, repair gaps and add missing details that the moulds could not replicate. This takes on average 20+ hours to complete. This is normally the sum total of the "sculpting" I do (around 20% of a large scale model I sculpt, but this takes 95% of the time of building these models).


The kneeling legs were made from the same mould as the running legs used in the GD based model. This did involve a number of alterations and a fair bit of sculpting.


I have stated in the past that I make moulds, but due to legal issues I generally don't broadcast what I am doing but as these are purely for my own benefit and enjoyment I don't think I am doing anything wrong - I have no intentions of selling anything I have made using press moulds as I don't want to get into trouble.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have no set plan when building/converting models. I normally have 2 or 3 projects ongoing at the same time and when I run out of steam on one (see my LR Spartan conversion), I move onto another.

This brought me back to my kneeling SM. In the end, I went for a Sgt armed with a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword.


Taking previous feedback on board, I added more detail to the underneath of the shoulder pad. This is still a WIP and there are still a lot of things to complete. I need to add some rivets to the Bolt Pistol and then use a bit of milliput to smooth out the join from the plasticard trigger guard to his trigger finger. The right arm needs to have some more milliput to fill and smooth the join with the shoulder pad. I also want to add some sculpted flames on and around the Skull on his right leg. I have a completed knife in a scabbard that will be added after painting. This will be hanging vertically on his left hand side .


This side shot shows the helmet and the backpack which I have spent many hours working on. Getting the 2 round nozzles on the side of the backpack has given me loads of headaches. I have now taken a mould of this backpack which should hopefully speed up future builds.


A better shot of the completed backpack. Future versions will include 1 large skull on each of the nozzles. I think his left foot with it's tread has come out really well.

Back to milliputting!!

Regards, Brother Morgan.

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  • 1 month later...

Update time:


The kneeling Assault Trooper is 99% finished. Rivets have been added to the Bolt Pistol and his right temple (to indicate how long in centuries that he has been a SM) and some flames have been added from milliput around the skull on his right leg.

I just need to add a few grenades to the right hand side of his belt and a combat knife next to the little ammo pack on his left hand side of the belt to finish.

Here's an update on the Double Handed Axe Marine:


I've added flames to his right leg and left shoulder.


Started to paint the face. I've added some purple around the eyes to (hopefully) give a more deathly look. The skulls on his left shoulder need to be finished (painted the eyes and nose black - just need to touch up to give better definition of the skulls).


Here's a close up of the flames on his right leg and an old rogue trader SM for scale purposes.


Here's a shot of the next SM.


Here's a shot of all the parts made to go on the running SM. I need to sand/smooth out his right and left bicep and give some better definition to the ribbing by his armpits.

I haven't decided if I am going to go with this helmet, or go with one of these:


The running model has Mk6 legs so I'm thinking of adding the Mk6 "Beakie" helmet that can be seen in the process of being converted on the left hand side of this shot (converted from the helmet on the right of this shot). The Bald heads with both eyes have been converted from the stock head I have used previously with a bionic left eye (that I have removed and resculpted a left eye and cheekbone). I'm more likely to use the bald heads on future models.


Finally, the next SM I'll make will be a Plasma Cannon armed SM!

I'd like peoples thoughts on what stance to have his legs. I have 2 options, convert the kneeling legs I have and swop them around (ie the current standing right leg needs to be made horizontal and the current horizontal left leg needs to be made vertical). This will allow all the pipes that dangle between the weapon and the backpack to hang freely without looking silly.

Or, have the legs in a standing, wide stance - to look like he is braced ready for firing. The bottom of the legs will be built up to resemble the old Mk2 Devastator (Heavier armour to give better stability when firing heavy weapons).

What do you prefer or do you have any other suggestions?

Looking forward to everyone's thoughts.

Regards, Brother Morgan.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update time:


Here's a WIP shot of the Mk 6 Beakie helmet I am making. The exhast vents have been finished and the outline of the sensor on the top of the helmet has been started. A small amount of sanding and the helmet will be finished. I'll make a mould of this and make different varients. I'm quite interested in doing one of the 25th anniversary Crimson fist Helmet that had horizontal vents further down the beak. I'll see what I can do in the future.


I completed the Plasma Cannon and made a mould for future use on other SM's and on my planned Plasma Fellblade I will be making next. These will be sponson weapons on the fellblade. I really want to use a FW Warhound Plasma Cannon, but don't think I can justify £36.00 just for me to chop it in half to make the main armament.


Here's the progress I've made on the legs for the Plasma Cannon SM. I am waiting for 4 new packets of Milliput before I can make any more progress. The Melta Bomb you can also see will be used in a future model.


I've made a mould of the backpack - This will make it a lot easier than having to make the ball vents each time!!


Here's the completed Bolt Gun with it's mould. I really want to do a Tactical squad and an Assault Squad in this scale but can see this taking months to complete.

I want to make a Jump Pack and Power Fist in the future - when I pluck up the courage!!


Here's a shot of some completed Chest pieces and heads. I've left the middle one blank and will make a mould. In future versions, I will make an Imperial Eagle and a single skull as per their smaller brethren. It will also allow me to start making the chest piece for a Jump Pack wearing SM Harness.


Finally, here is a shot of the completed legs I have ready for when I get around to completing the next 3 SM's.

Any comments on poses/weapon pay loads would be welcome.

Regards, Brother Morgan.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally finished my Mk6 Beakie SM:


I've attempted to add some sculptued bones to the front of his thighs. I'm not entirely happy with the result, but I think with some paint, it will look good overall.


Shot showing his Bolt Pistol, Knife and pouches.


His Backpack

Here's my next almost completed SM - A kneeling Plasma Cannon armed SM:


I noticed a stray bit of milliput on the edge of the barrel after I took this shot (which I have now removed)


I really wanted to make sure he would be stable and not topple over - Failed miserably on this count!!



Here's a close up of his face mask that I sculpted.



Just need to finish off where the cable joins the backpack - a few rivets and this model will be complete.


This is the next project - A proper Rogue Trader like Mk 6 Beakie. I had fun making the studded shoulder pad!!

When the milliput is dry and hard, I'll use a razor saw to make "ribs" on his chest armour. I was toying with converting the Bolter to a Rogue Trader version with the magazine where the hand grip is at the moment - we'll see! I'm trying to convert the legs to make him stand at attention.


I also want to convert a Backpack in to a Rogue Trader version. This shouldn't be too difficult.

Back to work.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update time:


I have decided to make a Mk2 Crusade Variant, a Mk3 Iron Armour variant, a Mk4 Maximus variant, a Mk5 Heresy variant and a Mk6 Corvus variant in large scale based on the old GW metal RT armour variants seen above.

Here's what I did with the Mk6 Beakie version:


I'm happy with how this turned out, but if I were to make another one, I would use an earlier Bolt Gun version. The Backpack has turned into a nightmare, so I have gone back to the start and am in the process of making a RT version of the backpack which will be added at a later stage.


Here's the progress on the Mk5 Heresy version. I've made a press mould of my sculpted Bolt gun, so the one I've added to his right hand needs a small bit of milliput to hide the imperfections and a few rivets and this will be done. His left arm is in the process of being converted - I want to swop his left "shooting" hand with the clenched hand and am thinking of adding a World Eater like Chain Axe with a chain wrapped around his wrist and the chain axe handle. The WIP backpack can be seen on the right - a lot of work is needed here.


I've done a lot of work on his chest and legs. I've added rivets from Tichytraingroup, power cables from Zinge Industries and a FW Brass Etch Imperial Eagle on his belt buckle.


I'm really hapy with how this has turned out. I'm not going to be able to do much more with him until I get some more sillicon putty so I can make some moulds and be able to make more versions in the future.


This is the next version - A finished Mk4 Chest piece with the (blurred!!) GW RT version to the side of it. I've added a ribbed pipe under each "harness" which I've seen on the new FW versions - These aren't on the GW RT variety but I thought they added something extra. Need to work on the Helmet, legs and "gauntlets" to finish this Mk4 trooper.

Comments and critiques welcome.

Regards, Brother Morgan.

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My silicon putty has arrived so I could make a mould of the Mk5 Heresy Armour and progress the model further.


The model on the left is slowly coming along. Things left to do:

Sand his right tricep and add some more ribbing joining the back of his right arm to the shoulder pad

Use razor saw to help make fingers on left hand

Make Chain Axe to be held in his left hand

Make Chain to wrap around left arm, hand and Chain Axe

Add some more ribbing to left chest area joining arm to shoulder pad

The model on the right is the first cast from the mould. It will still take a lot of work - BUT it will still be a lot quicker than making a new one from scratch. I plan on adapting the legs to make the Mk4 version. The Knee pads need to be changed/heightened slightly, I need to remove the vertical ribbing and instead add a vertical line all the way down the inside and outside of each leg and finally, add lots of grooves to the toe area. I've gone back to basics on the Mk4 helmet and need to do some more work before I add another picture.


Another shot of the WIP Mk5 Heresy Armour. Another couple of days and this model should be finished.


Here's a Mk3 Iron Armour helmet I've just about finished. The body is slowly taking shape. A few rivets, an imperial eagle on the front of the chest and (in my version) some ribbing around the sides.


Side view of helmet.

I've started on the Mk3 legs. The front will be Mk7 legs, but the back will have to be sculpted from scratch, so I can see this taking a while to complete.

The good thing about milliput is that it takes a long time to dry rock hard, so it gives me time to flit between lots of different projects/Mk Armour.

Critiques welcome as always!

Regards, Brother Morgan.

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Almost finished my Mk5 Heresy Armour:


I've only got a small amount of work to do on the Chain Axe and this model will be done.


I need to file the 2 round bits smooth of milliput and add a small thin wire connecting the skull to the Chain Axe engine for the whole of this model to be finished.


Here's a shot of the Mk5's rear with the old school backpack.


Making some progress on the Mk3 Iron Armour. I used the Mk5 legs and have sanded all the bumps and power cables off. I am in the process of making the much larger and rounder knee pad on the left. Once I'm happy with the completed knee pad, I'll make a quick mould to make an exact copy for the other leg. The crotch armour still needs a bit of work to match the GW version. The neck armour has just had plasticard added to it. I'll add some milliput around it to thicken it. I've also started converting the back of the legs. I'm going to give it a few more hours on the radiator to completely set rock hard before I begin the laborius task of sanding and shaping. I'll post a shot soon to show what I've done.


Finally, I've started making a Mk4 pair of legs (again using the Mk5 which I have denobbled!!). This is very early in the process as the milliput hasn't been sanded and shaped yet on the knee pads. You can see the progress I have made on his right foot (like the GW version). To save time, I will probably take a cast of the right foot and use a copy on his left.

As always, feel free to ask questions.

Regards, Brother Morgan.

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