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Angel Sword


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I'm working on a sword that I may have 3d printed in the near future. I'm still playing with some of the ideas for it. Heck, I might make a set of them with different themes/words. This one says "Eternal Vigilance." I'm feeling that the blade is not long enough in proportion to the cross guard and grip. Any thoughts?


I went ahead and removed the old (and much worse) sword, since this one is finished:





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Are you wanting something along the lines of this:


That hollow spot in the middle will make the piece very easy to break and is kind of unrealistic as real blades have a tang that runs into the handle.


Although I could see some sort of gemstone placed in there. The cross guards do look a little long. The rest of it looks good. Are you just making one piece or putting this into production?

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Not quite. That's closer to a gladius. I'm making more unique designs. Though I definitely need to add a winged cross guard to the lineup. I may cross this:




With this:



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Blade on that design definitely needs to be longer. The script running out into the point just looks wrong. I would like to echo the concern for the frailty of the blade's base. Very easy breakage point there. Not from a historical perspective, just from a "there isn't much there" perspective. Also, seems a little Voltron-y for my tastes, but that's personal aesthetics. I know it's WIP, are you planning on doing more with the grip/pommel?
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Blade on that design definitely needs to be longer. The script running out into the point just looks wrong. I would like to echo the concern for the frailty of the blade's base. Very easy breakage point there. Not from a historical perspective, just from a "there isn't much there" perspective. Also, seems a little Voltron-y for my tastes, but that's personal aesthetics. I know it's WIP, are you planning on doing more with the grip/pommel?


The grip I'm not sure. Usually you would just snip off the grip and use an existing sword arm, pinning the blade and pommel in place. Though it wouldn't take much to add some detail to the grip. I'm still deciding what to do with the pommel, but I may just archive this as a learning experience and start from scratch.


@cypher102 - Sorry, I was tired and just focused on the pictures, completely missed the text. I usually make my stuff public on shapeways, but I haven't done anything in a while. The intent was to be more stylized and depart from traditional swords to make something unique, even if less realistic.

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Alright, sword part 2:




This is just a 2d outline so far. I haven't started the 3d business yet. I'm currently running a livestream too, if anyone is interested in partaking. You can find it here.




Here are a few variations I'm working on -








One final update (I'm getting tired):







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Me likey! It looks a lot better with the tips of the wings going up towards the tip if the blade. Only other suggestion I have is that Dark Angels tend to have a diamond shaped pommel. Are you still going to put some script on the blade itself?
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I like the second version much better. The first sword looks cool, but would probably snap when parried by a hard enough counter strike.


Probably, but I made it purely for aesthetics. Honestly, nothing in 40k would actually work, so it would be right at home :)


Me likey! It looks a lot better with the tips of the wings going up towards the tip if the blade. Only other suggestion I have is that Dark Angels tend to have a diamond shaped pommel. Are you still going to put some script on the blade itself?


I haven't really finished the pommel, but I may actually make a set of them. From plain to ornate. I'll most likely put something on the blade. So many options, so many ideas >_>.


By the way, if anyone has sketches, drawings, etc, I don't mind making them into 3d for printing. Might take some time depending on what I have on my plate, but I'm always interested in practice.

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I like the second design that you shooped into some reference pictures much better, but the length of the grip is ridiculous. Two handing it and still having that much again left over in grip would be incredibly unweildy and looks disproportionate, IMO.
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I like the second design that you shooped into some reference pictures much better, but the length of the grip is ridiculous. Two handing it and still having that much again left over in grip would be incredibly unweildy and looks disproportionate, IMO.


I'm still adjusting the scale. The grip is a separate component that can be modified. I'll probably cut some 33% from it. Though there are several swords in existence with quite the over sized grip.


Anyway, an update:






And the words fully engraved:



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I like the second version much better. The first sword looks cool, but would probably snap when parried by a hard enough counter strike.


Probably, but I made it purely for aesthetics. Honestly, nothing in 40k would actually work, so it would be right at home ^_^



Haha come on, everything in 40k is totally plausible! However, you can always find a way to work your aesthetics into a model that would actually work in the real world. Your latest design looks great, I'd probably shorten the grip just a little bit.

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I made some fixes, including the grip. Should be a bit cleaner now:







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Well, it be done. I still have to clean it up for 3d printing, but this is what it looks like:






I still want to make different pommels, blades, and cross guards. It could definitely make veterans more diverse.

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Wow. That is just freaking awesome man!


Now I'm jealous that I can't do that lol :cuss


Thanks! Honestly, it just takes time. It's a bit of an information overload at first, but you just keep at it and you'll surprise yourself. I never thought I'd be capable of making something like that sword. As long as you stay out of your comfort zone, you'll constantly improve. I mean, look at the difference a single practice session makes:


From this -



To this -




You don't know until you try :P

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