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Rapier Laser Destroyers


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First of all, I've always wanted a Rapier ever since the rules were there in the 2nd edition Codex books (even though back then the crew were actually servitors!). Some time ago I purchases one from FW to fill the ranks of my Blood Angels (both heresy and 40k era). So far I've managed to assemble and paint the gun part of it. However, the crew gives me some trouble.


I disliked the pose (and fragile connection) of the legionary riding the gun so I thought I would instead have two foot slogging crew. This allows some flexibility to use the gun with 40k style crew etc. if needed, and it also seems better inline with the rules for artillery in 6th edition. My problems are in constructing the crew:

1) HH: Betrayal says (pg. 201)  the crew have only a bolt pistols while 40k rules also say they have boltguns. What do you think, is this an error in the HH book? After all, the package comes with one boltgun! This wasn't in the FAQ.

2) I've been trying to find a replacement right arm for the other crew member (to replace the Rapier connecting arm). This guy has the cool helmet and looks like a sergeant so I could use a regular mk. III marine as the crew member instead of him and use him as a legionary sergeant. I don't think FW has yet released any mk. III compatible extra weapon arms, so any ideas are welcome (I'd rather not mix mk IV+ looking parts).


Also, what's your thoughts on how to use this unit in-game, especially in regular 40k? The rules look pretty good to me (Range 36", Twin-Linked Ordnance, Str 9 and AP1... kills pretty much anything) and it only costs 60 points (55 in HH).

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It's pretty versatile. It can either be an anti troop or anti vehicle platform, especially if taken in groups. The quad mortars will do work on troops, while the laser destroyer will wreck tanks all day long. 


I'm looking into getting 3 myself, and then kit bashing them with the quad mortars... It'll be awesome.

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It's pretty versatile. It can either be an anti troop or anti vehicle platform, especially if taken in groups. The quad mortars will do work on troops, while the laser destroyer will wreck tanks all day long.

I'm looking into getting 3 myself, and then kit bashing them with the quad mortars... It'll be awesome.

Put some nuncio-vox in your other units and the quad mortars will be able to fire on every units without moving or abandon cover ;)...

Good Bye hordes.... biggrin.png

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For the arm all you really need to do is a hand swap


Of course, but since I'm not aware of any separately sold mk. III arms, I'm all ears on recommendations that look good (no matter if it's a PF/LC/PW or something else).

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  • 3 months later...

Finished painting the rapier a couple of weeks ago and I thought I might share a pic of what I did. Idea is to order some more Mk3 armor and create a sternguard unit with some combi-weapons. Same guys can be used as the crew for the rapier or I can use some devastator marines to go with it.



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For the hand swaps I use spare snag guard and grey knight hands. As well as FW assault marine (not legion assault marines) hands.


The FW kit comes with 5 marines each with 2 left and right hands,one for a gun, the other for a close combat weapon.


I did a helmet swap for mine, since helmet crests are for officers. The cross plume for my praetor, and the normal FW heads for all other officers and senior sergeants.

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