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How to make 'Cog' edging for Iron Hands?

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I'm looking to give my Iron Hands some decoration, and I really like the cog patterns that some of them have along the edges of their shoulderpads etc.

Does anyone had a quick way to cut 'cog tooth' patterns in Plasticard? I'm looking for a method that doesn't take much time as I'll need to produce a LOT of it! woot.gif

Examples of what I mean can be seen on the shoulderpad trim in these pictures:




The quickest way to add them is probably to pick bits that alread have trims (chaos legs and regular shoulderpads) and to cut a strip of pc into squares to add them as teeth to the regular trim. Might need a little sanding or gap filling but that's probably the easiest way.



You can add the trims yourself with a simple strip of pc on any bit you want to use, that might get a little tricky on the round surfaces though. Prepare for sticky fingers.

You might do this. Cut out a template of all the parts/trim work that you need, shoulder pad edges, boot trim etc out of plas card. Just One of each. then make moulds using green stuff or some of the moulding kits that are popping up on line. then when you need trim you press it out of green or brown stuff so it's really flexible and easy to work with. That way you only have to cut out the master forms once.

Thanks guys.

Unfortunately, I'm not just going to be using this for shoulderpads. I also want to be able to do it on tanks, riot shields, Cataphractii Terminators and Contemptor Dreadnoughts! smile.png

You can apply the green stuff squares method to anything that already has trim, such as cataphracts.

All Im saying is that from my experience it is easier to sculpt squares and lines out of green stuff than to try and cut plasticard and bend it to fit, especially curved surfaces.

I have used this method to sculpt crenellated armour onto loyalist terminators to turn them into iron warriors, before the release of the CSM Term box.

If you cut squares out of 0.5-1 mm pc to add them to a trim you don't have to bend them as they are small enough to sit flat. Once the glue is dry you can just sand them flat if you get an angle sticking out.

And a thin pice of pc can be bent to fit onto most surfaces you just have to bend it a little to soften it up and move slowly from one end to the other when you glue it on. You can always cut it apart and fill the gaps in later.


Btw I found a conversion that i think was featured on the french GW site and the Black Gobbo a few years back using this method. The BG article had unpainted pictures, it just some pc squares glued onto the marine and smoothed out in certain places with a little bit of gs for gapfilling. It's based on the illustration in the IF Index Astartes article.

Brother Argos also did add some pc trims on some of the bitz he used for his IH squad.


Just try and experiment. In the end it comes down to personal preference. One method might work better for one thing than the other. The IH brassetch from forgeworld has some parts of the frame in this kind of decorative edging too.



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