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What Forge World stuff can we use?


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So, the Fire Raptor thread reminded me that we can use various Forge World stuff, but I have no idea what, or which books the rules are in. So, I ask you to enlighten me, and I'll update this first post with everything as it comes up.


Forge World models Chaos Space Marines can use


Fire Raptor - Rules found here


Imperial Armour Apocalypse:

- Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne*

- Chaos Reaver Battle Titan*

- Chaos Warhound Titan*

- Chaos Space Marine Thunderhawk Gunship*

- Chaos Storm Eagle Assault Gunship

- Chaos Spartan Assault Tank

- Chaos Relic Predator

- Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought

- Chaos Decimator Daemon Engine

- Blight Drones

- Blood Slaughterers of Khorne

- Plague Hulk of Nurgle

- Daemon Lord Scabeiathrax the Bloated*

- Daemon Lord An'ggrath the Unbound*

- Daemon Lord Aetaos'rau'keres*

- Daemon Lord Zarakynel*

- Mamon, Daemon Prince of Nurgle*

- Uraka 'The Warfiend" Daemon Prince of Khorne*

- Giant Chaos Spawn*

- Spined Chaos Beast*


*Only usable in Apocalypse

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The new Imperial Armour: Apocalypse (2013) has rules for all of the following chaos units:


- Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne

- Chaos Reaver Battle Titan

- Chaos Warhound Titan

- Chaos Space Marine Thunderhawk Gunship

- Chaos Storm Eagle Assault Gunship

- Chaos Spartan Assault Tank

- Chaos Relic Predator

- Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought

- Chaos Decimator Daemon Engine

- Blight Drones

- Blood Slaughterers of Khorne

- Plague Hulk of Nurgle

- Daemon Lord Scabeiathrax the Bloated

- Daemon Lord An'ggrath the Unbound

- Daemon Lord Aetaos'rau'keres

- Daemon Lord Zarakynel

- Mamon, Daemon Prince of Nurgle

- Uraka 'The Warfiend" Daemon Prince of Khorne

- Giant Chaos Spawn

- Spined Chaos Beast

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Storm Eagle is another contender I plan on using in the near future. I'm looking to use twin link multi meltas and 2 twin linked lascannons to chauffeur my lord and 14 CCW noise marines.


These are the rules I found and I think there's an update I heard floating around. I'll be doing a search for that in a minute

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, October 16, 2013 - Scanned rules and replies
Hidden by Brother Tyler, October 16, 2013 - Scanned rules and replies

You! I don't really know you but I love you man!


Thanks for sharing that Heinrich!

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I tried out the current rules for the dreadclaw.  It has three terrible flaws, each more damning than the last.


The first is that its way overpriced.  It's fully half the cost of a heldrake for what is functionally a gunless drop pod.  Yes, theoretically it can move units around after arriving, but considering it takes fully separate turns to pick up, move, and drop off units, and that you have to wait for it to arrive from reserve to begin with... yeah, you're not really going to get to do that, so the extra points doesn't really pay for any functionality.


The second is that it takes up a fast attack slot, rather than being a dedicated transport.  And, considering that it is nothing more than a deployment option for a single unit, that just doesn't make any sense.  That we simply do not have spare fast slots just closes the lid on it.


The third and most damning is that it has no reserve or scatter mitigation at all.  You might as well be deep striking the unit normally, for all the help the dreadclaw gives.  Don't show up until turn four?  Oh, well.  Scatter onto impassible terrain/other models/within an inch of the enemy?  Welcome to mishapville, hope you enjoy flushing that overpriced drop pod, wasted fast slot, and the entire enclosed unit down the drain.


Just one of the above flaws would make it iffy.  Two would make it nigh unusable.  But all three?  The dread claw is a joke in poor taste.  Supposedly they're working on some sort of newer, bigger dreadclaw alternative.  Hopefully it corrects these issues, but I remain skeptical.

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The new Imperial Armour: Apocalypse (2013) has rules for all of the following chaos units:


- Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne

- Chaos Reaver Battle Titan

- Chaos Warhound Titan

- Chaos Space Marine Thunderhawk Gunship

- Chaos Storm Eagle Assault Gunship

- Chaos Spartan Assault Tank

- Chaos Relic Predator

- Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought

- Chaos Decimator Daemon Engine

- Blight Drones

- Blood Slaughterers of Khorne

- Plague Hulk of Nurgle

- Daemon Lord Scabeiathrax the Bloated

- Daemon Lord An'ggrath the Unbound

- Daemon Lord Aetaos'rau'keres

- Daemon Lord Zarakynel

- Mamon, Daemon Prince of Nurgle

- Uraka 'The Warfiend" Daemon Prince of Khorne

- Giant Chaos Spawn

- Spined Chaos Beast


Can all of these be used in a normal game of 40K Heinrich?



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I think the big ones like all the demon lords, titans, massive beasts, and thunderhawk are meant for Apocalypse games. Things like the contemptor, relic predator, and storm eagle should be okay for regular 40k with your opponents permission.


Do we still have to ask for permission? I thought if it had been stamp checked 40k approved that's it, its approved?   I was under the impression the ones you couldn't take were the ones which don't fit into normal force org and have to go into superheavy or apoc slots.  If it says heavy support, that's fine by me.




From what ive seen, contemptor with double butcher cannon looks good whereas the decimator is a bit derpy compared (only WS3/BS3 but will probably see different use). Greater spawn looks good given how cheap it is in points. Plague hulk looks really good too.


I love how chaos fire raptor gets to take reaper cannon batteries but loyalists only get normal autocannons. HA !

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Do we still have to ask for permission?

You have to have permission to even play a game no matter what you field.  If I don't want to play against 9 Nightscyths I don't have to.  I just say I don't want to play.  Same goes for Baledrake spam or even anything made by Forge World.  There are many people out there that refuse to play against an unpainted army.   If you don't have your opponent's permission you are not playing squat.


There are still plenty of independent stores that do not allow FW and the best I can say is try to find a place that does.  For tourniments, check the rules.  Some allow FW, some don't.  Most have FW in certian events and not in others.


As for what you and your friends want to do, that's up to you and them. 

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Do we still have to ask for permission?

You have to have permission to even play a game no matter what you field.  If I don't want to play against 9 Nightscyths I don't have to.  I just say I don't want to play.  Same goes for Baledrake spam or even anything made by Forge World.  There are many people out there that refuse to play against an unpainted army.   If you don't have your opponent's permission you are not playing squat.


There are still plenty of independent stores that do not allow FW and the best I can say is try to find a place that does.  For tourniments, check the rules.  Some allow FW, some don't.  Most have FW in certian events and not in others.


As for what you and your friends want to do, that's up to you and them. 

Exactly, all my local buddies are cool with FW and use them regularly. 

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As a practical matter, some FW stuff is stamped '40k approved' and is intended to be every bit as legal as the GW codeces - though of course house rules and tournament rules can trump that.  Not everything has that stamp, though.  Some of it is only intended for apocalypse, or only for 30k, or is still in testing, with 'experimental' rules that have not yet been finalized.

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In the IA APO book? No need, it's pretty straight forward. If its not super heavy or gargantuan, it's 40k approved. Most of the stuff is 40k approved, unless its a super heavy, a 30k exclusive, still in testing, or an old model or campaign list that hasn't updated rules since 6th.
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Not sure on the rest of the Vraks stuff, the campaign lists are kind of in limbo from what I can tell, but iirc Zhufor and Necrosious both have updated rules in IA: APO as regular special character choices for codex: CSM.

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Any chance you could confirm which ones are 40K approved Heinrich?




Because I have nothing better to do in class, sure :)


- Chaos Storm Eagle Assault Gunship

- Chaos Spartan Assault Tank

- Chaos Relic Predator

- Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought

- Chaos Decimator Daemon Engine

- Blight Drones

- Blood Slaughterer of Khorne

- Plague Hulk of Nurgle

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Looks like I'd got most of them right. Man, we don't get much new stuff in terms of full models from Forge World do we? It always felt like there was loads, but that's probably due to all the doors and shoulder pads.



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We get a fair chunk, more than other non-imperial factions. Plus our most common allies are daemons and guard, and there's more to access that way. And that looks like only the IA:Apocalypse stuff, and doesn't include the special characters Zhufor and Necrosius. There's some more in IA:Aeronautica, though I'm not sure any of it is any good. And it doesn't include any of the vraks renegade stuff, which aren't C:CSM options, and are kind of dated rules wise, but are still very nice chaos models, particularly for allied guard detachments.


I really don't think we can complain about quantity of stuff. Quality sometimes, as a lot of it is 'SM stuff without the special rules or options that make their stuff good, for no meaningul discount'. But even that complaint may finally be reaching FW rule writers' ears, if the Fire Raptor rules are any indication, with its more meaningful discount for lack of machine spirit (on a vehicle that doesn't care about machine spirit anyway!), and presence of good chaos-only alternatives to loyalist options.


It really makes me want to pick one up, just to support the more chaos-friendly design philosophy behind it. Shame it's so far out of my price range. Maybe around tax-return time next year.

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