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Starting to collect Battlefleet Gothic


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well, i got the chance recently to start a collection of Battlefleet Gothic and i would like to share this epic fleet with you guys =) And yes, there are two of the most rare ships you can get in this fleet: an emperor class battleship and a mechanicus ark ^^










i also have the opportunity to get my hands on a super rare blackstone fortress xD

Lol just yesterday I was thinking there should be more bfg on the b & c, lo and behold a fleet nearly as big as mine pops up :) do you have any more ships hiding away? All that's really missing is some light cruisers, should look great when painted. What scheme are you going for?

Focussing on Armageddon gives you fluffiness for your black Templars, prices on eBay for a marine ship have gone into the stratosphere though :( do you think you could scratch build a strike cruiser?

Going with the Armageddon vibe Ork ships are easy to make out of just about anything and having a spare fleet for opponents to use helps on the getting a game front, maybe any failed tries at a strike cruiser could be turned into looted ships?

  On 6/11/2014 at 11:22 AM, thunderturd said:

nope, thats everything so far. dont know yet what colourscheme i will go with, probably something armageddon themed

oh btw, i indeed had a few ships hiding in the box^^ here they are, and now you can see the entire fleet in all it´s glory ( spread across several pics xD)



  On 6/16/2014 at 11:33 PM, Seahawk said:

By the rules you're going to have to stick them to 20x20 pieces, but as I just finished moving ALL of mine from strips to squares, I can say its not hard at all.

do you have a picture of them on squares ?

My Chaos fleet:





My SM fleet (IN interceptors painted to be thunderhawks):



Not meaning to takeover the thread here, but I have to ask you, Seahawk: I noticed that your SM ships are all capital-class vessels, no escorts.  Any particular reason why not?  I ask because I used to be a pure Chaos and then Eldar player in BFG, but I'm dumping all my non-Space Marine GW stuff, leaving me with just the battle barge, single strike cruiser, and escort squadrons I bought as a knee-jerk reaction when GW announced they were cutting off the BFG models.  I never actually got the chance (yet) to play with them.  Are they that bad, or are cruiser squadrons simply that much better?

  On 6/17/2014 at 3:31 AM, Deus Ex Ferrum said:

Not meaning to takeover the thread here, but I have to ask you, Seahawk: I noticed that your SM ships are all capital-class vessels, no escorts.

I assumed the Firestorm (?) ships next to the Barge and Strike Cruisers were proxying escorts.

I assumed those were proxies due to using different minis and the paint scheme (the basis of my assumption: the previous picture, where the escorts are ork proxies).  And I'm pretty sure those are Brigade Models, not FSA.  I have a decent sized fleet of them somewhere in a box...

Yes, they are "counts-as" instead of proxies, since GW saw fit to make actual ships unavailable! :P And yea, they're Brigade Minis. The Venator-class though, that one is the old die-cast toy from the Star Wars line. :D They all fit their part; when allied to SM, they were transport ships and escort carriers for the 501st Cadian regiment (red accentuated AC being Jedi starfighters, yellow accented being the early y-wings). Their better technology is evident.  When allied with Chaos, they were renegades of similar make and model, but the paint scheme fit much better.


I have 6 Gladius frigates, 4 SM Destroyers (the name escapes me), and 3 Sword Frigates. I do enjoy using them in my SM fleets, and the Gladius is great anti-Eldar material. The most powerful SM fleets consist of nothing but Strike Cruisers, though. With the 2010 FAQ, they can be given an extra shield, and half can be given the immensely destructive bombardment cannon on the prow. I technically "handicapped" myself by taking the Seditio Opprimere instead of more Strike Cruisers, but...eh...;)

Yes, it's true. Agile, fast, tough, durable, blunderbussy, and with the best attack craft short of Eldar. Strike Cruisers in large amounts should make you feel dirty.


AmRep probably fits the best, for Chaos. Has the vibe.

Na, that makes you a nicer player in this case, pretty much regardless of what those ships are. :D


Remember, an average chapter only has 3-6 Strike Cruisers, and one battle barge if they're lucky. The majority of ships are going to be escort class, so what you're doing is going to be more fluffy, which is always good.

B-but, you already have:

- Ark Mechanicus/Retribution BB

- Emperor BB

- 1 Overlord CC

- 2 Mars CC

- 2 Tyrant/Dominator CA

- 2 Lunar CA

- 2 Dictator CVV

- 6 Sword FF

- 10 Cobra DD

Isn't it enough??

Ha, no, of course not. I see no Dauntless CL, for instance. msn-wink.gif

The cool thing is that you can field the entire collection legally. The 6 cruisers feed the 3 battlecruisers, and they all feed the battleships.


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